Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private At Odds

Count of House Nalju

No matter how different many cultures were, there was always some sort of universal trait that people shared in common. Honor. War. Revenge. Marriage. There was more than that those few examples, but the most basic traits people shared across the stars of the Galaxy. The only small difference there was, was the method behind them. Anyone could get married, but it all depended on the guidelines and process. Those of the Mandalorian creed were quite different to how a noble of Serenno would marry their engaged partner. Different customs, but for the same purpose.

Emotions were also a universal thing to share. But there was no specific guidelines to feel happiness or be upset. It was a natural thing that occurred depending on the chemistry of one’s brain and other biological factors.

But the one emotion the young exiled Serennian count was feeling was being quite, frankly, angry and upset.

“I cannot believe you secured an appoint with someone that’s random and worthless, Girral,” the count expressed his disappointment openly with his loyal advisor, one that fled from Serenno with Dorin when the lessers of his family overthrew his father, the main line of House Nalju.

“Settle down, my Lord. This isn’t something to be so fluster about, especially on this beautiful world we’re on.”

“I was hoping to meet someone from the royalty of Naboo or somewhere that isn’t so obscure and irrelevant. It’s my time, after all.”

“If I may, my Lord, I don’t think a noble from Naboo would entertain the thought of meeting with a count that is in exile. Just a point, not a jab.”

“Feels like otherwise.”

“Just...” Dorin’s advisor dragging on his words to breathe, obviously annoyed at the attitude coming from his liege, “ with the damn woman. That is all; at least make my time worthwhile in securing this appointment I tirelessly worked for.”

“Fine, fine. Whatever. Now whatever is next. Let me enjoy some peace between me and the wine, if you want me on a good behavior.”

Neina Raethi

L O C A T I O N | Ord Cantrell
W E A R I N G | [X]
T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju

“I don’t quite understand why we’re going to so much trouble for someone so… low.” Neina sighed out heavily as a sheen of fine blue silk fluttered down over her eyes.

The sigh turned into a gasp of surprise as shimmering white pearls settled against her skin. They were ice-cold, even despite having sat in the warmth of Ord Cantrell’s rising sun. Neina frowned at her reflection in the mirror when a caramel coloured woman with raven hair shrugged her shoulders hesitantly in response. The question had been rendered moot before it had even left Neina’s lips. Everyone currently present in the room knew far less than Neina, and Neina did not know much. There was little point in quizzing them, but the silence was just as frustrating.

It was an insult, really. Adumar had worked so very hard to get where it was today. To garner some recognition in the galaxy. Now it was being thrown away in the most embarrassing manner possible. Neina, of course, had heard of Serenno. An impressively refined place of beauty and culture. Where it not for the shame that lingered over her potential suitor’s head, Neina would have found excitement in the prospect of marrying him. As it was, he had dishonoured himself and the respect that came from a planet like Serenno entirely. He had allowed those lesser than him to besmirch his families name and titles. Simply put, he was a failure.

Neina wanted nothing to do with him.

She would have been more than content to spend the rest of her days entirely unaware of this man and his troubles. Let him wallow in them. It was the very least he deserved.

A resounding knock echoed through the rooms suddenly, cutting off her train of thought. Neina glanced at it once. “Are you decent, my darling?” The rumbling tone of her father called through the metal. “Yes.” Neina answered shortly as she tore herself away from the full-length mirror to sit in front of the dressing table. Hissing on hydraulic hinges, the door slid open to reveal his concerned face. Neina had always hated how he looked when he made that face. The face that said he knew she was upset with him, but he was going to play dumb anyway.

“You look beautiful…” He began with, hesitantly. Neina shrugged her shoulders and leant forward to fiddle with her chocolate brown locks. He sighed, heavily. Neina could feel the gust of air against her bare back. Even he could not pretend this tension away. “I’m sorry.” He spat out bluntly. “No, you’re not.” Neina responded, equally as harsh. The square-jawed man clenched every muscle he had in his body. Then released them in one go with a stream of grumbled words that Neina did not manage to catch.

