Count of House Nalju
No matter how different many cultures were, there was always some sort of universal trait that people shared in common. Honor. War. Revenge. Marriage. There was more than that those few examples, but the most basic traits people shared across the stars of the Galaxy. The only small difference there was, was the method behind them. Anyone could get married, but it all depended on the guidelines and process. Those of the Mandalorian creed were quite different to how a noble of Serenno would marry their engaged partner. Different customs, but for the same purpose.
Emotions were also a universal thing to share. But there was no specific guidelines to feel happiness or be upset. It was a natural thing that occurred depending on the chemistry of one’s brain and other biological factors.
But the one emotion the young exiled Serennian count was feeling was being quite, frankly, angry and upset.
“I cannot believe you secured an appoint with someone that’s random and worthless, Girral,” the count expressed his disappointment openly with his loyal advisor, one that fled from Serenno with Dorin when the lessers of his family overthrew his father, the main line of House Nalju.
“Settle down, my Lord. This isn’t something to be so fluster about, especially on this beautiful world we’re on.”
“I was hoping to meet someone from the royalty of Naboo or somewhere that isn’t so obscure and irrelevant. It’s my time, after all.”
“If I may, my Lord, I don’t think a noble from Naboo would entertain the thought of meeting with a count that is in exile. Just a point, not a jab.”
“Feels like otherwise.”
“Just...” Dorin’s advisor dragging on his words to breathe, obviously annoyed at the attitude coming from his liege, “ with the damn woman. That is all; at least make my time worthwhile in securing this appointment I tirelessly worked for.”
“Fine, fine. Whatever. Now whatever is next. Let me enjoy some peace between me and the wine, if you want me on a good behavior.”