![Valencia Hadley](/data/avatars/s/15/15743.jpg?1606711534)
A spring wind rolled through the hills of Kal'Shebbol, carrying a scent of wet grass over the expanse of flat, open prairie beneath them. A Kal-Hawk screeched overhead as its wings parted the sun and somewhere in the distance the low, electric hum of a speeder carried away the only signs of civilization for miles. Aizaz leaned into the slope of the hill he'd chosen this morning, lekku wrapped carefully about his neck and dark blue fingers dug deep into the clumps of moist grass that prickled his palms. With a long, hearty breath of air the young Twi'lek took in the passing breeze as it rolled over his shoulders - cooling the bare skin left uncovered by his pullover. He exhaled, leaning his head back until his lekku pushed into the soft soil.
The smell of freedom never got old. Even the musk of matted Cholla fur and the fusty unpleasantness of their droppings was enough to bring a smile to his face. Opening his eyes, Aizaz braced a hand against the sun and looked back down the slope to his herd. The mob of twisted knots of black and brown fur had slowly crept their way to the foot of the hill, their flat faces dug into the grass as they ate their way to the bottom. Aziz sighed, scratching the back of his head and reaching for the blaster rifle tucked into the backpack beside him. After unlatching the rifle from the black straps holding it to the bag, the Twi'lek took a quick glance down the scope of the weapon and scanned the horizon. Satisfied to find there was nothing but blue skies and green earth, Aziz braced the stock of the weapon against the ground and hoisted himself to his feet.
He'd spent enough of the morning hours grazing the herd and the work day was early yet. Beside that, the more time he spent here with the animals the less time he got to showoff around that gorgeous human. His face went purple at the thought of her. The mysterious blonde had shown up in the village awhile ago, bleeding and in pain. His parents didn't hesitate to help her, even after she began to recover and was able to go off on her own. They insisted that she stay until she got back on her feet, especially seeing as she had little in the way of money on her. They even offered to help her get to the nearest City State but she had turned the offer down.
Now she was sleeping in the room beside his...
He shook away the thought of having her a room closer and gathered the herd for the trek back home. They passed back over the hills and down into the next valley where it was only a short hours walk back home. He led the Chollas back into their pasture before speedily walking home to get started on the next set of chores with his father...maybe he could even teach the human how to do some of the easier work.
"Ma', Pa'!" he called as the door to the modest hut slid open, "I'm home..."
Aziz's voice trailed off when he saw all three of them gathered around the holo in the living room, their eyes trained on a strange symbol on the screen. It looked like a gear but not like any gear he'd seen before.
"What are you guys watching?"
"Citizens of the Sorbiss Valley" Captain Silvas Flek spoke into the communication array, his voice carrying the distinction Irridius had come to expect from his officers, "I, Captain Flek of the ISD Shadow of Regret, would like to be the first to congratulate you on this most triumphant of days. By decree of Grand Admiral Lucien Eland Irridius - acting commander of The Provisional Sector's Authority of The Galactic Empire - all unaligned regions of Kal'Shebbol have been granted territorial status within The Empire. Effective immediately you are hereby granted the protection of the Sector's Authority and are now subject to the protection of Imperial Law.
As such new Kal'Shebbol territories are to immediately assemble all skilled laborers and military age persons to a central location of your villages within the next four hours. Ambassadors of The Empire will arrive shortly with further direction. Failure to comply with this order will subject you to summary punishment under Directive 256(a) of The Emergency Military Powers Act and Imperial Remandation Order 421BX72.
This Message will repeat. Long Live The Empire."
Settling back into his seat in the command pit the Captain did as he promised and set the transmission on a loop before peering up through the elongated shadow cast over him. Irridius nodded, a grin of satisfaction slithering across his face.
"Very good, Captain." The Grand Admiral mused, his black mirrored boots spinning him like clockwork on heel as he turned and marched in perfect strides to the head viewport, "ensure that our landing parties have each been assigned loyalty and labor officers."
"At once, Grand Admiral. Shall I prepare a shuttle for your return to The Rebirh?"
"No - I shall monitor the operation personally. I will not have the recruitment for such vital roles made in my stead." As the captain said his acknowledgments and climbed from the command pit, Irridius preoccupied himself with the endless canvas of stars spinning outside the view port. Imagine how many of those starts represented a system laboring under a pretender government like The First Order or a yet-sprung disaster like the Alliance or the alien riddled Confederacy. The thought of unimperial hands stretching deep into The Core Worlds provoked a burning ire in the man.
If only Tanomas Graf had outlived his uselessness for a time longer...perhaps Irridius would have been able to correct his immense failures and restored the rightful government to power. Alas Tanomas was not the first pretender to sheer away from what had to be done. Nor were The First Order or even The Sith Empire. The galaxy had lacked proper correction for centuries after The Empire fell at Endor and the only man in history who had managed to remotely shift the balance of fate had been Grand Admiral Thrawn.
But even he could not outlive the galaxy's willingness to destroy itself.
And it had only become increasingly apparent what action must be taken now. If Irridius continued to play games with pretenders and imbeciles he would not outlive the destruction any better than Thrawn had. Today was to be the beginning of the first tomorrow since the day Thrawn perished.
The time of inaction had come to an end.
"I will retire to my quarters until the operation commences. Notify me if there are any developments"
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