Attack Craft
Attack craft is a general term for all combat craft smaller than corvettes and includes Interceptors, Fighters, Bombers and Gunships.
For the purposes of this system, Attack Craft are counted in whole squadrons only. Trying to account for different squadron sizes and individual craft is a logistical nightmare, and so will not be considered here.
The tricky nature of attack craft is that it requires the definition of results and losses during your own turn. For instance, bombers destroyed by defences cannot deliver their payload. Thus, this system attempts to fairly represent the AA fire by defending ships as well as dogfighting in a basic yet fair way.
Each type of vessel has an amount of attacks to use against attacking attack craft as defined below.
Assault Balanced Support
Interceptor -- 2 --
Fighter -- 2 --
Bomber -- 1 --
Gunship -- 1 --
Corvette 0 2 4
Frigate 1 3 5
Cruiser 2 4 6
Heavy Cruiser 3 5 7
Destroyer 4 6 8
Battlecruiser 5 7 9
Note, that the listed firepower for attack craft is only used against other attack craft – against escorts and capital ships they have their own combat resolution.
These attacks are only made when the squadron or ship is directly assaulted by attack craft. It is resolved by rolling a D6 per attack and comparing it to the table below.
Interceptor Fighter Bomber Gunship
Interceptor 4 5 2 3
Fighter 3 4 3 3
Bomber 6 6 4 5
Gunship 6 6 5 4
Corvette 4 4 3 3
Frigate 4 4 3 3
Cruiser 5 5 4 4
Heavy Cruiser 5 5 4 4
Destroyer 6 6 5 5
Battlecruiser 6 6 5 5
Each die roll must equal or beat the number mentioned above to be a success. Thus, an interceptor squadron attacking a bomber squadron rolls 2D6, requiring a 2 or more on each die to score a hit.
The way this is resolved depends on who the attacker and targets are.
Attack Craft vs. Attack Craft
Both sides resolve their attacks at the same time. This can lead to a situation where both sides are wiped out! This is perfectly legitimate, as it’s assumed that not all attack craft are lost, others are just scattered or forced to withdraw. If neither side is destroyed the dogfight can continue in the next round or they can be given new orders.
Attack Craft vs. Escorts/Capital Ships
When attack craft assault escorts or capital ships, those larger vessels get to fire first, representing their attempts to shoot down the attackers. Each type of attack craft makes its own runs, so fighters and bombers cannot be mixed together in a single assault, for instance. Once casualties from destroyed squadrons are removed, the remaining attack craft can assault the larger ship. They do not require a dice roll to hit, simply one for damage.
Escorts Capital Ships
Interceptor D6 D3
Fighter D6 D3
Bomber 3D6 2D6
Gunship D3 D3
It is important to note though that bomber damage against escorts and capital ships
ignores shields and is deducted directly from the vessel’s hull total.
It should also be noted that while capital ships have more attacks than escorts, their fire is much less effective, meaning that in real terms a battlecruiser is likely to score equal or less hits than a cruiser unless one is particularly fortunate.
(This is in the document in a better format here: )