Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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ATTN: FO Vote (important)

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Alright. This is pretty straightforward. We're agreed on leadership and that's not changing, at least not unless Aaron comes out of left field and throws us around again. In deep consideration that Dredge has left the site, according to Skype, permanently, we are taking steps to regain ourselves and stay organized. Simply put, we want this faction to work because we all love it and put a lot of hours in, so we're just moving forward. This is a vote for the owner of the forum group. As I've said, we're all agreed on leadership, but OOC only one account can be the Owner and that account has the unrestricted ability to mess with the ACP; something we kinda need to hash out rights to our accounts.

[TLDR] We're holding a vote because we have to, else I'd skip it.

I can't for the life of me figure out how to post a Poll, so I guess just post a name. Even your own, if you are dedicated to doing this.
(NO ALT PADDING. I will look.)

  • Me (Ashe) - 6
  • Break - 1
  • Dagon - 1
  • Enigma - 1
  • etc
If all we're talking about here is babysitting the forum and doing moderation stuff, you can have at it Ashe. I'm here to help keep things organized and prevent butt-hurtery. That, and keep random Horde members from running off half-cocked and screwing things up for everyone else.
Heh, I think it's decided then, if all three candidates decide that they want Ashe to be the leader. Personally, I couldn't really care less. Just point me at something and tell me to kill it.


Ven'Rain Sekairo said:
Heh, I think it's decided then, if all three candidates decide that they want Ashe to be the leader. Personally, I couldn't really care less. Just point me at something and tell me to kill it.
Guys, real quick - You CAN vote for yourselves. Not just the Faction Admins. I'm just listing the people who are willing to own the faction. If you want to do it, put your name forward!
Cuu'rha said:
Guys, real quick - You CAN vote for yourselves. Not just the Faction Admins. I'm just listing the people who are willing to own the faction. If you want to do it, put your name forward!
My vote is going for Ashe. I don't have the time to be a FO, that's for sure.
But I am stepping forward to replace Blaire as the official 'Happy Kitten'. Duties include spreading cat gifs, and attempting to keep people calm for as long as possible.
Mostly just the cat gifs.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
Evening, all. I've been asked to be the outside monitor for this election. Just wanted to let you know that there were checks and balances in place.

As election monitor I certify that, as of now, the count stands at 5 votes for Ashe/Cuu'rha, 1 vote for Break. I also certify that, as of now, no duplicate votes have been cast through alts. I'll be making the same evaluation at the end of the vote.

Carry on.
No one should be temporary/long terms leader. what Makes [member="Ashe the Reaper"] so qualified???? I'm not okay with Ashe being leader. Personal opinion, not professional.

Half the people in the horde...I don't even see active..or their alts for someone who's in already (me being one) When we called for the was Break, Dredge, and Incubus more then half of it, and that took way to long then what it should have been.

Horde is dying...and none of us can keep it alive, I want no part of a Horde without Dredge. That's how I feel about this. I came to give Dredge numbers, and well...that cause is gone. Bye


[member="Romeo S"] - I respect how you feel and if that is what you must do, I will not stop you. I will only say that I am not the sole leader; I was first appointed by Aaron, then Dagon and Break were later added as well. We decided to make it a trifecta after Dredge left. There is no "temporary or long-term" leadership - we are, as it stands, the permanent leaders as was decided by the majority. This is a vote to see who is the Board Owner, which we've also agreed will mean very little in terms of this faction leadership.

Edit: I hope we can still work on Shinjitsu no Tsumi. :)


Just another avatar for Cyttorak
I agree with Romeo and will be leaving the faction for the near future. I'll keep my eye on it and if things change for the better may return. Best of luck to whoever remains.
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