Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Attack at the Casino


I'm Sexy and I Know It
Maybe I can rent out a unit of Tenloss Security troops to help the civilian guards? Lol 100 guys in heavy armor with all the weapons at Tenloss' disposal.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]


Pay me the right price and I can drop ten four-meter-tall super battle droids with anti-tank rifles, and make sure this temporary problem is given a permanent solution.
[member="Popo"] You should have heard what he said about your mother.

[member="Manamune Ticon"] He attacked some droids just for looking at him funny.

In other words, I support any hostile actions you guys want to take.
Can we not have shootouts at the Casino every week? I like having it as a spot for social gatherings, I thought the "party" was fun and I think it's something we should do more often, perhaps once a month. It's also great for recruiting.

Regardless, I won't be involved in any violence on Casino grounds, and never will. It's always poor RPing. One guy versus thousands of security, and apparently our own security has no problem gutting the casino with grenades and miniguns. Not everything has to be the gunfight at the OK Corral. Let's at least have one sanctuary where we can escape that nonsense.
I'm with you all the way [member="Isaac Ideus"]

Believe me, this wasn't something I planned. In this case, the attacker actually ignored my original setting, which was at a coffee shop down the street and went into the casino instead with guns a'blazing.

Honestly, what I'm going to do from now on is to start putting "No fighting" in the titles of my threads that are set at the casino. The casino shouldn't be a soft target but people keep treating it like it is.


[member="Isaac Ideus"] - Sorry, I agree with you 100%, threads don't always have to be overkill. I was just trying to sell my business. :p

If it becomes an issue, I will just go deal with it personally.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Isaac Ideus"]
The faction tag is there for a reason. Public thread tags are, no matter what you put in parenthesis next to the title, open for anyone. Use the Faction tag option and then offer it to be open and list the rules or have them pm to ask. Ignoring someone else's posts will get you reported just as quick as reporting them for entering the thread and starting an IC fight.
Popo said:
[member="Isaac Ideus"]
The faction tag is there for a reason. Public thread tags are, no matter what you put in parenthesis next to the title, open for anyone. Use the Faction tag option and then offer it to be open and list the rules or have them pm to ask. Ignoring someone else's posts will get you reported just as quick as reporting them for entering the thread and starting an IC fight.
That's kind of what I'm getting at.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Isaac Ideus"]
Then use the Faction tag. If you want non-faction folks to show, list that next to the title and then clearly state the rules under a spoiler in the first post.


Don't use a tag and clearly state the rules in the initial post or in the thread title.

Getting upset because someone shows up to a public thread to collect a bounty, pick a fight, or generally RP their character the way they desire to, within reason, is a quick and easy way to alienate writers, characters, and factions from the rest of the community.


The problem, as even I've gathered on skimming alone, is that they didn't seem to put much effort or consideration into reading the thread before joining it. It's going on at two different locations at once because of that, meaning the destruction is all needless and disruptive since the target was never there.

The general consensus is, yeah, you get either ignored or treated like poodoo if you raid a thread and don't even have the courtesy to read or understand it.

A little research goes a long way.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Manamune Ticon"]
Or, perhaps, instead of ignoring them or treating them like crap, y'all could take the time and effort and do what other factions have done and worked with them.

Sure, tempers flare, but at the end of the day, this is a hobby. I don't go to work each day and rant about neat stuff I did on the board the day before.

Okay... maybe I do.. but that's just because my coworker is on the site, too, but that's the exception, not the rule.

At the end of the day, you have to ask yourself about this sort of situation... Do I wanna be a dick to everyone that shows up? Or do I wanna work with the person in question and make the thread fun for everyone like an upstanding member of this internet community?

I know what my take is on it. I'm back here offering products and RPs, despite my alt getting hammered IC'ly and OOC'ly in a previous thread with you guys. I can work around stuff and work with folks. It's not that hard once you sit down and put your mind to it.


Really, all I can say is that that work is a two-way street and shouldn't be suddenly molded around others just because they didn't pay attention (point in case; Raven Republic), but I otherwise agree and if I were to join the thread, it would not be without a planning PM to their writers.

Just wish others would show a little initiative instead of expecting it on a silver platter.

[member="Cryax Bane"]
I am there if you need me, wherever there is. Just way the word. Manamune frequents a lot of smuggler spots.
Popo said:
Getting upset because someone shows up to a public thread to collect a bounty, pick a fight, or generally RP their character the way they desire to, within reason, is a quick and easy way to alienate writers, characters, and factions from the rest of the community.

Oy vey. Anyway, this is something we've talked about tacitly but haven't put into effect. It's my opinion, I don't know why you're in here trying to stir up trouble.


I'm Sexy and I Know It
[member="Isaac Ideus"]
Define "stirring up trouble"? I'm pointing out a stance that is pretty much the general outlook of the board, both member and staff. If by "trouble" you mean pointing out the nuances of the tagging ability and how to prevent yourself from being attacked in each and every thread, my apologies, I didn't know you disliked helpful facts placed before you. If by "trouble" you mean, why is Vassago's writer, one of the previous attackers IC'ly, sitting here with his Hutt alt in the same faction that he attacked earlier with an alt, then maybe you need to reevaluate the concept of an alternate character. I keep mine separate IC'ly as much as possible and keep their IC goals to the forefront.

If you dislike me and want me out of here, say the word and I'll take my alt and leave the faction so you can RP in alienated peace.


[member="Isaac Ideus"]
There's no need to be so aggressive. Everyone's just trying to have fun here. Clashes like this are what propagate the poor rumors and hearsay about the Ravens as a faction.

That's probably all something you should discuss with your partners (I'm just assuming they are your partners), because one blasted through the front doors of the casino while everyone was at some generic cafe elsewhere. I'm not trying to bash on anyone. I think that's the kind of thing that needs stronger preemptive planning before jumping in.

The smart thing to do - and this goes for everyone, and in general - is to get everyone involved in a PM so that everyone can do their thing and have fun by simply throwing word out that they're trying to do X and Y.

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