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Athena Nikeos - The Greek Bladesister

  • Full name: Athena Pandromida ThaliaNikeos
  • Pronunciation: A-The-na Pan-drow-mid-a Thall(sounds like Shall)-yaNik-E-o-s
  • Preferred Name: Athena Nikeos, or Athena Morawind
  • Alias: Nikita, Ana, Athen,
  • Titles: Athenos (Codename)
  • Species: Near-Human
  • Race: Morellian
  • Homeworld: Morellia
  • Faction(s): None
  • Rank(s): Apprentice, Enforcer in training
  • Class: Battle Healer/Medic, Enforcer,
  • Master(s): None
  • Padawan(s): None
  • Force Sensitive: Yes.
  • Force Alignment: Lawful Good, Ashla – Lightside of the force
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Fifty Galactic Standard Years
  • Height: Five foot eleven inches tall, (~1.8 Meters)
  • Weight: One hundred and forty seven pounds (57.6 kgs – 9.1 Stone)
  • Complexion: Caucasian/Fair skin
  • Eye Color: Forest green, angered eyes darken to a Jungle Green
  • Hair Color: Auburn/Redhead, in the right light, hair seems to look on fire.
  • Distinguishing Marks: Bright red hair, green eyes,
  • Voice Sample: Pyrrha Nikos, RWBY anime – Jen Brown, Voice actress
  • Appearance description: Standing a little bit taller than the average human woman, Athena is a young woman considered by her species as their prime years are over double her own age. Athena has grown up in a very wealthy Family, this has allowed her to wear expensive clothing. However, as she feels that flaunting her wealth is not always good, she dresses in moderation with simple pants, and tunic/shirt. While most people who look at her would consider her a beautiful person to look at or even to be around, Athena feels as though she is just a normal person making her way in the world. With her Red hair popping out and fair skin that has no visible blemishes, she has looks that most men would find attractive. (including my writer). While she is rather rich, she has a set of “armor” that is more so considered training gear that she has used when in her training of becoming an Enforcer. While her parents want her to become a diplomat and be in a position of relative safety, Athena instead chooses to be a person who wants to serve the people on a different level. Often she will carry her Xiphos-styled sword, named“Dikaio” (Translation of Justice), as well as a Dipylon-style shield, named “Alexio-elpis” (Translation of Defend or Defender of Hope), that she feels attached to. The shield of a Golden bronze color made from the core of the shield of Duraplast, while the outer layer on top is made out of Bronzium. Creating a lighter shield if it were made simply out of Duraplast. When Athena is not carrying her trusted weapons of “Dikaio” and “Alexio-elpis” she will be carrying a .48 Caliber Pistol, A slugthrower carried by most, if not all of the Enforcers of Morellia, and or with an Adventurer Slugthrower Rifle simply redesigned to be slightly shorter in barrel length, and colored to match with her other weapons.
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexual Conduct: Heterosexual
  • Languages: Galactic basic,
  • Occupation: Enforcer Trainee, Daughter of a Corporate CEO, does not care what her father does for a job.
  • Residence: A very luxurious house on Morellia that she had received from her Father and mother.

Rich and thought to be a snob and a stuck up girl who gets everything she wants is not who she is. Athena is a rather humble young woman seeing that she was only a lucky person within the Galaxy who has the credits to do what she wants, however she does not spend all of these credits on herself, and rather she wants to help others when they have problems. Because of this trait, Athena is kind to others even when they may be rude to them. Seeing that everybody has their bad days or they go through a phase where they fall to the Dark Side or choose wrong actions in fear of something that has or will happen to the person.

Athena is a whole different person in battle. She is skilled with the blade and shield that she uses, as well as being a crack shot with her pistol and rifle to do much better than even her father, a Former Enforcer before his injury. Smart and rather calculative in battle, Athena uses more than her weapons in battle, using tactics of many forms from objects and her surroundings, as well as trying to make her foe become soft towards her before she unleashes a flurry of attacks at them with both her sword and shield. Having a mix of sword forms from a personal trainer, Athena has no real form that she sticks to, staying within a range of all the forms to create her own style where she is considered a wild card in battle. Able to turn her sights and skills on the blink of an eye. However, as she has been training against herself, or just her teacher, she has had no real opposition and still has years to go before she could be considered anywhere near a Master with the Sword and Shield.

