The Arch Wilder

Vulpesen sighed and stretched out his muscles as he stepped off the Vixen. Even Ace, with plenty of room on the ship due to his minute stature, had leapt from his shoulder to stretch his muscles on the ground. Around him, he watched as several other small ships unloaded their passengers, fellow members of the Dark Hand. He had requested that this be quiet, particularly as to avoid earning too much attention from the Mandalorians. He still wasn't sure what they thought of his business on this planet, or even if they knew about his regular trips. So good to be home. Vulpesen smiled as Ace's voice popped into his head. In truth, it had been quite some time since his constant companion had been back home.
"I hope everyone's ready. If you've got the force, grab a blaster, if you're lucky, you might have access to the force during half the time we're out here. And no telling when something out here will try to kill ya. The plants, the vornskr, honestly, this place just hates visitors in general." Any mission on Myrkr might have sounded like suicide. But after so many times on its surface, Vulpesen knew certain trails like the palm of his hand. Every branch, vine, and growl was familiar to him. For Ace, the entire area was his home. It was here that he was born, within the safety of the Ashlan conclave, the place where they were now heading
Vulpesen had visited a few times with company. Alexandra Cinthra, Neshoba Nodi. It was his way of showing kinship and trust. And now, with the Dark Hand, the conclave would see a sudden spike in its sentient bonds. They lived for them, and they proved useful for those they bonded with. Each Ashlan wolf was connected to a telepathic net, something that so far seemed impossible to attune to by any other means. Perfect for com systems... if you didn't mind the comms talking back.
[member="Adron Malvern"] [member="Bloodstone"] [member="Cynthia Raxis"] [member="Darth Pellax"] [member="Decker Willo"] [member="Drogh"] [member="Lord Nexus"] [member="Mercutio"] [member="Nemo"] [member="Ra'a'mah"] [member="Rann Thress"] [member="Stardust Bloodstone"]