He turned to leave, bellowing something to the servants on his way out. “Make sure she’s ready. We leave in half an hour.”
Count of House Nalju

The young Serennian took a hobby in emptying the contents of a wine bottle ever since the infamous incident when his family were besieged and humiliated by his lesser cousins. He wasn’t drunk...yet. It was just one bottle that he had started prior before this arrangement. Something to ease down his attitude and thoughts of meeting someone that is lesser than him.

Him. A noble from one of the main houses of Serenno engaging with someone of irrelevance? If anything, this woman would only ride on his tailcoats and bring fame to her family.

“Damn broad. Probably jumping in joy to having the privilege of meeting someone like me. Gah.”

The wine was already getting to him as he continued to utter things out in the open with no one to hear them except himself.

“Hopefully, nothing serious comes out of this. If so...well, I guess I’ll need a bigger wine cabinet.”

“My Lord?”

“Yes, yes, yes. What is it now? The hyperdrive stopped working? If yes, splendid!”

“Uh, no. We’ve already entered the system and we’ll be arriving shortly to the resort.”

“I was hoping we got lost and the pilot somehow managed to enter the wrong coordinates. Bloody hell.”

Disappointed and defeated he was. Now all he hoped for was that this woman got kidnapped by pirates or some sort of incident happened to cancel this arrangement.

“Hopefully she ate something to swell up her face. What is her name again, Girall?”

“Neina Raethi, my lord.”

“What a drab name, honestly.”

Well, he didn’t mean that. It was a rather unique name, just he was influenced by his emotions and the wine to think so.
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Neina Raethi

L O C A T I O N | Ord Cantrell
W E A R I N G | [X]
T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju

Neina sat with a face as sour as a lemon for the entire ride from the hotel to the meeting place. The tension in the cabin between her and her father was so great it could have been sliced with a wet sponge. Nobody dared move or make a sound, for fear of snapping it and causing catastrophic damage.

The only place that was not silent, though certainly wrought with equal amounts of tension, was Neina’s mind. A thousand and one things swirled through her it. Each thought was like a snowflake. Snowflakes, as many well know, often culminate together to form picturesque winter mornings. Or, on the opposite end of the scale and certainly in Neina’s case, a full-blown blizzard. All of it centred around this one man.

Dorin Nalju.

The shuttle came to a slow stop, shuddering slightly as the landing ramp stretched out to touch the surface. Neina made no effort to move, even when her father grunted heavily as he heaved his great weight out of the chair beside her. He got all the way to the door before he realised that she was not following him. “Neina.” He spoke sharply. “You can either sit here, sulk, and make it a thousand times worse for yourself. Or you make it easy on yourself, grow up and act like the princess you are.” Neina almost rolled her eyes. Almost.

“The former, please.” Her father grumbled so loudly she was certain she could feel it vibrating the seat beneath her. He took two mammoth steps back toward where Neina was sitting. In one fell swoop, he wrapped his thick hands around her arms and lifted her to her feet. Neina could do nothing but squirm uncomfortably. “Behave.” Was the only word he had to offer her as he began to frog march her off the ship.

Ord Cantrell’s sun was no longer as beautiful as it had been when they first arrived. The seemingly relaxing atmosphere that came hand in hand with this type of world had disappeared too. When Neina stepped out into the harsh yellow rays, she folded her arms tightly across her chest. Her father may have wanted her to act like a princess, but she would not be a puppet for him. She would not allow herself to be traded and bartered for a potentially beneficial relationship between the two planets.

Dorin did not even have a home planet. So how in force’s name this was supposed to be anything but a waste of time was beyond her.

“Girral, I presume?” The booming voice of her father called out to the figures standing just a short distance from them. Neina did not need to move any closer to smell the acrid stench of alcohol rolling of one of them in powerful waves. She could only hope it was not Dorin himself. “And this must be Dorin!” Her father said, turning his attention on the young Serennian noble. “Thank you for joining us here, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you both. Might I introduce my daughter, Neina.”

