Relationship Status: It's Complicated
TAG: Anak Darkstar
Balance had been a harder thing to maintain with every passing day. Gerwald’s commitment to a more inclusive philosophy slowly deteriorated with every assignment he accomplished for Darth Empyrean. Whatever his views had been on the matter, the wolf embraced more and more of the dark side of the force, and the power it offered him. His resolve to rend the soul of Naedira Darcrath from the netherworld had led Gerwald to a place he would not be able to claw his way from. More of the dark side had claimed him, much more than anyone truly new.
Darker forests called out to the wolf he kept just under his skin. Jutrand lacked the foliage he longed for, but Dromund Kaas did not. Fortunately for the beast the world was a scheduled stop on a series of assignments his duty required of him.
Today he would unearth something lost to the Sith. Rumors of a temple existing in the heart of a rather dense forest had made their way to the emperor. While the world was under the control of Darth Carnifex, certain things of influence and power belonged with the emperor himself. Gerwald would see to it that whatever could be discovered, it would be. If there was any item of power of value, it would be secured.
There was no place to land the ship within the forest, which was all the better. It had been far too long since Gerwald let the wolf run wild, and since the location of the temple was not exact, the wolf would find it faster. His armor would shift with him in order to avoid the unpleasant and awkward situation of wandering about the temple completely nude. Gerwald was not alone on this, and this task was more supervisory in nature.
An acolyte accompanied the wolf. There had been conjecture on his need to prove himself, or pay recompense for past sins. Gerwald could have cared less what reasons he found himself on the mission as long as the Sith was able to do what was required. They would succeed in their mission because Gerwald would not allow failure.
“The temple is deep within the woods. We will find it and take whatever is of value to the emperor.”
A wolfish grin crossed Gerwald’s lips.
“Do keep up, will you.”
No sooner had the words left his mouth, than Gerwald ran down the boarding ramp. When he leaped into the air, it was head first, almost as if he was diving toward the dirt and moss of the forest floor. Bones began to crack and pop. The sickening sound of his body rearranging itself echoed in the eerie quiet that surrounded them. When Gerwald landed he was no longer human. A howl escaped his mouth and the wolf, almost twice the size of what was considered normal, ran into the dense foliage.
He moved with quick speed. It seemed almost unnatural. His muscles tensed and loostend as the stride of his movement was something of beauty to behold. Zigging and Zagging his way through the large tree trunks as he allowed his sense of smell to memorize the air and life around him. It seemed as though the animal ran without direction, just wild and random. That was not the case. In a matter of minutes the beast had determined its path, and bolted ahead with even greater speed.
“This way…”