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Athysian Force-Blades

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Desmundor Alcademon Desmundor Alcademon

Hello! I'll be your judge today! Really interesting swords!
  • The description is not really clear whether these are now alchemical or just force-imbued (usually physically stronger and more resilient) items. And where the weapons abilities come from.
    • So please try to specify this, and depend on your answer you might need to lower the production rate due the factory rules.
  • Please link the Sith Alchemy to the materials, if you chose the Alchemy instead of the simple Force-imbued method. In this case please link the force-imbued link there. If this help, in my view with alchemy you create something new, it's a science, so your weapons are more Force-imbuement than alchemy.
  • And what you wrote in the Special Feature it is the description part, so please copy them to the right place, and only left the special features in the special features section.
That's all, please let me know if you edited these.
Hello! :)

I actually wanted to address this, as it was somewhat difficult for me to pinpoint the propper labels for this submission.
About Alchemy: This, as i tried to describe, is not Sith Alchemy, per se. Most importantly, as you can see within the text, certain blades are actually neutral or ligth-side oriented. I considered them Force-Embued weapons, but due to the nature, especially the ritualistic method in which they were crafted, i wanted to ask a judge whether this should be considered alchemy or not. In Character, Athysians refer to it as Alchemy, as do I, IRL. But in SW terms, I find it somewhat a crossbreed.

Secondly, the reason I put the long texts describing the blades was due to the fact they carried the long insight on how they look, as well as how they affect the wielder and special abilities they can have. Thus posted in features. I imagine them to be something that you could even say its a huge family of unique designs, as there could be a ton of art resembling each blade type. Thus I made this huge pile, to organize them in one family, basically. If you feel like it would be better to keep it off the features, can do, although to my eyes it would be bit repetative text under Special Features :(

(Edit): Production was based on the spreadsheet balancing table, thus allowed me to go higher than i expected

T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Desmundor Alcademon Desmundor Alcademon

  • Sith alchemy is used not only for Sith alchemy but also for Force Alchemy (what is not dark side, but neutral) If you want this to light side that is not alchemy just Force-imbued item. If Force Alchemy is more sympathetic, then the link name could be this, but the link remained he Sith alchemy. Or you can write Dark Side / Light Side / Force Energies too to the material, this is approved too.
  • The spreadsheet may allow, but the rules do not (if you check what I linked). The rules are the primary; and for melee weapons (or unarmed vehicles) in very many cases unbalance submissions are accepted, because they can't spend that many point to bring the submission to balance, because they have too much point. Others intentionally write under balanced subs.
  • In this case, please leave a sketch in the special feature, because if you do not write anything to the description part, I cannot accept the submission.
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Desmundor Alcademon Desmundor Alcademon

Thank you! And please changed back to limited rating from minor, and evreything would be fine.
  • Limited (Only one small group of characters. IE: A Single Minor Faction, Company, or Group within a faction.). The Minor production is meant large group or Single Major faction, and Alchemy still a restricted "matrial"/technology. So please change this.
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