Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Audroti before his facial scarring

NAME: Audroti
AFFILIATION: Sith Order (Formerly)
RANK: Sith Master

SPECIES: Sith Pureblood
AGE: 42
HEIGHT: 5'11
WEIGHT: 235 lbs
EYES: Golden
SKIN: Crimson

STRENGTH: ■■■■■■■■■
DEXTERITY: ■■■■■■■■■■
CONSTITUTION: ■■■■■■■■■■
INTELLIGENCE: ■■■■■■■■■■
WISDOM: ■■■■■■■■■■
CHARISMA: ■■■■■■■■■■




Over the decades of experience Audroti has amassed he has become known as a tyrannous figurehead of Sith dominance in battle. As a young Crusader Audroti cared little for the lives of Imperial forces, viewing them as more of less the cannon fodder that simply extended the will of the Sith. However, as Audroti matured, he learned to respect the valiance and fearlessness many inside of the Imperial Military embodied. Because of this slow realization, Audroti’s studies slowly began to incorporate military strategy to better command the soldiers of the Imperium as they pressed onwards towards victory. This new study allowed Audroti to know longer simply serve as a tool to hunt Jedi and Light Side cultists down with, but serve as a leader in battle should the Imperium call upon him to do such.

While Audroti has expanded his mind to allow for a new form of duty to squeeze in, he still considers himself a Sith primarily. As such he always seeks to test himself, to better his own mind and body through the heat of combat. This tempered yet aggressive personality is seen across all of Audroti’s doing, whether it is in training an Apprentice, teaching a class, discussing philosophies, or in the midst of combat it is clear WHY Audroti is there, to ensure that a stronger Sith Order and through that a stronger Imperium can be forged. While many believe the Sith Master is an uncivilized brute due to his aggressive tendencies, many would be surprised to find their assumptions couldn’t be further from the truth. It is true that Audroti passionately seeks to better himself and those around him; it is not true that he is abrasive or condescending as he once was. Instead the aged Warrior chooses his words carefully when he speaks, opting to attempt to make allies rather than shatter bridges with a hasty tongue.

As a Sith Master, Audroti understands that the Acolytes of today could be his peers tomorrow, as such he actively attempts to aid them in becoming the most stable and effective Sith possible. Audroti often teaches the three principals he applied to his own life to the Acolytes under his guidance, whether temporarily or as his Apprentice. The first of these principals is simple, Sound of Mind. Even though Audroti is a Sith Warrior and Juyo practitioner he knows that a sane mind is the key to long term success. Without sanity a Sith no matter his or her profession will fall and be destroyed by his or her own blind decision making. The second principal is an odd one for Sith, Sound of Emotion. While all Sith use their emotions and passions as catalysts to draw power from the Dark Side of the Force it is important in Audroti’s opinion that all Sith be able to control these emotions. This stems from Audroti’s belief that without emotional control a Sith will potentially waste more of his or her power then truly needed to accomplish a task. Finally, the final principal is an obvious one, Sound of Body. As a Sith Warrior Audroti respects martial and physical prowess and is constantly striving to reach a new plateau in his own person physique. Due to this reason, Audroti believes a Sith, regardless of profession within the Order, should maintain enough physical strength to overpower an opponent should the need arise. With these three principals, Audroti forges Acolytes into what he believes to be superior Crusaders to serve both the Sith Order and Imperium in battles around the galaxy.

Despite his ability to be mannerly, teach the young Acolytes of the Order, and capacity to lead the soldiers of the Imperium into battle Audroti has not forgotten who he truly is. Underneath the mask of all his activities lies the same monster that relished in the destruction of his tribe, the same beast that will destroy a tie before it begins to take root, and the same dark creature that seeks to devour the galaxy in complete destruction. While Audroti delivered himself from the Beast that was attempting to devour his mind, the price might have been higher than he expected. For now the only thing his body truly craves is the pure expression of sheer darkness and death that he tasted on Ziost.


Typically, Audroti is seen wearing dueling armor when within Sith Temples or teaching Sith students. This dress style stems from his deep distrust of other Sith and his constant need to remain prepared in all situations. The only time Audroti is seen outside of his dueling armor is when he is on the battlefield and wearing his Colossi-Class War Armor or in his chambers where he wears light clothing. These clothes are typically light colored in nature, made from a light breathable fabric, sleeveless, with long pant legs. In addition when he is in his chambers Audroti rarely wears any form of shoes, preferring to feel the cold metal on his bare feet.


