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Attitude Adjustment - CtS pt. III [Maxine Avril]

Darth Imperia

Zarsidna iv Dzara

Beneath the rocky, windswept surface of Rhelg, there was a temple – it was an ancient thing, built by legions of slaves as a monument to the glory of their Sith masters. As such, it was rather fitting that its newest owner was a Sith herself – Darth Imperia. The Sith Knight had taken custody of the ancient temple, christening it Zarsidna iv Dzara – the Hall of Chains. It was here, sitting on her throne and watching servants and slaves of various species flit about, that Imperia brooded. A Dathomiri woman served the Knight wine, whilst an effete Eldorai man polished her boots. Within speaking distance were even more servants, each one ready to serve whatever whim struck Imperia at any given moment. She was in her element, ruling over her lessers, her right as a Sith. It was here, and now, that the Knight chose to make her move.

Letting out a soft breath, Darth Imperia reached out with the Force, calling telepathically for her apprentice, Maxine, to come to her.

Maxine had failed as an apprentice – that much was obvious to anyone who observed her for more than a few moments. Were Imperia less generous, she might have simply had the girl executed, but that would’ve been a waste of resources. No, she had something far more sinister planned for Max, something that would allow the girl to remain useful, even if she never became a Sith herself.

Every queen needed a Handmaiden, after all, and it would be a pity to let the woman's talent go to waste.


[member="Maxine Avril"]
Having learned since the last time, Maxine made sure not to make the same mistake. Quickly the girl made way to Imperia, her worry growing. Since the experience with Aria and the punishment she had received for her reaction, she realized how easily the woman could have killed her if she wanted. After all, she needed a way home if she were really trying to flee, she would die if she were left alone on one of these planets. Even if she hated her life back home, it was better than being here in her opinion. So her need to play nice had grown.

Maxine made way in front of Imperia, bowing her head slightly and in her once more quiet, skittish, generally afraid voice from before, "Yes?..." She paid close attention to Imperia's features, her eyes, her expression, the depth and how her emotions radiated. Many others may not have considered her a threat, but to a non-force user like Maxine, Imperia could have been considered close to a god, having the power to kill her in an instant, read her thoughts, do what she pleased, and that idea absolutely terrified her. So she remained, waiting for whatever response the woman before her was to give, trying to push fear out of her mind.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Imperia's grin turned into a slight scowl as Maxine approached, and stood before her. The girl didn't even have the good sense to kneel. And why would she? It wasn't as if she was presenting herself to a being that could end her life with the barest effort. Were the Knight speaking to a fellow Sith, a peer or a superior, or even someone with the potential to be so, she may have dismissed her slaves, sent them to do whatever it was that they did when they weren't serving their Mistress. But Maxine did not warrant that level of respect, or any respect at all, really - she was only marginally more important than the effeminate creature polishing her boots.

The question, of course, was what to do with the girl - she'd break her, of course. But after that? Darth Imperia had little idea what she'd create from the pieces left behind. Maxine had potential, this much was true, she had hate and rage to spare - but still she was weak. More powerful than most of the Galaxy, if only because she was one of the relatively small number that could touch the Force, but still far too weak to be a Sith.

No, Maxine would be a servant, much like Mjolnir, the walking engine of destruction formerly known as Samantha Rodarch. But she had one brute already, and besides, Max was sharp. She was clever, bright and creative. It'd be a waste to turn her into something like Rodarch. No, her next creation would be far more subtle; a scalpel instead of a hammer.

Taking one last sip from her wineglass, Imperia placed it once more in the hand of the serving girl at her side, and then spoke. "You have failed me as an Apprentice, girl," began the Knight, her tone surprisingly warm, given then subject she'd just broached. "And that is my fault. The Dark Side brought me to you, and I thought that meant you were meant to take up the mantle of Sithhood. I was wrong - you were never destined to be a Sith. You were destined to serve them, instead."


[member="Maxine Avril"]
You were destined to serve them, instead.

