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Codex Denied Asternesse

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Ercyr Vrynfaros

The High Kingdom of Asternesse
Ivgidândo ky Vlutrenetro


"I am Ercyr, I am the land."

  • Planet Name: Asternesse, the High Kingdom of Asternesse
  • Demonym: Asternian
  • Region: Unknown Regions.
  • System Name: Ord Asternesse
  • System Features: Ord Asternesse II and III, the twin moons that orbit the world. | Asternesse Prime, the blue star that the planet itself orbits.
  • Location:
  • Major Imports: Very limited importing, most to keep the New Imperial outposts on the world operating.
  • Major Exports: Silver ore | Durasteel ore | Songsteel ore
  • Unexploited Resources: The amount of ore actually mined by the populace is hardly scratching the surface of what is actually possible in terms of the amount exported. Trimantium ore is found in the deeper portions of the world. Along with natural oil and gas despots all across the planet. The forests of the world, also, have barely been touched as the society is pre-industrial by nature.

  • Gravity: Standard
  • Climate: Temperate.
  • Primary Terrain: Grasslands, plains, mountain ranges, deserts. Most Earthlike biomes and terrains. Tropical, dry, temperate, continental, and polar climates.
  • Atmosphere: Type I

  • Capital City: Gulthordas, the Golden City
  • Planetary Features: Asternesse is pre-industrial by it's nature, sitting at a similar tech level globally to 12th Century Europe. Due to this, a majority of the settlements and features of the world are rural farming villages, normally dominated by a singular church of some description. Of course this varies depending on the region, from huts, longhouses, and Romanesque settlements are the norm. Cities proper do exist, and many of them are constructed out of stonework and walled to keep out traditional styles of sieges that are common on the world.
  • Major Locations:
    • Câdântul | The Northern Continent
    • Kithântul | The Southern Continent
    • Ânedruo | The Island Chains
    • Endas Atl | The Great Ocean
  • Native Species: Humans | Near-Humans
  • Immigrated Species: Kaleesh | Yam'rii
  • Population: Sparse - 94 Million
  • Demographics: The most common race on Asternesse is undoubtedly humanity, dominating the world by a large margin. However, there are secluded communities of near-human offshoots along with Kaleesh and Yam'rii bodyhunter outposts across the worlds. Normally, these are regarded as demons by the local populations of peasants, and are poorly understood.
  • Primary Languages: Common Asternian | Galactic Basic | Various native sub-national languages of various families
  • Culture: [ General overview of the inhabitant's behaviors. This should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion. ]
  • Government: Absolute Global Monarchy
  • Affiliation: The New Imperial Order | Ercyr Vrynfaros
  • Wealth: Low Describe, briefly, why.
  • Stability: Medium
  • Freedom & Oppression: The rule of High King Vrynfaros, and every last claim to the dynasty the past two hundred years, has been marked with intense and harsh authoritarian measures to ensure the rule of Asternesse is not questioned. Tithes are given regularly to the central government in order to keep the peasantry just on the cusp of starvation levels of poverty, feudal vassals are guarded close by those loyal to the High King, with the threat of death should they step outside of line, and in general there are active polices engaged by the royal domain in order to keep the advancement of Asterian society in social, tech, and cultural fields stagnant and unmoving. Any priest, soothsayer, or scientist who's words go a bit outside of the state standard are put to the sword. Poets and bards who dare to speak up against such injustices meet a similar farte.

  • Military:
  • Technology:

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