Originally, Audroti's right arm was severed by Darth Vereor just above the elbow after he questioned and challenged the Darth's beliefs, this original replacement was nothing more then a standard cybernetic Prosthetic. However, shortly before obtaining his rank as Sith Master Audroti underwent a surgery to remove what remained of the arm at the shoulder and replace the entirety of the arm with a more proficient and lethal prosthetic. This new cybernetic arm is capable of lifting larger payloads or striking viciously with crippling force when compared to his natural left arm. In addition, this arm can act similarly to Mandalorian Crushgaunt and can apply intense pressure that can crush some of the sturdiest metals in the Galaxy or shatter the bones of an unlucky victim. Finally, while the arm has no synth-skin laid on top of it's steel chassis it is designed to match the bulk of his natural arm with the end of the digits brought to a point to form claws as with his natural hand.

Audroti's left eye was lost during the Battle of Kaleth when Jedi Knight Rhonun Tor ripped into the left side of Audroti's face with his cybernetic claw. Once the battle of Tython had concluded the young Crusader was sent to a medical facility where his eye ruined eye was replaced with a standard cybernetic replacement. Unlike his right arm, this cybernetic replacement is covered in synth-skin and matches the color and tone of his natural eye.


The right side of Audroti's face was heavily mangled after he questioned and challenged Darth Vereor's beliefs. The Darth severed and then proceeded to tear the majority of the young Crusader's cheek off with the bracer of his severed arm. This horizontal scar is the most prevalent on Audroti's face as it never healed completely or properly leaving the majority of his bottom row of teeth and gumline exposed. Audroti never had this hole in his face patched over with synth-skin and instead wears it as a reminder to both himself and others the price for disrespecting superiors.

On the left side of Audroti's face is a large vertical scar that extends from his hairline once was to the base of his neck. This scar was given to him by Jedi Knight Rhonun Tor's metal claw and cost Audroti his left eye as well. The scar on his face is obviously deep due to the white pigment left on his red skin along the five rows each digit made on his face and his severed eyelid. However, as the scar exits the face and proceeds to down the neck it becomes obvious the wound wasn't as deep and the scaring is often times hardly noticed. While these are the most notable of Audroti's scaring his body is littered with countless other scars ranging from mere nicks to larger scars that were obviously grievous to his body, these however are typically covered by either his armor or clothing.


[Combat Prowess]

Sith Master Audroti is a Master and notable practitioner of Form: VII in lightsaber combat, which allows him to quickly overpower the most sturdy of defenses with blindingly fast strikes that appear to come in random yet fluid patterns with little to no concern about his own safety. This lack of conern for his safety does not mean Audroti simply allows strikes from an opponent to land home; rather he doesn’t bother with traditional lightsaber defenses such as blocking or parrying. While many view this concept as a flaw or weakness in his personalized form of combat, Audroti has adapted and views those actions as a waste of potential energy. Instead he attempts to avoid or outright evade an opponent’s attack to catch them in compromising positions. Unlike many Juyo practitioners Audroti does not forgo raw strength in favor of speed, instead he has found a happy medium between the two utilizing his emotions to empower both the strength and speed of his attacks allowing him to not only easily find holes in an opponent’s defense but batter through it should the need arise.

Juggernaut Audroti is also known to practice a combination of two philosophies practiced by two long dead Sith Lords, Malgus and Darth Vader. As Malgus once did Audroti watches the entirety of an opponent’s body and attempts to judge where their next strike will fall based upon muscle and joint movements which allows him to react before the strike even occurs. However, Malgus suffered from tunnel vision as he focused solely on overpower his opponent in that manner, Audroti has compensated for this by applying Darth Vader’s philosophy of environmental awareness. While Audroti is watching his opponent’s body during strikes to avoid them, he utilizes his senses to find environmental structures which he can manipulate to his advantage through boxing his opponent towards them or more directly through the use of telekinesis. The combination of these two combat philosophies makes Audroti a force to be reckoned with in close quarters combat.

While Audroti practices Juyo as his primary combat form, he has been noted to utilize a variety of Lightsaber Arts. Examples of these arts include, Sokan, Dun Moch, Trakata, and on occasion, should the opponent prove particularly difficult, Jar’Kai. These arts allow Audroti to gain an upper hand against an opponent, often times easily bypassing a block, taunting an opponent into a blind rage, or hammering through a defense with an additional lightsaber.

