Naamah Aesham
Redemption is the path, not the destination
Today was a bitter cold day on Kaeshana. Ever since a massive asteroid had impacted upon the planet and laid waste to the Eldorai's once proud civilisation, it had been in the grip of an ice age. The fallout had been cataclysmic. The wealthy, powerful, the lucky and those considered to have essential skills for the reconstruction of a new civilisation out there in the stars had escaped the calamity by getting a place in the Exodus Fleet.
It had been a colossal humanitarian undertaking, saving almost three billion space elves. However...many more had been left behind on this goddessforsaken rock. They'd faced massive floods, famine, anarchy and warlords. They called themselves the Forsaken, for from their point of view they'd been left behind by their Star Queen, by the Goddess Ashira and the offworlders. Down here there was snow, mud, decay, filth and hunger, yet they endured, for the collapse had bred a hardy people.
Recently, the Forsaken faced a new threat. This one came from the stars, where their brethren had disappeared to and from where their doom had come in form of a big rock. Naamah watched the ghastly scene through the scope of her shatter rifle, having taken up position on the rooftop of a ruined building, crouching. Beneath her lay Ashira's Hope. The small town was located in the far north of Kaeshana and named after the supreme goddess in the Eldorai pantheon. In the light of the fact that the Goddess had not saved her people from disaster, there was a tragic irony to the name.
By the standards of Kaeshana, Ashira's Hope was not too bad. Ruins dotted the village, but much of the infrastructure had survived largely intact. The nearby river meant the survivors could get sustenance by fishing. The Eldorai had endured a remarkably cold winter and gang warfare until one of the warlords restored order. They had not been prepared for the machine onslaught. Ominous shadows passed across the ground and there was a loud roar of engines, then spider-like Harvester droids descended from the sky towards the ground. Elves trying to run to safety were seized when the Harvesters' tentacles gripped them like vices and carried them off to Force knew where.
The darkened sky was lit up by streaks of blasterfire when Eldorai warriors opened fire upon the mechanical abominations. Others, those who could call upon the Force, blasted them with elemental fire and ice, but more kept coming. Death machines that bore the faces of humanoids but were mere facsimiles of organic life, marched through the streets, accompanied by battle droids that resembled human skeletons. Swarms of tiny, wasp-like droids were unleashed, pursuing escapees.
The Outsiders had come from the sky and offered the Eldorai food and medical aid. Many had been sceptical, but enough had accepted, for these were dire times. They realised too late that the food contained a long-burn sedative. This was not a mission of extermination or an attempted hostile takeover. No, this was a Harvest. Stunned elves were herded like chattle and carried away. The pain, fear and terror of hundreds resonated through the Force, causing ripples. Thank the Force she was no empath.
Too little, too late, the town's doomed, the inner voice of reason chided Naamah. You know that Archangel can probably track any distress signal you send and pinpoint your location, it added. Her breath frosted around her. Her coat and gloves were covered in snow crystals. Damn, it was cold here. Probably, was the curt response when she slowly got up and took the stairs down. Miraculously, the comms room in the building, which had once been an aristo's residence, was still working.
"This is...Livia Jaeger. I'm on Kaeshana. Ashira's Hope is under attack from a hostile droid force. They call themselves Archangel. They're...herding process them into death machines. The natives stand no chance alone." Would the distress signal reach anyone? Would anyone respond? Valid questions. Someone more rational might have considered this. But though she was not of this planet, this was personal for her.
Old Naamah would have ignored, except perhaps seen it as a chance to cause more chaos. Or acquire slaves under the guise of helping them so that she could use torment them. New Naamah was...trying to be different. Hell had a way of giving you perspective. She failed to notice the tiny, wasp-like droid that had perceived her presence. An image of her face would soon be transmitted to Archangel command in real time...
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