The words echoed through her head in a slowed manner. Serve. Destined. There was no way Maxine could serve the woman before her, no way she could serve the woman who approved of her punishment, mistreatment, the woman who put her through so many terrible things in such a little amount of time. Maxine had to return home, to her small apartment and her minimum wage job.

You were destined.

Destiny held no play in this, it was Imperia's will that was in command. Destiny couldn't really have a factor in this, could it? The question floated freely in her mind, though it held little stance. She couldn't allow this, no matter how bad her life had been before, it was much better than here.

I don't want to serve her.
I can't.

"I. . .respect you a great much-" There was a pause. "But- Lady Imperia. . .I cannot stay anymore. . .I know what my words were, but I cannot stay." Her words were strained, held tight like she were to be holding back a fountain of tears.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Were the circumstances different, Imperia may indeed have allowed her disgraced apprentice to return to her home. Unfortunately, the girl knew her face, her alias, the location of her home - and what made all of that intolerable was that the girl hated Imperia, and Imperia knew it. So with a small frown, the Sith Knight simply shook her head, speaking next in a quiet voice.

"You don't want to leave, dear," began the Knight, her voice supernaturally smooth and seductive, yet still tainted with a predatory edge - the telltale sign of her favorite Force Power, Dominate Mind. Jedi and even some Sith called it Mind Trick, but really - it warped the victim's mind, bending them to the user's will, if only temporarily. Imperia continued, her words still smooth and sweet, but no longer dripping with Power. "I understand your fear - you've been hurt. I pushed you too far. But everything I did to you, I did to help you reach your full potential."

It was at this point that Imperia stood, gesturing for her slaves to stand aside. As they did so, she approached her failed apprentice. "I won't lie to you, girl. I won't tell you that I'll never hurt you again - the Dark Side feeds on passion, and there are few passions stronger than pain and rage." The Sith reached out towards Maxine with her right hand, palm facing upwards - an invitation to take her hand. When she next spoke, her voice was once more laced with the power of the Dark Side. "You are destined to serve the Sith - but you can touch the Force, dear. Accept my offer, serve me faithfully, and I can still make you like unto a god to the masses."


[member="Maxine Avril"]
"I don't want to leave..."

No, wait. That wasn't right. Maxine did want to leave, she wanted to in fact run as far from here as she could. Yet something pulled and tugged in her mind. You don't want to leave, dear. It was a struggle, for her fragile mind to comprehend, but, she wanted to stay, a sudden change in mind. You were destined to serve the Sith. Such simple statements, though so hard for her to resist. As she looked at Imperia it was entirely visible, how easily she controlled the girls thoughts to sway another way.

Then there was a moment of stillness. "No. . .-No I need to go home. . ." Maxine's tone shifted again. "Please Lady Imperia. . . Let me go home." The girl fell to her knees before Imperia, a few tears streaking down her cheek.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

They never just accepted it. They never just accepted that Imperia knew what was best for them, that their lives would be better if they just listened and obeyed. They always had to fight, they always had to resist. And as much as the Knight did enjoy, ah, 'educating' her minions in regards to the errors of their ways, it did get a bit old after a while, and, on occasion, she wanted to find a servant who'd simply accept their place without much fuss. It was a pity that Maxine wasn't going to be what she had hoped for.

With a gentle sigh, Imperia dipped into the chaotic flow of the Dark Side, drawing upon her desire for Maxine to stay where she was - and then attempted to make Maxine do exactly that. Clenching her right hand into a fist, Imperia gripped Maxine with a telekinetic hold. It wasn't a strong enough grasp to hurt her, for that wasn't Imperia's intention - but unless she somehow countered the power, Maxine wasn't going anywhere.

"You'll not be going anywhere," began the Knight, her voice gentle and calm. "But you needn't cry, girl - by the time I'm done, you'll wonder why you ever wanted to leave in the first place."


[member="Maxine Avril"]
The girl was frozen now, whether from fear or purely Imperia's powers was hard to tell. Maxine blinked away a few still tears as she looked up to her. "I'll never want to serve you..." The tone sad yet firm. It was true, she would never consciously serve the woman and it was very clear to Imperia. On no circumstance would she allow herself to serve a woman she deemed so vile.

