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Approved Species Astrians

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  • Intent: Making a race for Aayla to be a member of, and her explain her unique abilities.
  • Image Credit:Greg Long on Instagram
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links:N/A
  • Name: Astrian
  • Designation: [Sentient]
  • Origins: Unidentified Homeworld.
  • Average Lifespan: 150 to 200 years.
  • Estimated Population: Semi-Unique (An extremely small number, first or last of their kind).
  • Description: At first glance, members of this species might be confused for Arkanians, or Sephis, but they are in fact their own beings.
  • Breathes: Type 1
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.6 to 1.8 meters
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Between pale white and light brown.
  • Hair color: Typically white, blonde, or silver, brown is considered rare.
  • Distinctions: The one major difference between Astrians and their fellow look alike races, is there is a silver glint to their eyes that is believed to have evolved during their time in the netherworld; giving them the ability to view force spirits more easily
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All


    • [Force Empowered The Astrian people are gifted with the force after their years of traveling through the nether. As such, they are able to interact with and communicate with force entities much easier than most force users. ]
    • At Peace With the World Their unique biology has given them a level of super human balance, making them nimble and agile in their movements, never losing their balance no matter the complexity of their movements. ]
    • Long Lived Being blessed with the force, the Astrians are long lived, living twice as long as humans.]
    • Touching the Otherside Through eons of travel, Astrians are able to more easily reach into the netherworld of the force, albeit with the proper training and location.]

    • [ Force Dependent Astrians are very much dependent on their connection to the force, and being deprived of it or having it nullified can be a major ordeal to their sense of self. ]
    • [ Vulnerable to Attack Their unique relationship with force spirits can be a detriment as well, as Astrians can be targeted by force spirits and harmed in ways that normally wouldn’t be allowed. ]
    • Aloof Their wandering nature often puts them in a sense of cluelessness, as to Astrians there is little need to worry of the galaxy at large, not when the realm of the force is infinite and expansive. This makes it difficult for them to make friends outside their small connection, keeping their group rather isolated from the outside world.]

    • Diet: Omnivore.
    • Communication: Vocal communication, Astrian language is an offshoot of the Arkanian tongue.
    • Technology level: The Astrian people are below normal technological progression, but given their strength in their force techniques, they often find little reason to use it.
    • Religion/Beliefs: The Astrian people believe in following the flow of the force, and acting as the ‘mediators’ of the living and the dead realms of the force, using their gifts to sow contention or malice into the spirits they encounter, and trying to retain a sense of removal from the galaxy as a whole. They tend to fall on more of a ‘hippie’ culture of sorts, living in small communities, and seemingly taking the world as it comes, wit no desire to interact with the larger galactic community in any meaningful way.
    • General behavior: The Astrian people are more of a tribal nomadic group rather than a group of explorers. Often, Astrians will find a remote world and settle upon it for many years, growing in tune with it, nurturing it, communicating with the departed spirits and expended energies of the world, before moving on. They rarely engage with communication with outsiders, and will leave a world if an outsider becomes too curious or prying for their liking. While they are not a hostile people, and prefer to flee rather than fight, they will not hesitate to defend themselves.

      They teach their children by oral storytelling, and keep their knowledge of force techniques to those that strengthen the body and mind, with little focus given on telekinesis. Their most unique ability however, is their ability to travel into the netherworld of the force; via group ritual practice. This ritual is considered to be exceptionally sacred to them, and is absolutely forbidden from being shared with outsiders.
The Arkanian people do not remember their original homeworld, nor is most of their earliest history known to them. It is believed that just as the culture of the Arkanian people sought innovation and pushed their studies to new heights, so too did the Astrian people. It is believed that the first Astrians were merely force using Arkanian scientists, looking to experiment with the Force Netherworld. The experiments that they underwent are merely speculative, as it is believed that if they had succeeded, they would have been trapped within the netherworld, unable to return. If this belief is to be found true, then the first solidified group of Astrians were scientific innovators who surrendered to the force as a means to survive, learning how to adapt to the netherworld of the force as a trial or right of passage. This is merely speculative however, given the similarities found in Arkanian and Astrians biology; though much research still needs to be conducted.

The truth is, is that was exactly what occurred. Arkanian scientists began to experiment with the Force Netherworld eons ago, and in a shocking display, accidentally trapped many of themselves within the Netherworld, with no way back. It was believed that these researchers were killed, destroyed by a strange portal, and that this sort of study was forbidden given the nature of which catastrophe struck. In truth, the scientists managed to survive, though lost in a realm they knew nothing about, or had any concept of escaping. The group consisted of little over seventy people, many of which were blessed with some level of force capability. In time, they would learn and uncover more about this new realm they inhabited, coming to see themselves as chosen by destiny to uphold the balance of this realm, and the one they had come from.

Time continued on, the Netherworld continued to infuse itself within the survivors, and the number of force sensitives continued to grow. In time, they formed a small tribe of force users, learned how to manipulate and change the world around them, and eventually, travel from the realm of the force, to the realm of the living. By then, thousands of years had passed, and they found themselves within a galaxy that was far different than that of what their families had spoken of long ago.

No record of the Astrian people is known, as the people do not record their own history, relying instead on oral tales; many of which are contradicted by their own members of their group.

Additional Credits - Massive Credits go to Bright4 Bright4 for intellectual contribution to this submission.
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