Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ater Notechis

Ater Notechis

Same agenda, different place...
NAME: Ater Notechis

FACTION: Galactic Republic (formerly of The Imperial Remnant)

RANK: Senator (former Director of the ISB)


AGE: 32

SEX: Female

HEIGHT: 1.79m

WEIGHT: 65kg

EYES: Emerald

HAIR: Black

SKIN: Fair


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum)
Ater is smart, efficient, ruthless and something of a bad-ass – which once made her the perfect poster girl for the Empire.

Her job was to make sure everyone stayed loyal, and she focused on investigating insurgencies and chasing down Force Users who had no business in Imperial space. She’s intimidating and presents an actual physical threat since she’s skilled at combat. Latterly she found retirement did not suit her and so she’s taken these abilities and channelled them into a new career – politics.

The down side with all of that is that on the way up she made enemies – and everyone is generally suspicious and nervous of her intentions – so trust and friendship are rare commodities for her.

Strengths: Intelligent and intimidating
Weaknesses: Has enemies and no friends

Ater is wiry and a good blend of muscular and athletic without being muscle-bound. She’s built for marathons rather than sprints.

Ater was destined for a life in Imperial service. Her father was a Commodore in the Imperial Navy and her mother was a Medical Officer in the Army. She was schooled and groomed to hate all things to do with the Galactic Republic and believed every word of propaganda that was said about them. She had a similar disdain for the Jedi and for Force Users in general – the Sith, after all, were only interested in their own kind. She wanted to serve a greater purpose – peace through galactic domination!

Then one fateful day her mother was killed in action, and this only fanned the flames of hatred that burned inside her. A few days later, her father fell victim to an accident and she was an orphan quite literally overnight.

A day after the funerals, a man came to visit her. He gave her a holodisc and asked her to only view it when she was alone. When she tried to question him, he declined and abruptly left saying only that the information she held in her hands would change her life.

Avoiding the instinct to view the message there and then, she visited her parent’s graves and, sure she was alone, played the holodisc.

It was a message from her father. Her mother’s death was no Republic ambush but a deliberate act by a mole within the Empire. They suspected someone in her platoon knew who the mole was and they were all wiped out to protect the cover. He went on to say that he feared for his own life now, as he knew the truth.

She immediately enlisted in the Imperial Security Bureau and has set her entire career on finding the person responsible for her parent’s death. Not to bring them to justice, but to kill them.

But oddly it was the politics of the role that forced her to retire. In-fighting and disagreements over the direction of the IR were too much to stomach, so she took her database and went to live on Taanab. Why Taanab? It was a back-water planet but the folks there were formal – and she liked that. An somehow she’d gotten involved in dealing with pirates and suddenly she was pushed into office.

Before long she was a Senator but chose to be parochial and avoid the Republic Senate. Nothing ever happened there after all. But then it started to get busy and she felt the need to become involved less some idiot that thought himself capable passed some half-baked notion into an actual Bill. That was the things about Senators. Just enough education to perform.

Ater’s outlook on life is simple; a strong leader is admired, a weak leader overthrown. She has principles and is always right. Chaos brings death. In this world there is only order or oblivion. Rank must be respected and feared. The weak will follow sure leaders.

Sin is satisfaction. Everyone has vices.

She goes about her business motivated by her own interests, but knows that ultimately order protects her. She seeks to achieve her own ends — but through order, not chaos. Even when boiling with anger, she is more likely to carefully plot vengeance than risk her own death through hasty actions. Sometimes that revenge will take years to happen, and that is acceptable.

She is zealous in her aims and will make any sacrifice to achieve them. Her twisted philosophy makes her paranoid of her closest followers, even family and friends. She stops at nothing to gain control, for only through control can she have peace. Yet even the most powerful and ordered society has its enemies, and only the destruction of those enemies can bring fulfilment.

Order is everything, at any cost.




Previously be reinstated


Ater Notechis

Same agenda, different place...
Amanda Lori Ann said:
Interesting character! Hit me up if you wanna thread sometime :)

Did you have any specific ideas?


Turin Val Kur

Order in the Force, order in the Galaxy. I hope the Republic listens to the hard truths you promise to present.

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