While Athena is Calm in life of peace, and almost cold and calculating within battle, She is a different person when it comes to relationships. She does not have a lot of friends despite being a very kind person. Athena keeps good friends around her that would be willing to die for her, and vise-versa. She has had a few relationships of the Dating kind, but nothing has gone more than a kiss as she is a person that feels her possession are not owned by her, but more so as the person she will one day marry and hopefully spend the rest of her life with. Athena has not really face too many close to death experiences, so she fears in being hurt or harmed like how her father was. She does not fear death like others where they will not do anything, nor does she accept death as another path to take, for she is confused on the matter altogether.

To human standards, she should be an old lady, however with her heritage as a Morellian, she is nowhere near her prime yet. Being only fifty standard years, she is still considered a young adult, or even a teen within her society. Acting more of an adult, she almost seems to be professional in all occasions except when she is around her friends, or family. This influx of years between humans and herself point out that she will have more experience than most others, however with her humble life on her planet, she is still behind on that matter a slight bit.

Athena has not taken the life of a sentient being ever, and feels that by doing so she would be cutting the thread of fate before the witches can do that themselves. Athena is a person that values life to an extent. Knowing that in order to survive she needs to eat, she will hunt animals and the like, however, taking the life of a being that can comprehend thoughts is out of the question as of this point. Being considered an innocent girl, she does not yet know the harsh life of the Galaxy and therefore fears what would be coming at her when she would be leaving her home.

  • [+] Morellia Enforcer: As a trainee within the corps of becoming one of the esteemed Enforcers of the Morellia Sector, Athena is a semi-trained soldier. Knowing tactics, fighting skills, survival skills, and even the occasional Political skill needed to be within the Enforcers. However, she is far from any superior training, no Spec-ops or top notch training. Standard soldier
  • [+] Goddess of War: A bladeswoman at heart, and a Shieldmaiden, Athena is skilled much more than a standard thug with a dagger. With the ability to use “Dikaio” and “Alexio-elpis” (her Sword and Shield) to a significant degree. However, she still has much to learn if she is to be this “Goddess of War” that is her OOC namesake. Considered to be more so as a high apprentice level use of a bladed weapon, she can hold her own against some people.
  • [+] Morellian Heritage: As a Morellian, Athena can live far longer than humans. Almost by the triple amount of what they are considered. Her prime years (110-160) would be double of the average death age of humans. (70-80). Because of this, she will ultimately hold more experience than most humans. With the downside of her being humble and not experiencing the real galaxy at large, she still has much to learn.
  • [+] Force Heritage: Athena’s mother was a small time force user using it merely for simple tasks of everyday life, instead of using it to aid others, Athena has promised herself to become better than her mother in the force, and being only 50 she has most likely already done that with basic healing powers, Telekinesis in small amounts to augment her speed, jump and the simple uses of push, grip and push. However, as with her blade work, she still has much, much more to learn.
  • [+] The Lamb’s Heart: Athena was brought up in a house where kindness meant something. Growing up, she has naturally accumulated the attribute of being kind and caring to others even if they were her foe. That is out of battle. In battle, she is something else entirely.
  • [+] The Lions Roar: Whereas, Athena is a kind person out of battle, once in it, she is a different person entirely. Almost void of her former self in being cold and calculating with her movements and skills. While most people throw their Skills and training out the window when adrenaline is rushing through their body, she has a skill to retain those skills and keep them in check when in battle to a degree.