Neina made no move to smile or to even attempt a friendly face.
Count of House Nalju

“I really hope you don’t make a fool of yourself, my Lord. Not for my sake, I’m just a mere advisor. I don’t envy your position at all.”

“And because of me, you get paid handsomely just to move your mouth. So just shut it if you’re going to criticize me any further.”

Girral was indifferent at the retaliation of words from his liege, as it wasn’t his reputation at stake with this royal family. Reputation and image, while an archaic tradition, had strong roots with those hailing from royalty. Idolized to be chosen rulers, perfect and flawless; their command divine and unquestionable. Of course, all of that could be tainted easily with just one grave error.

“Just make sure to have the next bottle of wine ready once I’m through with this circus.”

“Surely you wouldn’t want something more heavier than that? It’ll be a benefit for all on the way back to Niruan.”

He only rolled his eyes at the comment of his advisor as the duo left the loading ramp of their shuttle to meet with their awaited guests. “Indeed that is me, sire,” Girral confirmed Neina’s father with a smile and a small bow to the man. Dorin followed suit with a small bow to the Raethi patriarch, his eyes moved towards his daughter that was his potential promised wife. He’d be lying to himself if he didn’t agree the woman was beautiful, wearing a daring ivory dress that showed some of her skin.

“Charmed to meet a beautiful woman, but I wonder if she can smile a bit? That face won’t really do any favors, don’t we all agree?”

Neina Raethi

L O C A T I O N | Ord Cantrell
W E A R I N G | [X]
T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju
As the group walked closer to greet each other, there was no denying that the man reflected all the whispers about Serennian nobles. He was indeed attractive. In response to his bow, she managed a stiff curtsy that pooled the hem of her dress across the floor.
It was only when he began to talk that Neina realised she had been right all along.
Up to now, she had displayed nothing but contempt, but she could not stop her face from falling. He was everything she had expected him to be. An insufferable noble with a head far too big for his shoulders, and a mouth far too wide for someone who lost everything.
“I would have the heart to smile if I were in the company of someone worthy of my time. As it is, I have been forced to meet with you instead.” Neina practically looked down her nose at him. “A worthless pile of nothing who lost his home to lesser beings.” There was a sudden, sharp gasp to her right. From the pitch of it, it could not have been her father, but there was no one else.
What followed after that was a deathly silence.
A silence in which Neina confirmed that there was nothing in this entire galaxy that would make her smile for Dorin Nalju. Unless, of course, someone decided to suddenly shoot him. She would smile then.
Her father, finally, spoke up. “I-..” He began but quickly choked on his words. He cleared his throat and tried again. “I believe we have much to discuss, Girral.” There was no saving the conversation now, but he could at least save himself, and the poor sod that Dorin had brought with him. “Come, I have a conference room set out for us.” The large man waved Girral over, but not before placing a hand on Neina’s shoulder and giving it a tight squeeze.
She knew what that meant, but she did not change the sour expression on her face.
Count of House Nalju

FOCUS | Neina Raethi
That left everyone in shock, eyes widened by Neina’s sudden choice of words that were brave and rude at the same time. Girral certainly was amused and rather awe of the woman’s behavior; the father certainly felt shame, and anger from that shame with her daughter not in check; and Dorin? Well, he was certainly the type to be offended by those words and would move swiftly to defend his honor. She crossed the line by a large step when she insulted him about his predicament of being exiled from his homeworld and how embarrassing it was to be usurped by those lesser than him.

Of course, he wouldn’t do it outright. Maybe have her father reprimand Neina for such barbaric attitude compared to their standards of society.

The silence that existed after her words was broken when Neina’s father spoke up. Trying to get a hold of words and continue as if what occurred just now didn’t happen at all. His reputation was at the line with his daughter misbehaving. All he could do was hope for the best that nothing else would be said out of place.

