The Forgotten

Picture of an At'Eii of the Foale House
Name: At'Eii (Plural: At'Eiins
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: At'Alarr
Language: Galactic Basic (Second language), At'Eiin (Native language)
Average height of adults: 1.5 - 1.7 Metres
Skin color: White, Tanned, Black
Hair color: Black, Brown, Blonde (Rare).
Breathes: 'Type 1 Atmosphere' (Average Nitrogen, Oxygen, Hydrogen Mixture)
Strengths: The At'Eii have a society based on 'Houses'. At'Eii from different houses have different strengths and weaknesses, for example: At'Eii of the Foale House are force-sensitive, and learn to connect with the force from a young age, making them essentially more adept at it. At'Eii of the Krune House tend to be stronger, making them better fighters, labourers or sportsmen. At'Eii of the Lunai House tend to be smarter, making them better diplomats, scientists or teachers.
Weaknesses: However, each House of the At'Eii has their weakness. At'Eii of the Foale House tend to be the most reluctant to fight, sometimes to the extent where they will be gravely injured because they refuse to retaliate. At'Eii of the Krune House tend to not be very smart, and rush into situations, sometimes leading to their death. They very rarely grasp the concept of technology, and it takes them some time to learn how to fly. At'Eii of the Lunai House tend to be physically weaker, causing them to be easily overpowered or beaten in fights or attacks. A weakness of all the At'Eii is that the Houses mainly disagree with each other, and therefore never really work together to make their strengths and weaknesses balance out. At times of war, the At'Eii rarely come together to protect one another, making them broken and weak.
Distinctions: Markings on their face, chest and back, which look like tattoos. They depend on an At'Eiis house (see Culture section for more info).
Average Lifespan: 110-120 Standard Years
Races: Foale, Krune, Lunai.
Diet: Omnivores, At'Eii suit a balanced diet of high meat and fish intake, and lower sugar/fat.
Communication: Vocally using their mouths. Although many force-user At'Eii can use telepathy aswell.
Culture: The At'Eiis culture is one based around three 'Houses'. The people of one house are not all genetically related, since the social norm is that they breed only within their own house. But, due to them all descending from the same group of early At'Eii (dependant on House), they are all born with their House marks upon their face, chest, and back. The Three Houses are:
Foale: The Force sensitive At'Eii, this house is based upon peace, calmness, and becoming one with the force. As Force-users, they rarely ever choose an extreme (Light or Dark), and work on becoming balanced with the force. Due to this, they have also never been recorded as part of or in association with the Jedi or Sith. Despite the rarity of choosing extremes, the last Prime Minister was assassinated by a Foale force-user who used only the dark side of the force. This has caused tension between the other houses, as they do no think the a Foale should ever be Prime Minister again. The Foale are born with this mark on their forehead, chest, and back:

Krune: The Krune's are said to have descended from the greatest fighters of the At'Eii, and they are essentially the Species' fighters. Because of this, the Krune's leaders tend to handle Military affairs of the state, even if they are not elected to Prime Minister. From a young age, members of the Krune house are trained to use Spears and Shields, favouring them over the more technologically advanced Vibroblades or Lightsabers that the Foale use, believing them to be weapons for cowards. The Krune are born with this mark on their forehead, chest and back:

Lunai: The Lunai House are generally the most intelligent house, despite the wisdom of the Foale's. Lunai are smarter in terms of technology, law and science, making them the main diplomats, teachers and scientists of the At'Eii. The Vibroblades used by the Foale are created by the Lunai, and the design for the Krune's spears were influenced by Lunai inventors. Despite their intelligence and similarities in thought to the Foale's they tend to disagree with the Foale's, thinking they rely too much on the Force to make decisions for them. The Lunai are born with this symbol on their forehead, chest and back:

Despite the hatred and rivalry of the Houses, for as long as the At'Eii can remember, there has been a Direct Diplomacy system in place. Each House has a Minister to represent them, who are elected by the citizen's of their house. The Minister lasts until he is unfit for service, dead or if the people of their house feel they do not represent them well enough anymore. Under the Minister of each house are a council of four, who meet with the Minister to discuss their house's economic and politcal affairs. Only one of the four council members can be voted to minister, at which point someone else is elected onto the council in their place. At the top of the hierarchy is the Prime Minister. Despite doubts from the other houses, especially recently, the Prime Minister is always the leader of the Foale's force-user academy. Although the other two houses do not connect with or interact with the force in any way, they believe in it, and many times before have turned to the Foale for guidance. The Prime Minister holds no direct power, as his choices must be agreed on by the three ministers and their councils.
The Foale's, alongside their Minister to Councillors hierarchy, also have a force-user hierarchy, which consists of Apprentices, Knights and Masters. Once a force-user becomes a Knight, they could be chosen for the Force Council, a council of eight force-users who run the academy. Supervising the council is the Grandmaster, who is also the Prime Minister.
The cultural identity of the At'Eii also depends on house. The Krune are war-like, military-centred people, who hold regular tournaments and games to prove their worth between each other. The Foale are peaceful, force-centred people, who focus on training their house in the ways of the force, and mainly balance. They mainly hold grand meetings or group training sessions within their house. The Lunai are intellectual, thought-based people, who focus on expanding their knowledge and improving their technology. They usually hold conferences or establish research groups.
However, one thing all At'Eii share is the Vul'avra, an annual festival celebrating the coming of the new year. It takes place the night before the next year, and is one of the only events that brings the At'Eii together as one, unified species.
Technology level: While one of the houses of the At'Eii are technology-centred, they aren't as advanced as other civilisations in the galaxy. This is mainly because they don't usually share with outsiders or travel out to see their technologies, but it isn't too much of a difference. They know how to create Vibroblades, and they can construct small to medium sized ships for personal or small group transports, but they have never constructed a large ship. The At'Eii make use of Shield generators, blaster turrets (although rarely any handheld blasters), some droids (for repairs or translation, or training droids for the force academy), and automatic doors. At'Eii recently learned how to make holovids and transmitters, since they only recently became active with other species and planets. Lightsabers have also recently appeared, as the higher-ranking members of the Foale discovered how to create them, and found a crystal cave not far from their academy. They can only make Purple, Green or Blue lightsabers from the crystals available on-planet.
General behavior: Alot of the At'Eii, mainly citizens, are cautious of outsiders, but accept them nonetheless. It is mainly the higher ranks of society, the Scientists, Diplomats, Councillors and Ministers who full embrace outsiders to learn from them (with exception of some Krune who believe the At'Eii should be left alone, as they are superior). The force-users of the Foale accept outsiders no matter their rank, except for dedicated Jedi or Sith. They greet the Jedi with curiosity, wondering why they choose an absolute path, while they greet the Sith with disgust, as to how they could choose such a dark path (which therefore means Sith are usually asked to leave the planets, by choice or by force). At'Eii rarely leave the planet either, only in cases of aspiring traders, or diplomats and ministers off to create new political relationships.
History: The Archives of the At'Eii do not record exact dates, as they were unaware of the galactic dating system and never had on of their own. But what is known is that long ago, the At'Eii were a unified, nomadic people who splintered into three houses and created their own cities. Over time thought, the houses met, and fought each other in brutal battles. Realising they couldn't go on forever, they joined their lands to create one big city called At'Atarak. From there they established their government, refining it over the years to become home to the hierarchy it has today. The force-users of the At'Eii discovered their powers shortly after the creation of At'Aarak, and saw it as a blessing, building their own academy and grounds within the city. The other houses are first distrusted these force-users, but over time have come see them as guides.
Notable Player-Characters: None Yet.
Intent: To bring a Neutral species with three distrinct cultural identities, one of which brings a Neutral force-user species who can meet Jedi, Sith or Rogue force-users who may be alike them. Another identity which brings the chance of technological, scientific or diplomatic characters, and a final identity that brings a war-like culture, almost like the Spartans of Greece, who bring conflict to the At'Eii people. These three cultural identities make the species diverse and full of possibilites, for both people who choose this species, or those who roleplay with them.