  • [-] Mind of a Child: Not literally in the terms, but Athena retains a barrier of Ignorant bliss around her from the real threats of the Galaxy. She does not know what to expect what may come to her or herself find in other people of the Galaxy. This also is retained as the young woman is more trusting to others than what she would like to be.
  • [-] Force Restrictions: Athena restricts her powers that she is capable of learning to the simplest of powers rather than trying to go after the great and powerful ones that take so much time and effort to learn. She sees that by searching for some powers like this that she will become corrupt and look for more power, instead of protecting those she cares for. She is not going to look for Shatterpoint or Electric judgment or even some of the higher powers of keeping herself in a slumber for thousands of years. She simply wants to live her life in simplicity instead of complexity, because of this, she won’t be much of a foe in straight up power battles. However in some cases she may try to go after a power to improve herself, simply for the reason so she can better equip herself to protect others.
  • [-] Underestimated Child: As a young person with a muscular but slim build, she can be underestimated and this can cause people to not believe in what she says she can do. While yes she is taller than most other women of the human species, she still looks rather lanky for her size. Other people will also try to take advantage over her in battle and this can somewhat work to her advantage in the beginning, however after the surprise is over, it will get increasingly harder for her to keep up.
  • [-] Family Word: As her Father was a Former Enforcer, he was known to be a good man, but when his son, Arentus, became public enemy number one on Morellia for crimes of Murder, Terrorism, Theft in the highest degree, and espionage, her family name is diminishing every day that her brother is out in the Galaxy using their name as a form of fear, rather than a name to look up to. If going to other worlds, she may be hunted down to be leverage against her brother, or to find information on him. Not very good for her as she is trying to make up for his mistakes and poor choices.
  • [-] Sleep Deprivation: Athena almost always has dreams when she sleeps, and most of the time they are nightmares that haunt her such as her brother’s death or seeing her brother kill others and not being able to do anything about it. Because of this, instead of getting the recommended 7-10 hours of sleep, she will get about only 4-6 hours of sleep each night. This causes her to not be a morning person, as well as staying up later than others.
  • [-] Carpel Tunnel: In Athena’s left hand she has almost constant pain. Being rather dull when doing something as such as lifting objects, if stretched or overused in ways, pain can increase within her left arm. While that is her shield arm, she can use her arm strength to keep the shield up, but using her left hand for punching or attacking would be a bad move for her as using it many times within a short time period could cause the condition to get worse. Yet for some reason, she does not get surgery to fix it.

Early years:
Athena grew up in a family that was all about holding ones honor and having a name for themselves. Being the youngest child in her family for a time, Athena attracted a lot of attention as she seemed to be much more sophisticated than her brother even from an early age. Athena was almost pampered her entire life as both of her parents were rather rich and with their combined expenses, if she wanted something, she could probably get it. It was when Athena was seven years old that her parents were going to have a third child. It was only four days after the delivery of “Perseus” that the child died doe to unknown causes. It was one of the first things that Athena learned, Money could not buy everything. It was from this that Athena rarely asked for things and more so went out to get them herself without the constant use of credits or using her name as a form of power.

After the death of her newborn brother, Athena’s parents were very sad and to try and to get rid of that or at least not show that they were sad, they would work almost constantly. Doing something just to rid their minds of the death of a young child. From this, both Athena and her brother, Arentus, were left almost to their own devises when growing up. Her father was an Enforcer and worked for over 17 years like this. Trudging on when at his work, he was asked to investigate a mineshaft. As he was going deeper into the ground, the supports were broken over years of neglect, and broke under the weight of the ground. Falling on top of her father. He was pinned down at his waist and legs when the paramedics arrived.

Her father had suffered getting hit in his spine and severing the cords in his back and would not be able to walk. Even while the Galaxy probably had the Technology to fix it within a set amount of time, they were not able too. He was sent home with an honorable discharge while Athena was 24 years old. It was only a year later that Athena had made up her mind to try and help people. By going to her father and receiving training from him on how to shoot a firearm, she was referred to the Academy where all recruits are trained before being evaluated on being sent out as an Enforcer.

After a few weeks of training, Athena had gotten into a fight with another student. More so it was the person challenging Athena into a fight. The two had a fight with whatever they could grab. The school saw this as a way to teach them that they should not fight one another. They opted to provide the time and place for them to fight. It was then that Athena first held a sword and shield. Opting to grab the weapons that would give her the ability to come in close and attack, her challenger used a set of pistols, as well as a broadsword against her. The fighting commenced and with the shield she carried she protected herself from the several mags that the other man hand. Mad with rage that she was not hurt, he charged her. The fight between the both of them lasted hours surprisingly. Almost as though they had Rounds in which to fight, Athena won the final “round” by slamming her shield into the man, when he next attacked, she blocked with her sword, and sliding the pommel to smack into the man’s hands, disarmed him of the weapon he held, and was thrown the tip of the sword towards his neck to where he proclaimed he would yield.

