Arch-Hegemon of Athys
- Intent: The detailed presentation of the different Force Cults that exist on Athys. The Athysian Circles are religious cults, around the Athysian pantheon of the Ancient Ones. Powerful Force Entities, believed to be the patrons and old ancestors of the Athysian people.
- Image Credit: Made by me
- Canon: NA
- Permissions: NA
- Links: NA
- Organization Name: Athysian Circles, Athysian Force Circles, Athysian Cults.
- Classification: Religious Cults
- Affiliation: Athys, Athysian League
- Organization Symbol: Shown below
- Description: Force-Sensitive cults that preserve the ancient rituals and Force practices known on Athys.
- Headquarters: Athys
- Domain: Force Sensitive peoples of Athys
- Notable Assets: Shrines of the Ancient Ones (Ancient Temples and shrines, see below for further details)
- Hierarchy: Loose Hierarchy, each circle has different structure.
- Membership: All Force Sensitives of Athys are believed to be members of a Circle. The Circles are meant for only Force Sensitive individuals, with some of them being accessible only by the nobility. Each of the Circles have different initiations and requirements, based on which they recruit and initiate their members. Below, the different Circles and traditions are further explained.
- Climate: The climate within the Circles changes rapidly, according to the respective focus of it. Although many believe most Circles deal with Dark Side Rituals with hostile environment, very similar to the Sith, the reality may be much different. Athysian Dark Cults although can venture deep into the Dark Side, they show a strange affliction with their members... Ofcourse, there are always exceptions...
- Reputation: The Reputation of each Circle is highly dependent on the patron and the location the Circle has. There may be Circles that are favoured and encouraged by the ruling factions, while there could also be rivalry, or even open war between the two. The most powerful Circle of a specific region is the one embraced by the noble family (Hegenika) which rules the said region. According to their attitude, the acceptance of other Circles may be volatile.
- Curios: The Athysian Circles are renown for their advanced Alchemy and Ritualistic magic. Force-embued items, as well as weapons of war are what tells the Athysian Dark Circles from their counterparts. Ofcourse, it is a fact that Circles exist in the nobility as well as in the peasantry, with certain practitioners using the Force to enchant and empower their crops in vast agricultural settlements.
- Rules: Although most differ from one another vastly, the single thing most have in common is the strong connection and respect to the Athysian Pantheon, as well as the preservation of their traditions.
- Goals: Each Circle has its own goals and ambitions, as explained further below.
- Hegemons and Ruling Families of Athys
- Common Folk and Athysians:
- (Unknown, as of yet)
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