“Oh, yes. We should do that, make the best out of our time while we’re here,” Girral replied back to the Raethi patriarch.

Sitting down and having to stare at Neina wasn’t a way to kill time.

“Actually, if I may,” Dorin began for all of them to hear, “I think it might be best to allow me and Neina to get to know each other that way we can avoid any awkward moments between us. I think it’s a splendid idea.” he looked at both Girral and Neina’s father for approval while sounding noble as a facade.

“Don’t need my approval, my Lord. It depends on miss Raethi’s father.”

Neina Raethi

L O C A T I O N | Ord Cantrell
W E A R I N G | [X]
T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju
The word rang clearly in Neina’s mind, but for some reason, neither her throat nor her lips could manage to make them a reality.
No, no, no.
The word pressed on in her head. So aggressive and merciless that it forced her lips to open and shut like a fish swimming idly around its tank, but still nothing came.
Her gaze faltered, as did her sour expression. When she turned to catch her father’s face, it fell even more. He seemed excited at the prospect. Positively brimming at the chance to escape the awkward situation he had created for himself. Neina would not admit she was at fault here. If her father had not picked such a lowly match for her in the first place, this would not have been a problem.
Much to her dismay, the smile that her father placed on his face stretched from ear to ear. Like the sickening depiction of a cat in one of the stories he used to read to her. “Very well, young sir.” He coupled these words with an eager nod of his head. “I think that’s very wise.” He was all too quick to encourage Girral to follow him, and before long Neina was watching both of their forms disappearing behind a doorway.
She turned to Dorin with a scowl on her face. She assumed, that now they were alone, he thought himself the superior one. That the lack of escort would give him leave to put her in her place. With a now defiant look on her soft features, she turned her gaze onto him and waited.
If this was what he wanted, Neina would show him. She could play just as hard as any man.
Count of House Nalju

FOCUS | Neina Raethi
That was easier than he thought it would be. A wide grin presented itself for all of them to see as if delighted to hear the approval from Neina’s father. Delighted he was, but not for the reasons the man think they were. Girral? Well, he could speculate and probably assume what were Dorin’s intentions. Indifferent he was until it would affect him as well.

“Splendid!” continuing that facade of his, being painfully excited as he could be do be alone with Neina. The two men walked away from the pair before disappearing into the resort that was for their delighted pleasure. Money talks after all.

“Your father seems quite gullible, Neina,” he commented to the woman, his gaze shifted on her as his victorious smile remained on his face. Victory that now he was alone with her and could retort back without compromising his image. Who would blink first, be wonder. He was arrogant and stubborn to not let a slight go without a counter from his own. Upon Neina’s beauty, she gave her own defiant look at Dorin. She detested him, it was obvious. Dorin didn’t reach at those measures, he just couldn’t bear the thought of someone not his equal bearing his family name as his betrothed.

“Now what was it that you said? Something about worthy of your time? If I may, your family name holds no weight or merit compared to my own,” stepping forward and maintaining his demeanor, that winning attitude.

“Someone of your class should be privileged to even have a glance at me. Serenno is too good for your caliber.”

Neina Raethi

T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju
It did not take long for Neina’s prediction to come true. Almost the second her father and Dorin’s keeper had slipped behind closed doors, Dorin took his chance to strike.
“No more gullible than you.” She quipped back quickly.
If he was heading for a fight, then Neina was more than ready to face him. There was nothing this man could say that would upset her for longer than five minutes. His words held no more dominance over her than he held over his title on Serenno. Her father may have been a fool, but Neina was far from it. If he were to marry Neina, Dorin would be stepping up in the world. The very idea that a family such as hers would accept a man such as him….
It was almost laughable.
When he spoke again, her miscoloured eyes narrowed intensely at him. It was ironic, him talking of the weight and merit of names.
“My name may not hold as much weight as yours, but at least it does not hold weight as a coward. As a man who would abandon everything so easily and readily. To run and cower behind the shadows of greater men.” Neina turned her nose up at him, quite literally. “And yes, Serenno may not be my calibre but by your actions, or lack of them, you have proved it is further from your reaches than it is mine.”
She stared at him defiantly, allowing the smallest hint of a smirk to form over her lips. “That is why you need my hand, is it not?” She pressed on. “You can not take Serenno by yourself, because you are just as your name suggests. Weak. Pathetic. Unworthy.”
Count of House Nalju