While primarily practicing Juyo, Audroti has been known to practice Form V: Shien/Djem So as well. This makes use of Audroti's weight and strength and is often used in battles for it's broad and powerful strokes as well as solid aggressive/defensive patterns. Audroti, however does not utilize this style in duels often unless the opponent proves themselves worthy of him unleashing his full potential in combat.

Additionally, Audroti has spent the better part of the last decade studying Military strategy and combat which he has applied to his vast knowledge of combat. Because of these studies Audroti knows the makes and models of countless blasters, slugthrowers, and other forms of ranged weaponry allowing him to know the weakest point on the weapon to strike and neutralize it completely. His time studying terrestrial, naval, and amphibious warfare has allowed Audroti to command the soldiers of the Imperial Military with maximized efficiency from the front of the battlefield. More often than not Audroti utilizes the fear his presence instills on opposing forces to motivate the men under his command to accomplish tasks while simultaneously crushing the enemies moral through brutal acts of cruelty on their lines.

[Force Prowess]

Sith Master Audroti, like many Sith Warriors is a Master of self-augmentation based abilities and has been noted to perform them in tandem with one another for prolonged periods of time. Audroti uses these abilities to increase his strength, speed, and overall durability to near superhuman proportions allowing him to outmaneuver and overpower an opponent or allow him to seemingly shrug off what would be an otherwise crippling blow. It is believed that he taps into these abilities by channeling both his and his opponent’s darker emotions and feelings and using them to fuel his body as almost a secondary resource. It is not uncommon to see Audroti utilize these skills in tandem with performance enhancing chemicals such as military grade Adrenals to allow him to push his body even further in combat. Needless to say the physical strain placed upon his body is slowly becoming a concern and has caused the Sith Master to shrink away from unleashing his full potential unless the battle truly calls for it.

Self-augmentation is not the only set of abilities Audroti has been noted to practice though; they are simply the ones he is believed to have completely mastered. The Juggernaut has also been noted to command abilities such as Telekinesis, Barrier, and Force Lightning with excellent control and proficiency. With these abilities Audroti is able to accomplish tasks ranging from the mundane (IE: Gently manipulating objects through the Force, blocking blaster bolts or strikes with small barriers, or charging long dead battery cells) to the incredible (crush or manipulating the environment around him in battle, containing moderate sized explosions, or punishing his opponents through intense blasts of Lightning). While he is noted to be extremely skilled with these powers, they are not considered to be fully mastered by Audroti simply the next most notable abilities in his vast arsenal of Force based powers. Again, these are not the only abilities the Sith Master Audroti is capable of using, simply the ones he is most proficient in.


Built after Audroti gave his original weapon to Darth Vereor

The armor Audroti wears in large scale battles to ensure his own protection.

  • Black Kama

Worn around his waist when inside his Colossi war armor.

  • Black Cloak

Worn over Assailant-Class Dueling Armor.


  • 16's Andastre's Journal

Won and taken after Audroti defeated the Sithspawn named 16 as an Acolyte.

  • Aislin's Andastre's Journal

Won and taken after Audroti defeated Sith Acolyte Aislin as an Acolyte.

  • Drenn's Andastre's Journal

Won and taken after Audroti killed the Former Sith Master Drenn Kerstasus as a Sith Master.

  • Ancestral Lightsaber

A blue bladed Lightsaber that Audroti took from his defeated opponent Jedi Knight Rhonun Tor as he fled from Audroti when he was a Crusader.

  • Mizchno Endo's Lightsaber Staff

A blue bladed Lightsaber Staff that Audroti took from his defeated opponent Jedi Padawan Mizchno Endo after his defeat and capture at the hands of Audroti when he was a Sith Master.

  • Rathru's Warsword

A massive force imbued great sword that Audroti took from his defeated opponent Jedi Knight Rathru Spawnslayer as he fled from Audroti when he was an Acolyte.

  • Orphen's Lightsaber

A green bladed lightsaber that Audroti took from his defeated opponent Jedi Knight Orphen as she fled from Audroti when he was an Acolyte.

  • 16's Lightsaber

A red bladed Lightsaber that Audroti took from his defeated opponent Sithspawn 16 after his defeat at the hands of Audroti when he was an Acolyte.

  • Zsan's Lightsaber Staff

A red double bladed Lightsaber Staff that Audroti took from the corpse of his defeated opponent, Acolyte Zsan Larkwud when Audroti was an Acolyte.

