Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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File Aurek 0002
Following successful implementation of File No. Aurek 0001, PA staff have elected to continue with the second priority target, File No. Aurek 0002. As with the setup of No. Aurek 0001, the subject [REDACTED] is not to be made aware of the existence of the project until such a time that it is required by the subject. Also like File No. Aurek 0001, authority for the creation of the project and funding sourced from P.A. Directive No. 04. Materials were already on file. For [REDACTED] purposes, [REDACTED] facilities in the [REDACTED] Sector will be used to proces File No. Aurek 0002. Processing will begin this week.

File No. Aurek 0002 progressing well. We were unsure about the particular methodology given the physiological differences between 0002 and 0001, but I would classify it as an unqualified success. The [REDACTED] has been improved by an efficiency coefficient of 0.004%, which has allowed us to complete the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] processes at a more efficient method. The results are encouraging, and File No. Aurek 0002 is proving to be rather an impressive endeavor.

Unexpected visit from Dosuun today. It was quite a scramble to set aside Aurek 0002 in the hidden compartment. Somehow it feels like treason, even though it's all legal. No additional tests today because of the inspection. Updates forthcoming.

[REDACTED]. I didn't believe it at first, but [REDACTED]. [REDACTED]. And [REDACTED], [REDACTED]; because of this, the future of File No. Aurek 0002 is uncertain. I'm sure there are similar reports for File No. Aurek 0001, but the communications network has been more or less disrupted since [REDACTED]. I have not been able to reach my superiors to discuss the disposition of Aurek 0002. Its primary function is entirely obsolete, now, but... it seems wrong to dispose of it now. Perhaps I've been working on this project too long. I see it as more than [REDACTED].

Excerpt - Journal Entry 4 - Dr. Edamin Choll
More SRI patrols today. We have taken an administrative decision to shut down the facility. The power draw is too large; it could expose us. That leaves us with just what we should do with the staff, and with Aurek 0002. I have a hard time seeing her as just a 'program' or a 'file number'. I've had conversations with her, tested the efficacy of the educational regimen, probed her memories. Jiurt says we should unplug and let fate sort it out; that is, without a doubt, a death sentence. Perhaps her original purpose is now irrelevant, but does that mean she has none at all?

Excerpt - Journal Entry 5 - Dr. Edamin Choll
We took a vote. Aurek 0002 has been transferred from the facility to low-power stasis pod. It was unfortunate that we could not wake her and inform her of what happened and why; I can't imagine what it will be like if she is resuscitated without context. I hope I can be there when it happens. She'll be terrified. Not that we're not all terrified; the SRI fly patrols every day, and while it seems like they don't know we're here, there's only a matter of time before they land and search. Thank god for the Dead Nebula being well and truly dead on most scanners.

I almost forgot. For purposes of covering the paper trail, we'll call her Aušra, and delete the Aurek 0002 records -- at least the records that are held locally. According to Jiurt it's an old language name meaning 'new day' or 'dawn'. Cliche? Perhaps. But perhaps also fitting.

Excerpt - Journal Entry 51 - Dr. Edamin Choll
I don't think anyone is coming for us. The SRI patrols have stopped, but every ship that could have taken off was either commandeered during the chaos after Dosuun fell, or is inoperable. It's just Jiurt and I and a few of the junior staff. Rations aren't a problem, but power is. The generators are running out of fuel. It's been months with no deliveries, and no contact from the outside world. Could it be possible that we're all that's left? I can't believe it. It's not possible.

Excerpt - Journal Entry 53 - Dr. Edamin Choll
Another vote. We're going to use the stasis pods to stretch the power as long as we can. If we all go in, we can survive for a year. The downside is, if we all go in, none of us will be able to get us out. We'll starve to death, trapped in the stasis pods, shortly after the power runs out. It's bleak, but I don't see what other choices we have. May the Force be with us.

Excerpt of Inventory Card on Stasis Pod 9831-A:
NAME: Aušra
AGE UPON STASIS: 3? ~11 [A.G.]
HOMEWORLD: Dead Nebula
NEXT OF KIN: N/A - Contact S. Shepard, Dosuun [?] / C. Rausgeber, Dosuun [?]
MEDICAL STATUS: Stasis - See thumbdrive [encrypted]

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