FOCUS | Neina Raethi
So that was how she was going to be? Feisty. Abrasive. Despicable. Oh, the many adjectives Dorin could dub on Neina. She wasn’t like much of the women he had encountered in his life. All of them wooing and practically attending him for whatever his needs were, but that was so they could get something in return. Typical. Lust and greed were their motives, not love. Neina? Well, she was the first one to act in such an acute manner towards him.

Part of him admired it.

But the majority of him? Absolutely abhorred it. He was so used to women throwing themselves at him and not having to deal with an attitude like hers. No, he had to remain dominant and superior. All for his pride. His eyes continued to stare at her, resisting to not blink in front of her while choosing his words to retort back.

“You’re cute and funny, now why would I marry such a drab woman like yourself to reclaim what is mine? Are you this pretentious for someone as petty as you? Must be a way to flatter yourself.”

“But no, this is probably just a way to continue my family name through you. A privilege for the likes of you, but a damn disgrace for me to even have a child with you.”

She started this war? He’d finish something she couldn’t.

“A whore has better manners than you.”

Neina Raethi

T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju

He was one to talk of manners. Before Neina had even managed to get a word out, he had insulted her appearance. Why would she have accepted him so willingly after that?

Dorin was probably used to women fawning at him. Tripping over their own dresses just to get a chance to stand in his shadow. Well, that wasn’t Neina. She would have rather burned to a crisp in the sunlight than take refuge in his shade.

The muscles in her jaw tensed when he spoke again.

“You probably should have paid for a whore then. That sounds like someone more to your standards and a far more deserving recipient of your name. Lady Nalju the Whore sounds rather pretty next to Lord Nalju the Weak.” Neina turned her nose up to escape the sight of him. The smug look on his face was making her feel sick. “It’s extremely egotistical of you, Lord Nalju, to assume that I would allow you to stay long enough or come near enough to produce a child with me.”

There must have been something wrong with him. Maybe he was dropped on his head as a child or suffered severe trauma. Or maybe his brain just hadn’t quite matured correctly. Whatever it was, Neina would have sooner he stuck a knife in her stomach than anything else. At least that way the result would be something she actually wanted. “You may as well get back on your ship and go back to whatever bed you’re borrowing. I have no interest in marrying you.”
Count of House Nalju

FOCUS | Neina Raethi
She didn’t and wouldn’t back down. Didn’t change her demeanor not slightly. It was a battle of attrition between them, all because of their pride. The Serennian noble felt superior than Nina, and vice versa. From what Dorin could remember, he was always arrogant and stubborn. He wouldn’t let defeat win the day from him. It’s what happened when born and raised into a renowned House that’s existed generations upon generations, surviving past empires and kingdoms that have come and gone. Even the Sith, in the past, once occupied Serenno only to be pushed back by the collective Houses of Serenno.

Enough to have the pride of a lion.

And that was easy to challenge and make a man annoyed.

“Oh my...for fuck’s sakes, shut up. Just shut up,” and walked with with a fury leaving behind his footsteps towards Nina. He had quite enough of her, and knew that a war of wits and words wouldn’t win him this fight. No, but there was something else he had in mind. Nearing her, he grabbed her wrist with strength and his other hand went to pull her sight back at him.

“Now you listen to me, Nina of lesser Adumar. You and I are going to walk through those damn doors of this resort, hand-in-hand, to your father where I will announce my intentions of asking your hand in marriage. Is that clear? And I’ll do it even if I have to drag you by your hair through the mud.”

