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Private Assessment and Assault | Training Thread

Taramaz Arcturus




Location: Geonosis – The Citadel - Training Hall Two
Time: 0600 Hours
Equipment: Fangs of Death, Shadow Legion Training Slacks
Tag: | Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous |

Many a month had past since Vyse Valorous had officially become an Initiate of the Knights Obsidian, and become Squire to the Lord Marshal Taramaz Arcturus.

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For the most part, the Master had been too far preoccupied with his many duties, first filling the role of Leader of his People, and Head of his Maternal Family. Then, he had the added duties expected of the Captain of the Viceguard, protectors of the Vicelord. Just when it all seemed to calm down, he was called again to fulfil a grander duty. The oversight and management of all Knights Obsidian assets within the Frontier Sector of Confederate Space.

But once he had settled in to this role... the Knights Obsidian were set upon by an Enigma of the Force that decimated their numbers, turning Knight against Knight, Master against Apprentice, Twin against Twin. None were safe, save those of strong will, or holding an artefact of protection.

Such was Life.

To turn away every opportunity to tend to minor duties and responsibilities that would be so easy to get out of the way, if Life would only relax for a day.

One such responsibility was the training of the Squire, Vyse Valorous.

A duty that had been pushed back, to the side, knocked off the table, picked up and put on a higher shelf out of reach. So neglected was it that when Taramaz had finally received a moment of piece... he wondered if he should truly remain as the master of the Squire, after all, if so much could happen in so little time that he, for so long, could not so much as train his apprentice... then what good was he as a master?

The obvious answer was, of course, yes.

For all the good it might do, it would simply be improper and lazy for him to palm his responsibilities off to the lower caste, especially when time began to include him in it's planning more often. The Knights and Masters who did not make up the Obsidian Lords were most definitely overworked as it was, being preoccupied with rebuilding after the Cataclysm.

So, rather than prolong this task, the Lord Marshal had taken to his Holocomm, and informed his Squire to be in Training Hall Two, within the Citadel on Geonosis. For what? Training.

So long he had neglected this, and so long the Squire had been trained by others, at the vague instruction of the Lord Marshal, that it might come as a surprise to him. Having just returned from a long period of time spent learning the Philosophy of the Force, it might be a relief.

It was only right that Taramaz should pick up upon the minimal training the Initiate had received, for most likely his skills would be rusty.

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Within Training Hall Two, Taramaz waited. His arms were clasped behind his back, his excellent physique highlighted by the form-fitting uniform he wore. It was something that might better belong with a helmet, and proper torso gear, yet that was not it's purpose. It's purpose was to clothe the Viceguard and Phobus Legion's soldiers during their intensive training. His shoulders held a patch, the Confederate Flag with a silver star on every Compass Point, four in total.

It was a rank insignia, one that marked him as the Marshal Dusk of the Phobus Legion. It was a little known Legion, so nearly out of it's creation, yet so far from finalisation. It would be a mighty Legion, one to make it's name known in History Books the Galaxy Over.

But the future had no place in the present.

Hooked to his belt were two hilts. Hilts belonging to lightsabers; Of the Crossguard design.

Otherwise, there was nothing of note, his crimson eyes glistening ever so slightly in the artificial light. The room was stark, not a thing of interest within it other than the Lord Marshal himself.

His eyes remained fixed upon the door. Waiting.


Vyse casually walked down the halls of the great citadel, he had not had the pleasure of staying in it much. He made sure he would not be late having set off early, so he took his time enjoying the sights of it's grandeur, dispute hints of it's semi recent utter horror it experienced in the odd corner.

He reached finally the large doors to the traditional training home of his order, where his master Taramaz Arcturus whom he had not seen in some time await him. He found them open, as he was able to see his master and vice versa.

An instant smile upon his face, happy to finally be reunited after being gone for so long. His master was also able to see how he looked, his hair was still short but now he carried a far more relaxed air about him. Before he didn't need the force to see he was practically acting like a soldier who if he spoke the wrong word was to be sent to the Kessel mines.

His outfit also added to this, simple crimson and silver robes with a naval dark blue cloak, the former a clear a gift from his hosts. However, the cloak was clearly addiction of his own. Displaying he felt relaxed enough to customize.

