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Approved Tech Atrisian Hyperspace Bueys

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Manufacturer: Atrisian Commonwealth
Type: Basic
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Weightless
Size: Tiny
  • Size: Designed to be much much smaller in its size compared to the original model and able to be saturated over large expansive areas of space.
  • Home Key Path: Part of the design and what ties it together. A secrative string of code that operates and allows Atrisian hyperdrives to travel unimpeded throughout Commonwealth space.
  • Self Repairing: Designed to repair itself over time and from damage in a fight. The severity determining if it could be from hours to days.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed to function as a Nihil stormseed albiet with some smaller changes. THey don't violently tear ships apart through hyperspace. Instead acting more like a breakwater for hyperspace travel and being able to close off an area. In this case the area around Commonwealth space.
  • Built in power source: Designed with its own internal power source that is long lasting but it is largely able to power the bueys as opposed to the stormseeds lightning crash and need for grown kyber crystals.
  • Self Repairing: Built with the ability to repair itself over time. Minor damage can be quick but heavy damage can take weeks to months.
  • Sub-light drives: Designed to impede raiders, marauders and others not of the Commonwealths worlds from using hyperspace routes. It doesn't impede them traveling the several hundreds years at sub-light speeds from area to area if they seek to come in.
Designed by the Atrisian Commonwealth and Sasori from reverse engineered stormseeds of the Nihil. A powerful hyperspace technology that was able to create the stormwall... an impressive and dangerous element that tore ships trying to cross it apart. Without getting the violent tears and improving the power sources. The Atrisian model creates closer to a hyperspace breakwater that can shut down and impede hyperspace travel similar to the barrier around the galaxy that protected for a long time from outside threats that would be coming extragalactically. The hyperspace bueys are made to repair and power themselves, be within a linked area and can compensate each other. Changing other aspects of it so the stormseeds would have their heavy shielding, self repair functions and continue to operate in a series... they were made to keep the Commonwealths region of space safe and with the Commonwealth hyperdrives using rhe home key path they are able to pass through.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: Continue to expand Atrisian tech
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):

Exotic Matter
Programmable Matter

Technical Information

Affiliation: Atrisian Commonwealth
Model: Hyperspace Buey
Modular: Yes
Material: Refined Sleg Ultracapacitors, Sasori Kanamara, Materia
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