Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Athena Panteer

Athena Panteer


Athena Panteer


  • Species: Human (Alderaanian)
    Age: 17
    Gender: Female
    Height: 5'5"
    Weight: Light
    Homeworld: Alderaan
    Faction: GA/NJO
    Rank: Padawan

    Alignment: Neutral Good
    Playby: Leliana [Dragon Age]

    Athena was born into House Panteer of the Alderaanian aristocracy. Although her house was no longer one of the biggest players on Alderaan, they carried prestige from thousands of years of ruling the planet in the past. Being the only child of her parents meant she was expected to hold a great deal of responsibility in maintaining the reputation of her house's newest generation. As a result, when her force abilities manifested as a child, her parents did everything they could to keep it a secret. They were intent on Athena growing up to be a refined noble lady instead of a Jedi.

    Athena was left with no proper mentoring on the use of the force, and thus developed her abilities on her own through trial and error. By the time Athena was twelve she could control her ability well enough that she could hide it from her parents, who falsely assumed it had gone away from lack of training. Thus, they sent her to the New Crevasse City Collegium for Young Ladies. There, she neglected her studies of Galactic high-society and instead focused on learning what she could of the Jedi Order. Reading whatever she could find and watching the holo-news of the New Jedi Order and the formation of the Galactic Alliance.

    Athena became fond of the romanticism of the Jedi helping those in need and fighting evil, and she became equally disenchanted by her future as the wife of some lord she knew she wouldn't care about. One night when Athena was 14, she went into the city and never returned to the Collegium. The next morning she arrived on Coruscant and pledged herself to the New Jedi Order.

    Her training was made difficult by her age, but the Jedi accommodated her, for they needed not only the numbers but also someone as driven as her. Athena has never been on a front line of the Sith-Imperial Civil War like many other Jedi, but she trains for the day when she can join them in vanquishing the darkness. Despite her eagerness however, she questions the goodness of their actions. She doesn't want to believe some of the things she's heard about the New Jedi are true...

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  • Strengths and Weaknesses

    +Pure: Athena is pure of heart and possesses a strong affinity for the light side of the force.
    +Brave: Athena is never afraid to jump head-long into a situation to help those who need it.
    -Cognitive Dissonance: Athena struggles to reconcile her beliefs that the New Jedi Order are guardians of the light with her knowledge of their extreme tendencies. She wants to continue fighting the Sith, but is afraid of what that will lead to.
    -Inexperienced: Athena is only a recent member of the Jedi Order, having primarily learned to use the force on her own as a child. Thus, she is inexperienced in the proper arts of a Jedi.

  • Library Hours - One morning, after a few years of quiet training in the Jedi temple, all hell breaks loose in the library. Athena and a group of apprentices are forced to contend with Sith spirits, living artifacts, and possessed library staff in order to save the priceless knowledge contained in the archives. [Ongoing]


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