He strode with excitement to him giving a greeting, smile on his face as he did. "It is wonderful to finally see you again my lord." he said in a clearly cheery tone that conveyed his genuine feelings. He knelt once he reached him, bowing his head down still with a happy smirk. Clearly however with confidence instead of a the scared kow towing he was practically doing before.

"I thank you for the trip you sent me on. I've learned much since we have last met thanks to my gracious hosts. But now I happy to be returned to you and am very happy to do thy bidding." He spoke in a formal tone, but clearly a joyful one. And he could sense his words to be genuine, so he wasn't simply showering him with praise in some ploy to earn favor. Even as his gratitude came off a bit strong, at least he wasn't resentful clearly. Hopefully he wasn't doing this to everyone he met. Vyse waited for his command to raise his head, keeping to his noble traditions he was trained in.

Taramaz Arcturus




Location: Geonosis – The Citadel - Training Hall Two
Time: 0600 Hours
Equipment: Fangs of Death, Shadow Legion Training Slacks
Tag: | Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous |

"Be silent, my apprentice, lest I may think that I have sent you for many a month to learn nothing. Perhaps the Revanites were too lax for my purposes."

Once Vyse had passed the doors, they soon slammed shut, silent to the outside, but allowing the strike of metal against metal to echo throughout the Second Training Hall. The clicking of multiple pieces of metal soon followed, once more, silent to the outside, reverberating on the inside. It was the sound of many locks clicking into place.

Though mainly unused, the locks were there for a good reason. Recent additions after the Great Calamity that allowed larger rooms to be turned into bunkers in times of siege and strife. They would, effectively, seal the whole room off to all but the most powerful of blows.

The way of the Sith is not pleasantries and bootlicking. From the Revanites, all you were to take was their philosophy of pragmatism. They were to educate you on the very basics so I need no waste my time teaching you instinct. Sith do not smile. They are not happy and energetic. Kindness and Happiness are masks we wear to accomplish our goals."

"When entering the presence of your Master, as a Sith, you must approach, kneel, and address them as 'My Lord'. You will say no more unless they instruct you to. If they have given you a task, then you are to quickly and efficiently report in on it's success, failure or it's progress otherwise. This is the way of the Sith. It is the way in which you will carry yourself if you wish to learn of the Dark Side from me. Do I make myself clear?"

Given a moment to respond, and no more, before his Master pulled his hands from behind his back, and held them outstretched, palms upturned. His hands slowly rose, and with them, panels slid out of the walls and floor, racks carrying every weapon imaginable. From lightwhips, to lightsaber pikes, to greatswords and basic blades.

It would soon become clear, if Vyse had not already known, that the focus of their first lesson together would be combat, in contrast to the starting philosophy. Once these racks were all fully in place, Taramaz dropped his hands, crossing them behind his back.

"Apprentice, recite for me the Sith Code and explain the meaning of every line."

It was an easy task, given that all Sith learnt it during their tutelage at the Sith Academy on Korriban, or used to. Regardless, all Sith learnt it was a basic part of their training. Yet, in an order where one was not taught to be Sith simply because they chose to follow the Dark Side, it was all but unpractised.

And so the Lord Marshal had commanded his Apprentice, Vyse, to take to the Citadel Library and research it. For there would be no lack of documentation on it, given the extensiveness of the Library, lest he face punishment.

The real question, though, was whether the Apprentice would attempt to bluff, admit to failing in his task, or answer his master's question correctly.


Tags: Taramaz Arcturus
Vyse kept his head lowered as he continue to kneel before his Master quiet as commanded, not that it was hard as he was in a bit of shock. His masters change of demeanor from their last interaction was a staggering experience. He instinctively pondered why, but shortly realized now was not the time for such questions. He knew he needed to give him his undivided attention and he would need to reply to any commands in short order.

He did grew worried about the door sealing behind him, he had seen first hand those events didn't tend to end well for those on the receiving end. However, he kept his calm and resolved to execute any command as perfectly as he was capable. He didn't feel his life threaten just yet. But it was a clear demonstration of his lords control.

"Understood My Lord." Vyse spoke in reply within his short period of time given. His tone massively changed, the cheer and warmed drained for it. It was passionless and tranquil. How a servant would speak with their Lord. Such a reply and tone were so spot on and drastic from his last tone it's like a switch was flipped. Being of the high nobility himself, Taramaz knew instantly he must have experience serving a strict master of some such, weather noble or low born.