"You will never have me serve you, I refuse your offer." Maxine blinked once more, attempting to stand though being forced down by whatever telekinetic hold Imperia kept on her.

I cannot serve her. I will not.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Imperia wasn't particularly angry. She expected that response, even if it did disappoint her. She'd hoped that Maxine might, perhaps, see reason, but it wasn't to be. So, instead of releasing the girl, Imperia simply squeezed. Not hard enough to kill her, but certainly hard enough to hurt.

"That doesn't surprise me," began Imperia, her tone now cold and emotionless. "And I believe you, girl - you'll never serve me. But the woman I build from the broken shards of your mind certainly will. And then she'll thank me for showing her the error of her ways. But you, Maxine Avril? You die tonight. You die slowly, and you die painfully, because you didn't have the good sense to know your place." Imperia loosened her grip again, and when next she spoke, her voice was the same smooth, seductive and predatory tone it was just moments before. "Just remember, dear - You'll be far happier when this is over."

With that, the Knight released her grip on the girl, and gestured for the Dathomiri woman to approach once more. "Take her to the hole in the wall, sweetie. We'll leave her there for...half a day? Yes, I think that'll do just fine." 'The hole in the wall' referred to a small, two foot wide by two and a half foot tall 'cave' set into the wall of one of the tunnels leading up to the temple.

The Dathomiri woman simply nodded in response to her Mistress's command, approaching Maxine at a steady pace. Should Maxine not fight back effectively, the horned servant would indeed drag the girl to the aforementioned hole in the wall and unceremoniously shove her inside, then seal off the exit in some way or another. All of this assuming, of course, that Maxine couldn't simply outrun the woman.


[member="Maxine Avril"]
Maxine Avril, such a weak girl, she stood no chance to the Dathomiri woman who started to drag her away. The words hole in the wall, hitting her harshly, fear filling her eyes as she struggled insignificantly to pull free of the grip. "No! No! Anything but that! Please! No! I change my mind, please I accept! I accept the offer!" Shrieked the girl as she was dragged off. Being shoved into the small stone prison, screaming out again. "Please Lady Imperia! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry! Forgive me!" And then she was shut in, alone in the dark, slamming on the rock that blocked her in with her feet, sobbing. "Please...Anything but this..."

An hour of screaming, pleading, and sobbing would pass, Maxine kicking against the wall trying with all her might to escape her darkest fear. "I can't breathe, can't breathe! The walls are too tight! Crushing me! Please make it stop!"

Three hours had passed with no change, her desperate attempt at breaking free continued on. The clawing of stone could be heard alone with the sad broken cries from fragile Maxine, slowly withering away under the pressure of her own mind. "I-I'll be good... I swear... I changed my mind... I want to accept... I-I'm so sorry..." She was tired, wearing down. All that could be done now was cry and plea. Hoping Imperia would suddenly have a change of heart.

Ever so slowly the girls loud begging would stop, along with the cries and the attempts at breaking free. Ten hours of continuous crying, screaming, all gone, carried away with the wind. The are around the stone confinement deathly silent unless the ear of a listener was the be pressed against the wall of the prison. "D-Dark, a-all alone... Closed- Closed space, trapped, stuck." Repeating in a scratchy desperate tone, over and over again.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Imperia was stone faced and stoic as Maxine screamed and begged, the very picture of frigidity.

Internally, she was not so calm. This is for her own good ran through the Sith Knight's head ad infinitum, a desperate attempt to excuse the inexcusable. Beyond the guilt, there was also disgust - disgust for Maxine's weakness, of course, and disgust in herself. Not for what she'd done, however - but for the fact that she was troubled by it. For regardless of the atrociousness of her actions, she truly did believe that what she did was for Maxine's own good. Her guilt, that sliver of humanity that still held fast at the fringes of Imperia's mind, was a sign of weakness. A sign that, despite what she told both others and herself, she still adhered to the masses' idea of morality.

