Athrun Zala
The Red Knight

NAME: Athrun Zala
ALIAS: The Red Knight
RANK: None Yet
AGE: 32
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'0"
WEIGHT: 185lb
EYES: Emerald Green
HAIR: Brown, short and spiky.
SKIN: Caucasian, pale color.
Athrun demonstrated his proficiency with both armed, and unarmed combat early in his life. Due to his training both at the Imperial Academy, and from the Imperial Royal Guard, Athrun has experience with several different weapons. His preference is either a vibrosword or the forcepike, with his style of combat focusing on speed and agility. He is also able to sneak up on people without them noticing to some degree.
He can be extremely arrogant, particularly to those who are not human, and often this turns people against him. He usually doesn't see anything wrong with his behavior, and thus doesn't have a clue why people are mad at him. While he tries to keep his disdain of non-humans from showing, he tends to ignore them unless they have something important to say, it suits him, or he views them above the status quo.
He can also be extremely impulsive, often choosing to fight individuals when a better way presents itself, such as being diplomatic. He also tends to be overly curious, investigating situations and exposing himself to danger. He sometimes hesitates from doing an action that might end a life he cares about, but ultimately he will pull the trigger if it means saving his own life.
Athrun is exactly 6 feet in height, with a few inches tacked on depending upon the style of shoes he is wearing; mostly he prefers to wear black boots, militaristic in appearance and devoid of any buckles or trim. He is of a standard build for a human on the athletic side, but the clothes he wears and his height tend to make him appear thinner than he is. His skin is pale, and his eyes are a dark shade of emerald green, sometimes hidden behind shades or a helmet visor. He keeps his dark brown hair short, a bit longer than the average military haircut, and often leaves it tousled and spiky. He generally keeps his jaw clean shaven, though he lets his sideburns grow to the edge of his ears.
Athrun's choice of clothing depends entirely on the situation. He has a suit befitting fancy dress when he attends formal parties, and he has ordinary clothes, some of which befits an ancient Imperial or Republic uniform. Mostly he wears a set of loose fitting black garments over top his custom painted Imperial Royal guard armor, with an accompanying black ankle length trenchcoat. Almost every outfit he's seen with, he wears his trenchcoat, which tends to cover his forcepike and blaster pistol he wears.
Athrun was born on the planet Coruscant about 805 ABY to fairly rich human parents. At an early age he learned what high society meant; as a general rule he saw himself above the average citizens, particularly the poor folks and the non-human sentients who did the jobs construed to be "slave labor." While he didn't mock or scorn them, he tended to avoid associating with them. His parents were supporters of old Imperial ideals, and thus he was encouraged to join the nearest Imperial authority. He was part of Imperial youth groups, and eventually when he became of age, he joined the Imperial Remnant.
He went through several years of combat training, ending up in the 181st stormtrooper legion. He survived minor skirmishes with enemy factions, and eventually proved his battle prowess. Before too long, he was picked along with another of the squad to join the Imperial Guard.
If he thought that basic training had been hard, then surviving the extreme training regimes of the Imperial Guard was a seriously daunting task. Perhaps the only reason Athrun survived at all was his desire to become the best of his class, and to survive at all costs. He wasn't the best by far, but the skills he learned, both with swords and hand to hand combat, would become invaluable later on his life.
At the finals that would determine whether or not he made it as a Guardsman, Athrun had a great trepidation he would never reach those ranks, and would be sent back to the stormtrooper legion he'd started in. When he realized that the final challenge would be to defeat another opponent, as equally trained as him, he worried even more. He wasn't what he considered to be the best, and his opponent, a rival of his since the very beginning, was the top of the class. Even though he tried to be optimistic, he felt for sure that his rival would win. No doubt the trainer thought this too, and those in the room overseeing the battle were watching his rival carefully.
As expected, Athrun had a hard time, and within a few strikes, it looked as if his rival would win. That wasn't to say Athrun didn't try; he fought his hardest. He earned quite a few slashes, and at the end of it, his opponent was toying with him, waiting for a good opportunity to finish Athrun off. He taunted him occasionally, though from the way the judges looked on, they were willing the battle to be over. Somewhere mid-battle, Athrun saw a flash of his opponent fighting; a memory of a previous spar he'd seen his rival in perhaps, he wasn't sure. He anticipated his next move, the one that would undoubtedly finish him off, and countered it with a strike of his own. Surprisingly, his rival didn't see it coming, and neither did the judges as he initiated a sequence of attacks that left his rival impaled on his blade.
His memory of that battle was one of numb astonishment, and he counted himself lucky, and perhaps a little more skilled than he thought he was. He was immediately made an Imperial Guard, and began life as a real soldier. If he felt above the ruling classes before, he seriously felt on a high pedestal over both the commoners and the Imperial military. He was sent out on numerous missions, ranging from guarding high profile targets to the current Remnant leader himself, to secret missions on enemy planets. Training never stopped however, and he kept up a vigorous regime every day. Eventually he had to prove he wasn't just an ordinary soldier, having to fight and kill a Jedi on two different occasions.
Killing Jedi and other minor force users was one thing; having to kill the innocent was another, and Athrun found himself questioning the morality of the Remnant's leaders. He justified it each time he had to do it, that the person really wasn't all that innocent, or that the Remnant was more important. On a mission where their job was to pit two factions against each other by destroying a civilian encampment, Athrun hesitated and thus got into an argument with a fellow guardsman. The guardsman accused him of being too soft for his job, and threatened to report him. Feeling his survival instinct kick in again, he killed the guardsman before he could complete his threat. Despite his attempt to cover it up, the stormtrooper squad assigned to the mission suspected him, and while they were setting charges in strategic places, he picked them off one by one. He used the charges to destroy the bodies and equipment, and in his report he blamed it on one of the two factions. When summoned to answer on charges of possible negligence and failing his duty, he disappeared from Remnant worlds.
He spent the next two years of his life ducking Imperial patrols and hanging out on the rim. He was a wanderer, moving from world to world and poking his nose into affairs that had nothing to do with him. For the most part, he didn't advertise that he had been an Imperial Guard, but when the need for fighting arose, he pulled out his trusty armor that had served him so well in the past years. He eventually painted the stark red armor a mix of black and blood red, and earned the nickname of the Red Knight due to his choice of armor and the ancient symbol of a knight he painted on the breast plate. While the reputation was a mixture of bad and good in some areas, he did his best not to involve the innocent in his battles, and sometimes even killed those who threatened them...perhaps that's where he earned his nickname from, the innocent seeing him as a shining knight.
EQUIPMENT: Imperial Royal Guard Armor, painted in black and blood red colors with a red Knight symbol on the chest plate. Standard Imperial issue forcepike, vibroblade, and blaster pistol. A black leather mask covering his face and strapping over his hair, in case he is unable to bring his helmet with him.
SHIP: YT-2000 "Wayfarer"
[Dev] A Metal Pole and some Retroactive Nostalgia
Chasing a Ghost
The Three of Us