Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Atani Bril? She's mercenary. She cares for nothing, save power and profit. I've yet to see the wormhead give a kriff about things like honor and tradition. Guess that's why we didn't work out." - an old Mandalorian companion
Twi'lek. Slave. Dancer.
1. Bio/Lore

1a. The Beginning

Although born on her native homeworld of Ryloth. Atani's younger years were dark and derelict, where happy moments and cherished memories were few and far in between. Her mother was a former slave who managed to work her way to freedom, having bought a few moisture evaporator units to support her many children; her father, on the other hand, was less humble in his roots. A runner for a small-time syndicate and addicted to spice, he would beat his wife and his children often, in most cases for no other reason than adrenaline rushes from the spice he so loved. And when his wife finally did pass away, either from trauma or from illness, it didn't take long before the Bril sisters, all seven of them, began to disappear - payments to creditors the old man could no longer afford to pay, or run away from. It was a bitter, anti-climactic end to a family tale that seemed to drift only more and more into despair as the pages of its history passed.

Atani, the second youngest of the seven, was to be shipped off to Tattooine, where she would come to be owned by a minor Hutt who ran the local swoop bike races in one of the smaller settlements. The years to follow would be nothing but abject terror, humiliation, defilement and abuse for the child.

1b. The Descent

By the time Atani had reached the twilight of her adolescence, she was well acquainted with the harsh realities of slavery. By then she'd been procured to wealthy clients and business partners like a plaything, or put on as a novel spectacle for her masters - whether as an amusing combatant to be tossed into the pits against other slaves or beasts, as a dancer, as a servant, masseuse, or other, less savory roles best not mentioned here. Over time however, she began to understand the way undisciplined minds,softened by corruption and power, worked to sabotage themselves. Atani began to learn how to ask for favors, negotiate, loop in onto gossip and rumor, and use any device or machination, however petty, to her advantage. Pazaak games became intelligence-gathering, dancing and performing became networking, and steamy one-night escapades became business transactions.


"You are headstrong, slave. I'll give you that. But if you think you've figured me out, think again. That is, if I decide to let you live, to be able to think again."

It was only after finally being sold to a second owner, this time a corrupt senator, that the dunes of fate began to shift in new directions for the adolescent Twi'lek. While appearing to be a populist people's champion, behind the curtains he was a corrupt, perverted and twisted human being - a practitioner of the dark side, but a deplorable one at best. It was here that the Force weaponized became an actual reality for the Twi'lek, as she was subjected new, horrifying methods of torture and depraved acts.

It would be a few more solar cycles, and a few masters more, before the older Atani Bril, by now evidently a latent Force-Sensitive, would snap.

2. Basic Stats

Name: Atani Bril
Species: Twi'lek
Age: 23
Height: 170cm
Weight: ~59kgs
Skin Color: Pale White w/ Black Accents
Eye Color: Red

Origin: Ryloth

Force Sensitivity: High

3. Attributes

3a. Strengths

i. Strategist: Cold, calculating, Machiavellian, malevolent, brutal - these are only some of the words used to describe Atani. as a strategist, overseer or tactician, she excels because of the calculated risks she is always willing to take. Morality and ethics do not seem to bind her to conventional approaches to achieving her goals either. Atani once used the young daughter of a minor aristocrat as an assassination tool - placing an ocular implant in her eye which, Atani threatened, would release toxins into her body and kill her if she did not shoot her own father while he slept. Yet, Atani triggered the mechanism anyway, killing the young human as she then plundered the family compound and made off with whatever loot she could find before collecting the bounty.

ii. Knowledge Hoarder: While one would expect someone of Atani's background to care little for books, treatises, journals or data logs, she actually takes a great deal of care to study and absorb all that she can. From history and the sciences to the arts and startography, Atani is highly intelligent and often leverages this when negotiating, bargaining or planning.

3b. Weaknesses

i. Light: While an adept in the art of combat and especially skillful in melee, Atani does not possess the physical strength that heavier, more physically endowed combatants may have. Atani must compensate for this with either agility or guile, resorting to either precision/critical strikes, or to use of more expensive, even forbidden, technology to augment combat performance.

ii. Spice Junkie: Atani developed an addiction to spice growing up, first as a coping mechanism but eventually as a strange sort of supplement. If she goes for too long without it, she begins to slump and becomes prone to fits of anxiety and depression.

4. Skills & Powers

4a. Skills

Computer Use - EXPERIENCED
Demolitions - EXPERIENCED
Stealth - EXPERT
Awareness - EXPERT
Persuasion - EXPERT
Injury Treatment - BASIC

4b. Feats

Weapon Proficiency - Focus on melee combat; specialization in dueling.
Conditioning - While not the strongest, Atani possesses remarkable stamina.

4c. Force Powers

- NA as of now

5. Ship(s)

1x Dynamic-Class Freighter "The Harpie"

6. Kills/Bounties

7. Roleplays

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