That was unacceptable. Imperia was a Sith, heiress to a legacy that could only be described as divine. She was a vessel for the Dark Side, an interpreter of its will. She had no time for petty weakness. And so, steeling her heart, at least for the time being, the Sith Knight went about preparing for Maxine's release. The girl would be upset, quite obviously, and she'd need a place to calm down. To that end, Imperia had a trio of her servants clear out one of the larger rooms in the temple, one large enough for Maxine to wander about in to her heart's content, should she desire to do so.

In the meantime, Imperia meditated.

What she needed to do to Maxine's mind was intense and invasive - the girl would likely be quite insane, something that Imperia couldn't fix. She could, however, render the girl more useful in general; tweak a thought here, a memory there, an emotion here. But to do so, and affect any real change, she needed not to dip into the Dark Side, but to plunge head first into it. To that end, Darth Imperia spent a portion of her time meditating on each of her passions, and the things they brought to mind.

First, there was Rage. The Knight was fire and fury, carefully contained and aching to be released at every moment. The smell of flesh burning beneath her saber, the feeling of bone crushed in her grip.

Then, there was Lust. Imperia was a creature of the flesh, and her excess was one of the few things that calmed her heart. The touch of skin on skin, the sweet, unfiltered joy that followed soon after.

Next, there was Pride. Oh, pride. Imperia was prideful - in her mind, her every subtle motion was graceful, every word sweet and seductive. She was a queen in her mind, one on the slow climb to godhood.

And last, buried deep beneath everything else - there was Love. Platonic and Romantic, for they were two sides to the same coin. It was a passion she didn't often get to nurture anymore, but still it burned. It was small, but it was bright and fierce. The familiar bark of her dearly departed hound, the feeling of a lover's hair draped across her skin, the warmth and comfort of a child in her parents' arms.

Twelve hours had passed.

Imperia's eyes opened to reveal a harsh yellow coloration, and, with a few quiet words, she ordered her Dathomiri servant to retrieve Maxine from her prison.

It was time to begin.


[member="Maxine Avril"]
"Dark- dark, all alone. Closed- closed, trapped alone." Was all that was said until the woman opened the confinement/ Blood staining the entire interior of the stone prison. Scraps of fingernails and torn flesh adorned the floor and her hands, coated in thick now brownish red stain. Maxine's ankle twisted backwards in a way no joint should bend and as the woman reached down the girl let out a shriek. "No! No touch! No grab! Don't touch!" Speaking rapidly, clearly panicked as she tried to escape though her ankle said otherwise. When she began to try and squirm around the Dathomiri, her ankle twisted around and she let out an ear piercing screech, ceasing her attempt.

Her eyes red from strain, her clothing torn and lower sections of her hair missing as she grasped at her head in fear before. In the best way put, she looked terrible, and insane.


[member="Darth Imperia"]

Darth Imperia

Once the girl stopped struggling, the Dathomiri servant silently delivered her to Imperia, laying Maxine gently on the ground in front of the Sith Knight.

Looking over Maxine's injuries, Imperia frowned. She'd require medical attention after what Imperia had planned for her, if not somewhat sooner. Still - Imperia could tell she was in a bad mental state, and as unfortunate as that was, it also made what she was about to do even easier. Taking a deep breath, Imperia spoke, her harsh yellow eyes staring directly into Maxine's.

"You are safe now, girl. I promise you this." That was a lie, of course, from any objective viewpoint - but Imperia believed it to be true, and her words carried with them an immense weight, her persuasive powers amplified by the Dark Side to a level that shocked even Imperia herself - not to mention the fact that it was painful. Imperia's voice was honey sweet, but her throat felt as if she'd just done very inappropriate things to a roll of sandpaper. She couldn't feel the warm trickle of blood, so she assumed the pain was psychosomatic - but it certainly didn't feel it. With a grimace, the young Knight continued speaking. "You are safe and protected. I will care for you, dear."


[member="Maxine Avril"]

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