Location: Geonosis – The Citadel - Training Hall Two
Time: 0600 Hours
Equipment: Fangs of Death, Shadow Legion Training Slacks
Tag: | Vyse de Valorous |
Time: 0600 Hours
Equipment: Fangs of Death, Shadow Legion Training Slacks
Tag: | Vyse de Valorous |
Many a month had past since Vyse Valorous had officially become an Initiate of the Knights Obsidian, and become Squire to the Lord Marshal Taramaz Arcturus.
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For the most part, the Master had been too far preoccupied with his many duties, first filling the role of Leader of his People, and Head of his Maternal Family. Then, he had the added duties expected of the Captain of the Viceguard, protectors of the Vicelord. Just when it all seemed to calm down, he was called again to fulfil a grander duty. The oversight and management of all Knights Obsidian assets within the Frontier Sector of Confederate Space.
But once he had settled in to this role... the Knights Obsidian were set upon by an Enigma of the Force that decimated their numbers, turning Knight against Knight, Master against Apprentice, Twin against Twin. None were safe, save those of strong will, or holding an artefact of protection.
Such was Life.
To turn away every opportunity to tend to minor duties and responsibilities that would be so easy to get out of the way, if Life would only relax for a day.
One such responsibility was the training of the Squire, Vyse Valorous.
A duty that had been pushed back, to the side, knocked off the table, picked up and put on a higher shelf out of reach. So neglected was it that when Taramaz had finally received a moment of piece... he wondered if he should truly remain as the master of the Squire, after all, if so much could happen in so little time that he, for so long, could not so much as train his apprentice... then what good was he as a master?
The obvious answer was, of course, yes.
For all the good it might do, it would simply be improper and lazy for him to palm his responsibilities off to the lower caste, especially when time began to include him in it's planning more often. The Knights and Masters who did not make up the Obsidian Lords were most definitely overworked as it was, being preoccupied with rebuilding after the Cataclysm.
So, rather than prolong this task, the Lord Marshal had taken to his Holocomm, and informed his Squire to be in Training Hall Two, within the Citadel on Geonosis. For what? Training.
So long he had neglected this, and so long the Squire had been trained by others, at the vague instruction of the Lord Marshal, that it might come as a surprise to him. Having just returned from a long period of time spent learning the Philosophy of the Force, it might be a relief.
It was only right that Taramaz should pick up upon the minimal training the Initiate had received, for most likely his skills would be rusty.
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Within Training Hall Two, Taramaz waited. His arms were clasped behind his back, his excellent physique highlighted by the form-fitting uniform he wore. It was something that might better belong with a helmet, and proper torso gear, yet that was not it's purpose. It's purpose was to clothe the Viceguard and Phobus Legion's soldiers during their intensive training. His shoulders held a patch, the Confederate Flag with a silver star on every Compass Point, four in total.
It was a rank insignia, one that marked him as the Marshal Dusk of the Phobus Legion. It was a little known Legion, so nearly out of it's creation, yet so far from finalisation. It would be a mighty Legion, one to make it's name known in History Books the Galaxy Over.
But the future had no place in the present.
Hooked to his belt were two hilts. Hilts belonging to lightsabers; Of the Crossguard design.
Otherwise, there was nothing of note, his crimson eyes glistening ever so slightly in the artificial light. The room was stark, not a thing of interest within it other than the Lord Marshal himself.
His eyes remained fixed upon the door. Waiting.