At last, victory. At least he thought.

“And there’s nothing you can do about it, love.”

Neina Raethi

T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju

An unbridled smile crossed her lips the moment Dorin began to speak. The anger behind his words was exceedingly invigorating for her. To know that she had wormed her way underneath his skin enough to make her mark. By allowing his emotion to show, he had displayed to Neina a rather tantalising fact about himself.

He had buttons, and she knew how to press them.

However, she had not expected him to walk toward her. As his footsteps carried him closer, hers drew them apart, but she was far too slow.

The minute his hands grasped her wrist, Neina began the silent struggle of trying to free herself. Despite the fact that she had deemed him politically weak, he was far from the word physically. The harder she pulled at his grip, the tighter it seemed to get. Worse still, his other hand reached out to place a similar hold on her chin. To the point where she was forced to look at him.

Neina scrunched her face up as best she could and allowed him to talk. It was a moment or two of victory for him, and it was clear now that his fragile ego needed it.

Her free hand, which fortunately happened to be her dominant one, cut through the air. Dorin had left his cheek such a painfully open target that his final words had simply begged for it to be bruised. Neina did not hold back. The sound it made as the tips of her fingers caught the edge of his jaw was deafening, and likely something the entire resort heard. The sharp sky-blue nails she had painted for the occasion left angry red streaks of flesh across his skin.

Don’t you dare place your hands on me.
She hissed out, drawing her hand back as if to issue another slap. “The only way I would ever go through those doors with you willingly is if you were carrying my lifeless body back to my father.” Neina narrowed her eyes at him, as if to dare him. “Your threats are meaningless. You don’t have the courage, Dorin the Cowardly.”
Count of House Nalju

FOCUS | Neina Raethi
He beamed at her with a grand smile, one of victory as he was well aware of his position. Archaic traditions that still hold value to this day. Typically, women of his class while having power and privilege were seen as tools that had little to say against their male counterparts.

Except this woman that was before his eyes.

She knew and was aware of what would happen if Dorin announced his intentions to her father. A contract that she had little power to break. Forever devoted to him.

His smile, literally, was smacked off from his face as her free hand landed on his cheek. A deep, red bruise was painted on his flesh with even a scratch from her nails. Naturally, he let go of her from the sudden slap that pained him a little. A groan escaped from his mouth, his hand covering over the mark as if that alone would remedy it. That was the first time a woman slapped him with such force. Indeed it left it stunned, almost admiring her defiance. Truly a unique woman.

“I’ll do as I please, you insufferable wench,” he retorted with his own poison before stepping towards her with his intents obvious to her. She doubted his courage? His hands then went to wrestle with her arms, trying to immobilize them with his strength. If that didn’t help, then he’d use his weight and push against her to fall down on the grains of sand that adorned as the terrain for the resort.

“How’s that for courage?”

Neina Raethi

T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju

In the adrenaline that filled her, no thanks to the slap, Neina took a moment to relish in her brief moment of success.

Dorin released her wrist, stumbling backwards somewhat. Neina refused to hide her smile when he looked up at her, revealing the angry crimson mark she had left on his cheek. There were more just like that coming his way if he could not keep his hands to himself. Though her attitude may have been sour and distasteful to most, she was never a violent woman. Nor did she harbour any desire to be so. At least, not until Dorin showed up.

When he spoke again, moving swiftly forward, Neina swiped out at him once more. She would not allow him to so easily overcome her this time. When he reached out to grab her wrists, she fought back viciously. Painted nails gouging at his skin wherever they could, but it was all for nought.

Soon enough she found the comforting sensation of the floor against her feet disappearing suddenly. The air was forced from her lungs as she landed heavily on her back, causing sand to spray up and cover her head to toe. “GET OFF!” She screamed, as loud as humanly possible. He was far too heavy for her to struggle away from, so she did all she could to make it impossible for him to hang on.