By the end both of them were sweating and so tired that they simply dropped the weapons and walked to their tent to go sleep. In the morning they were reprimanded… and then praised for doing so well in the battle. The man then introduced himself fully as a person to Athena, Zeucarious, or simply Zeus.

The two became teammates after and both became very well trained in the use of their weapons which came to be almost the same type. Athena with a short sword like weapon, and rounded shield. While Zeus had a long sword like weapon, and a Kite shield. Having close to the same fighting style, they trained under the same man for many years. Not knowing his real name other than, “Swordmaster” they compared notes all the time and in the end, Zeus was sent off about two years later. He became an Enforcer much faster than most others, and had to leave Athena behind as he would be going to a secondary camp for officers and higher ranked officials.

Swordmaster still trained Athena and became one of his greatest students when it was revealed unto her that she was a force sensitive. The Swordmaster then began in secret, teaching her the ways of the force in using rudimentary Telekinesis and other forms of the force such as healing herself. Learning over and over training forms that she then became a Camp Master. An unofficial Enforcer that would train others in the art of battle and medicine. She then worked for the next 18 years as a teacher and one who was looked highly upon when teaching hand to hand combat as well as weapon combat with the ability to take down even the greatest of students to pass through the camp. She excelled and when her time was up for teaching, the Enforcers came to her about less than a week ago, and spoke to her saying,

“We, the Enforcers are evaluating you and your service here and within the week we will be deciding if you are adequately applied for the job at hand. Expect word within the week.” And so she did. It was then only the day before her 50th birthday that she had received word that they would be accepting her, and to pack up ASAP, for she would be leaving in three days’ time.

|| Notable Possessions: ||
"Dikiao" Xiphos
  • Appearance
  • Xiphos styled sword
  • Name means "Justice" in Greek
"Alexio-elpis" Shield
  • Submission
  • Diplyon Styled shield
  • Name means "Defender of Hope" in Greek
.48 Caliber Slugthrower
  • Carries almost all the time.
  • Standard weapon by the Enforcers
Adventurer Slugthrower Rifle
  • Apperance
  • Uses as a Standard Rifle
  • Slightly modified to be shorter barrel length for easier use.
"Hermes' Wings"
|| Skills & Powers: ||
Force powers:
Force healing
  • Basic healing
  • ​Rejuvenation
  • Push/pull/Grip
  • Jump
  • Force Sprint/Flit
Physical Sword - Xiphos
Physical Shield - Dipylon
Slugthrower weapons - Pistol and Rifle
Hand to hand combat - No offical forms as of yet.
Survival Skills - Necessities
|| Trivia: ||
Athena’s entire name is derived from Greek words or variations of Greek wordings.
  • Athena taken from the Greek Goddess of War, Wisdom, and knowledge,
  • Pandora, the woman who opened the Box of misery, pain and hope within the world,
  • Thalia is taken from Thalia Grace one of the three Graces who was a daughter of the King of Gods Zeus, and was known as the Goddess of Banquets and Festivities.
  • Nikeos as her last name is taken from two goddess at the same time, Nike the goddess of victory and Eos who is actually a Titan (Gods before the Greek Gods) and Goddess of Light and Dawn. And was also known as the “Hope Bringer”
The two weapons that Athena Nikeos carries as her main weapons were derived from a Xiphos, or a type of secondary Short sword used by the Ancient Greek armies, as well as a Dipylon Styled shield also used By Greek Infantry mainly in the use of the City of Athens, or the proclaimed City-State of Athena in earth’s history.

The Playby that is used is Pyrrah Nikos(RWBY anime) who's name is derived from the Greek for "Flame head" and "Victor of the People." Who is also modeled after Achelies the Hero who died from an arrow to the ankle.

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