Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Asylum Interest Check

Howdy! I've had this idea in my backpocket for a long time, and with some time jumps and character changes, the time is now!

Name: Asylum

Age: February 25th, 2015

Purpose: Be the Refuge, the Sanctuary, the Shelter. Build up the Wall, defend with the Shield, wrap the galaxy in the arms of Asylum.

Why it took till now to reveal: Chupa has changed from what people may know him as. Time changes people. The galaxy needs a change.

Code: Refuge/Sanctuary/Shelter; Wall/Shield/Asylum

Potential Allies: The Lords of the Fringe, and any up and coming factions. We are a great mixing pot, and we offer our hand out in Refuge.

Government: We have a mixture of Marxist/Leninist Communism, and Nationalism. We have Directors rather than Emperors: Director of the Wall, Director of the Shield and Director of Asylum (security and economy, military and sciences, diplomacy and law, respectively).

FU/NFU: We welcome both. Since we are still in a stage of faction infancy, I'm going to say we wait and see who joins us before jumping the gun and setting up IC FU and NFU divisions.

Why you should join: New factions are the lifeblood of Chaos, and our faction is different right from the get-go. We want you to stay and enjoy writing with and for Asylum. You are our greatest asset, because through Asylum we will make great changes to the galaxy IC and to the board OOC. In character, we will spread out and make the galaxy as safe a place as we can, defending as many people as we can when we add planets to our borders and securing the Wall against those who wish to dishonor the sanctity of Asylum. Out of character, I want Asylum to be a supportive environment. I want people to be like, "We need to be more like Asylum, look how awesome they are!" You, who are reading this, are important to me and to Asylum. It's you guys and gals that make roleplaying on Chaos as enjoyable as it has always been, and with your help, we'll make Chaos even better!

Who can join?: Anyone. Good, evil, middle of the road; all are accepted in Asylum.

Nickolas Imura said:
Internal fights.

What if two want to go at it while at the asylum? [member="Chupa La'Roi"]
Great question!

Internal fighting is one of the restrictions of Asylum. If it's training or simply duelling for fun, it's okay. If it's based on hatred or pre-Asylum feuds, the offender is brought to a court; as Architects of the Wall and Forgers of the Shield, a crack in the system is a flaw that needs correcting.

So while a Jedi and a Sith, for instance, could both join Asylum, they could not continue their feuding within Asylum. Asylum is a banner of unity, where enemies can become friends against a common cause. The enemy of my enemy is my ally? The enemy of my enemy is Asylum.

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