Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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At the end of One's Rope

Well, i'm not sure how to begin this post. It's not a post though is it, its more of a rant.

I think im asking you for help here, or maybe I just want to post something so people pity me, probably a bit of both.

The way things have been going for me and my characters has been spastic. Some people love me, others hate me (Well, theres only one or two really that hate me, i hope) but, that's not the problem. The problem is, the most important people i've managed to get threads with, have in most cases quit the site, or given up on threads with me, which has left me, and my characters in a slightly troublesome state. Safiriel for example, was in the process of being tortured/changed by sith alchemy, and had also just found a master, but both threads were given up on. So what i'm asking, I think, is, how do I really continue from here? Do i restart the character? Do I just handwave and say things are completed? Do I make a new character?

Imput is welcomed
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Restarting could be a good idea.

The SA could use some more members as it is, and I'm certain there could be more people there who would help train. As for the threads, have you poked people you're writing with?
[member="Darth Ferus"]

Yes, to little effect. Now part of this is my fault, I did have a minor case of eviction that left me unable to write, but once I returned my replies were for the most part ignored, save for a little thread with someone
[member="Safiriel Bane"]

Sometimes when the thread stops people stop focusing on it. I say give them another poke on their writers account. If that doesn't work, go with the restart. Could be helpful.

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