“GET OFF!” She screeched again as her hand slipped from his grasp momentarily, lashing out at one of his eyes. If this is what he considered courage to be, then he really was as thick as she had first assumed. Surely her father would refuse him, once she told him of this slight.
Count of House Nalju

He succeeded in tackling Neina to the sandy ground beneath their feet, his weight effectively putting the maiden on her back with a soft explosion of sand spraying up into random vectors. Even with that small victory, the fight was not over yet. She squirmed and moved violently against him, making it nigh impossible to control her. Fingernails dug into his flesh which punctured slightly, leaving deep red patterns.

“Kark’s sake,” he said under his rapid breaths when she screamed as loud as she could. He really didn’t think this one out. She really was defiant like the New Imperials. If she kept this up, others would notice.

“Will you stop!” before a hand of hers struck near his eye, wincing at the blow but still remained focus on Neina. Catching her hands, the Serennian pinned them to the sand with his own. He needed her to stop shouting, but how? If he used his hands, she would continue to lash out against him and even bite his hand. There was only one other way.

Reaching down, out of desperation, his lips planted themselves on her own for a quick moment. It was a snobbish attempt of a kiss on his part. Hopefully enough to ease her.

Neina Raethi

T A G | Dorin Nalju Dorin Nalju

If Dorin was banking on Neina being silenced by his dominating display of physical strength, he had picked a fight with the wrong woman. The more he struggled with her, the louder she screamed. Until her ear-piercing pitch had surpassed a sound that any ordinary woman should have been able to create. Getting someone else to notice was exactly her intent. She couldn’t exactly shove him off her herself, and it wouldn’t help his already exceedingly poor reputation for someone to find them in this state.

She was only truly helpless to fight back physically when he pinned her hands down against the sand. Even when she wriggled against him to free them the sand just seemed to shift around her.

Neina opened her mouth to begin screaming again, but the sound never left her mouth. Instead, she was taken aback by the sudden sensation of his lips against hers. Wide miscoloured eyes stared at him in shock, but his tactic had worked. She stopped struggling. At least, up until she remembered who it was that was kissing her. The anger came back in a sudden wave, and she did the only thing she could think to do.

She bit down on his lip. Hard. It was only when the taste of copper spread over her tongue that she released him.

Was it the most unpleasant sensation of her entire life? Perhaps not. At least, it wasn’t half as bad as she assumed it would have been, but it was still Dorin. His ego spoiled whatever redeemable qualities his looks managed to afford him. Turning her head so that he could not repeat the offence, she lashed out once again. With the one thing he hadn’t managed to pin down entirely. “GET.” She shouted, one of her feet thumping into his back. “OFF.” Another thump, in the exact same spot. “ME.”
Count of House Nalju

It worked. He finally shut her up when his lips pressed against hers, offering a bit of peace from all the shouting and yelling Neina had made. The sensation of the kiss, however, was smooth and almost delightful. For a moment it appeared Neina accepted him, but she would make him pay for the gambit he played just to try to make her quiet. She'd make him pay in blood when her canine teeth bit down hard on his lip. His eyes gaged from the pain when a small cut allowed a small leak of blood dripped from his lip, groaning intensely from the pain and wanting to shout profanity from his mouth.

But even the smallest chance he could give to Neina would have her crawl away and sprint off to wherever her father was within the resort. Something he couldn't allow.

Her feet slammed against his back as he maintained dominance over her, pinning her hands against the grains of sand they wrestled on. Painful? Not really, but it did make him groan out of annoyance. What else could he do? She would yell again any second now, and there was nothing he could do about it.


His hands released her own, but then they coiled around Neina's petite neck and tighten his grip around her.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up. Please, shut up," he muttered quickly under his breath. He couldn't remain like this, otherwise...well, that would be a whole new problem to fix.

"I'm going to let go, but do not scream. Understand?"

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