Vyse had kept his head lowered, not wishing to raise it unless commanded such. His eyes even as his head held in place glancing to the weapons rack, easily indeed understanding the objective of their training. Upon hearing his Lords latest command he replied near instantly, it taking a single moment to remember his teachings with clarity. Vyse being a dutiful student and had obeyed his masters command in researching with vigor.

"Peace is a lie, there is only passion: It means that peace is simply stagnation, depriving us of the challenges we face, that make us strong."

"Though passion, I gain strength: That we shall seek greater and greater adversity, in order to continue to grow our strengths as apposed to decay."

"Though strength, I gain power: That victory gained without strife, without hardship is meaningless. You've learned nothing, you've not improved yourself."

"Though power, I again victory: That victory gained without asserting your strength, your dominance over those who you seek to best, then it is not a true victory for it is not lasting."

"Though victory, my chains are broken: That through all your struggles and trials, you've become so powerful to free yourself from the restrictions of those placed upon you, your power great enough, that you are now fully in control of your own destiny."

"Though the Force, I am free: That the force is our servant, and master. Our teacher and companion, our weapon and tool, to know it, is to know the universe, and to master it is to master the universe, that though strive for perfection, the force shall reward me."

His answer answer was perfectly paced, his tone calm and clear as he continue to kneel for his Lord, awaiting his further orders, forcing away any anxiety to focus on his next command.


Taramaz Arcturus




Location: Geonosis – The Citadel - Training Hall Two
Time: 0600 Hours
Equipment: Fangs of Death, Shadow Legion Training Slacks
Tag: | Vyse de Valorous Vyse de Valorous |

"Good, you listen."

An aura of satisfaction briefly radiated from Taramaz, a telepathic expression of pleasure with his Apprentice's response. His hand hovered in the air, his palm slowly upturning and his hand rising further. A sign to rise, to any who possessed common sense and some slither of intuition.

"You are correct, my Apprentice. This is the Code that you will apply to your everyday life. You will live by the Code of the Sith, you will quote it when you see an opportunity. You will recite it at Dawn, at Noon and at Dusk. Before every meal. Before battle and after it. It will be the mantra that you arm your soul with, what you fight for will be arm that wields the weapon."

His hand then closed to a fist, only his index finger remaining. His hand drifted to the side, pointing to the opposite end of the rectangular hall, making it clear where he wished for his Squire to go. He then lowered his hand, his palm still open. One of his hilts flew to his hand as he himself made his way to one side of the Hall.

Though, rather than walk, run or jog as a normal person might, he simply pushed one foot back, crouching slightly, and took a step forward, pushing off the ground. He tilted his body back, the Force Jump quite successful, his mastery of the Force evident as he landed almost exactly in the middle of his side of the Hall.

Arm yourself, my Apprentice. Your own blade, for the time being."

He held the blade to his side, holding his other arm across his back, reducing his figure. It was clear that he expected his Apprentice to mimic his actions, as they were much akin to formality rather than any strategy to lure his guard away from him.

The Lord Marshal straightened one leg behind, placing the arm that held the hilt of his saber across the front of his waist, bowing to his partner, before pulling his leg back into place graciously, steadying himself. He raised his blade, holding it just below his chin, his arm straight, bent at a perfect angle. It was a perfect example of the Makashi Salute, the initial phase of the Second Form of Lightsaber Combat.

He then swung his arm to the side, holding the hilt to his side, his other arm still behind his back. With his blade to his side, he finally ignited it.

Taramaz's saber burst into light, the blade a burning, flaming white. The crossguards were a stunning, also flaming, violet. It was possible to say that the blade looked less like that of a lightsaber, and more akin to a sword of flames.

He then lunged forward, swing his blade up, aiming to strike that blade of his opponent. He then pulled back, and swung from a different angle, slowly advancing upon his Squire, seeming to try and push him back.

His arm moved in a blur; countless strikes aimed to pinpoint perfection, continuously targeting Vyse' blade, to keep it in one place by way of constantly knocking it off balance. When he struck from one side, his next strike was from the other side. When he struck for the point, he then aimed for the base.

It was extremely predictable, seeming to rely on speed and continuity to keep his partner's offense immobilised, whilst pushing him back, towards the wall. He fought not as a warrior, but as a duellist. He put little visible effort into the fight, not constantly pushing to overpower his opponent, but rather to make them work against themselves, using his superior strength, speed and stamina.

He fought not as a berserker, but as a fencer.


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