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Approved Vehicle AT-LST "Sanngriðr"

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———Blackened Valkyrie———
Factory Judge



  • Intent: To develop a hypermobile light tank to be used during the opperations of the Black Valkyrie Regiment and Kainite forces
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/a
  • Permissions: x, x
  • Primary Source: N/a

  • Manufacturer: Malsheem
  • Affiliation: The Kainite, Black Valkyrie Regiment
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: All Terrain Light Spider Tank "Sanngriðr" (pronounced as "San-grid-ur")
  • Modularity: Mortar can be exchanged with an Ordinance Launcher
  • Production: Minor
  • Material:



  • Hypermobile + A marvel of engineering, this 8-legged walker boasts low-yield repulsors and burst jump thrusts, allowing it to swiftly maneuver in all directions with unparalleled agility on the battlefield. Whether darting between cover, scaling obstacles, or evading enemy fire, Sanngriðr's advanced mobility capabilities make it a formidable presence in any engagement. For the most experiences of pilots it is not unheard of to see shocking maneuvers.

  • Metal Coffin - The shield enveloping this craft serves as its primary line of defense, absorbing enemy fire and deflecting incoming attacks. However, once this protective barrier is depleted, the vehicle becomes vulnerable to the devastating firepower of anti-tank munitions and ordinances, capable of swiftly neutralizing its defenses and rendering it susceptible to destruction.
  • Joint Pain - All 16 joints, left exposed and unarmored, present critical vulnerabilities. Significant damage to any one of these joints can disable a leg, severely hindering or completely immobilizing the vehicle's movement capabilities.

The silhouette of the AT-LST's "Sanngriðr" resembled that of a prowling spider, its brandished main battery are reminiscent of a scorpion's tail. It is a machine with Eight long, jointed legs with Black armor. Since Sanngriðr development, the amount of protection it possesses can only be described as bare minimum, and the soldiers piloting Sanngriðr, there was little chance of surviving a hit. Much like most conventional AFVs, Sanngriðr lacked any sort of life-preserving equipment such as airbags, and the pilot is only kept strapped into the seat by a harness. however the legs maneuverability is slightly superior to that of a treadmill tank.

The tandem cockpit is comprised of two seats adjacent to each other, the right for the driver and the left for the gunner. The cockpit uses a projector system to create a HUD in front of the pilot or sent to optical/neuro cybernetic implants. There are normal displays on both sides of the cockpit's for engine power and resource management. The cockpit's seal is able to protect Processors from biological and chemical weapons while also preventing water seeping in.

The Sanngriðr impressive performances, however, are a double-edged sword. It's a challenging machine for average pilots who have trouble handling its insane maneuverability. Many operators were killed during its early stages of testing. Its light armor also means that pilots have little room for error in combat. So far, The Sanngriðr has an abysmal operational history under the hands of regular pilots. They failed to utilize the unit's mobility and died within their first few engagements. Nonetheless, When it was in the right hands, the Sanngriðr was a brutally efficient fighting machine.
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