Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Athriel, Swoop Ganger


Height175 cm
Weight65.7 kg
Force SensitiveNon-Force User


A Sephi with pale skin with two toned-hair and pattern tattoos, often wearing tattered clothing and seen with a signature smile.


  • Swoop Bike
  • Blaster Pistol
  • Pair of Vibro-knucklers
  • Miscellaneous basic quality of life gadget (holocomm, credit chip, etc)


At heart he is a free spirited, mirthful, individualist that seeks thrilling adventures, and credits. Can't forget the credits.

Repulsorhead - Nimble and skillful use of Speeder Bikes and Swoops (or like technology).
Pistoleer - Skilled in the use of pistol type weaponry.
Brawler - More competent than the average denizen of the Galaxy in hand-to-hand combat, even if it is crude.
Swoop Gang - Leader of a Swoop Gang, giving him access to muscle (NPCs) and some finite resources.

Bounties Posted - Wanted by multiple law abiding areas for a variety of infractions, real or imagined. Bounty flag is always active.
Marty McFly - Did you just call me Chicken?


A citizen of Nar Shaddaa, Athriel, got the classical Hutt Space education: the Galaxy is a Akk-eat-Akk world and you could only trust the crew you rode with, and even then you couldn't always trust them either. The worlds revolve around credits and influence. Don't owe a Hutt, don't cross a Sith, and don't ask the Jedi to buy death-sticks. Everything else? Figure it out yourself.

With his charisma and a few hostile take-overs he found himself leading his own Swoop Gang with enough riders to fill a medium sized cantina. Athriel's gang would propel his next adventurers, enabling him to see the stars and sit at the table with Crime Lords.
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