  • Drenn Kerstasus' Arkanian Dragon Bone Lightsaber

A purple bladed ornate lightsaber that Audroti took from the corpse of his defeated opponent, Former Sith Master Drenn Kerstasus when Audroti was a Sith Master.

  • Drenn Kerstasus' Double Bladed Lightsaber

A red double bladed Lightsaber Staff that Audroti took from the corpse of his defeated opponent, Former Sith Master Drenn Kerstsus when Audroti was a Sith Master.


Peace is a Lie
“True Sith are born in the flames of adversity…”

Ziost howled in agony as one of her children cried out in the throes of labor, one of the true descendants of darkness birthed out a screaming babe, a small child that would one day tear at the very fabric of the Light and aid in bringing about a decade of darkness and destruction. Crimson faces gathered around the exhausted woman to peer down at the newest addition to their tribe, they stared at the new mother who held the child which was still covered in her blood, she cooed to the small boy comforting him despite her own exhaustion. The peaceful moment was quickly brought to an end as the Tribal leader ripped the small child from his mother’s arms with a single phrase in their ancient language:

“Nwûl Kash Zo Tash”

The aged man carried the now screaming child out into the bitter wind, leaving his mother laying on the table while she silently wept without giving her a second glance. The small child’s cries were drowned out by the roaring winds of Ziost, the elder tribesman glared down at the child. If the boy’s voice could not be heard over the harsh winds he wasn’t worthy of life. The small babes eyelids peeled apart, twin yellow pools glared at the tribesman, they swirled with an irritation for ripping him from his mother's warm body and the comfort she brought. This irritation was the most base form of an emotion every being in the tribe knew and relished in, hatred. The Elder’s eyes bore down at the new born infant as the child drew in a single breath, his cries stopping for a moment as the two stood in the freezing winds glaring at one another. After a few moments the Elder frowned and dropped the boy onto the snow, if the boy wouldn’t fight against the winds to survive he wouldn’t fight the enemies of the Dark Side and was a useless tool.

The Elder turned his back to the small child, walking towards the hut to tell the child’s mother to dry her tears; her son was not worth them. For two steps the only sound he heard was the crunching of snow underneath his own heavy boots, his thoughts had drawn far away from the infant laying in the snow, his uselessness meant he was dead already. But a single sound erupted from behind him, an unexpected noise which caused the Elder to freeze in his tracks. The sound radiated from the infant, his cries drowned out the howls of Ziost with strength the Elder hadn’t heard in generations. The Elder sprinted back to the boy’s position; he grabbed up the small child and cradled the infant in his arms, a small smile appearing on his aged crimson face.

“My son, you cry out against the bitter winds that seek your life with such passion and rage, let that strength fill your breast for the rest of your days. You will live for now, Audroti.” The elder whispered into the boy’s ear, giving the child the name he would respond to for the rest of his days.

“…They are purified in the heat of conflict…”

Ever since that day Audroti had fought to survive in the harsh tribe of red skinned people known to the galaxy as “Sith Purebloods”. He would be presented to the chilling cold every day, with the threat of being left there if his cries didn’t grow louder, if his rage towards his enemy, the elements of the world around him didn’t intensify. For the first three years of his life this routine was done without fail that was until the small boy could both walk and speak. Once this hurtle had been overcome, Audroti would experience the next trial in his life, training at his father’s hand.

The boy was taught to fight as a warrior as tradition demanded, once he could walk and speak Audroti was trained by his father’s harsh hand. From the first day of this heartless training onward Audroti experienced no mercy or kindness from his father, the man taught his son to fight using the weapons the Dark Side gifted to him, his claws and his sharpened predatory teeth. He taught the young boy to command the Dark Side to feel the presences of others around him, to give him a warning before he could ambush his son at any moment and then punish him for lowering his guard. This harsh training continued for nearly a decade until the young child had almost become a young man, one capable of taking what he pleased from the weaker children of the tribe, thanks to his father’s strong guidance and harsh hand. It was that day Audroti’s father knew his son was more than prepared for what laid next, his rite to become a recognized man of the tribe and a fledgling warrior of the Dark Side.

Audroti’s father and five other fathers in the tribe held a feast for their children, two young women and four young men. The men drugged the meat that their children would consume with a strong tranquilizer; they gave the young adults strong alcohol and fed them the meat. Less than an hour once this was done all six of their children slipped into a deep sleep and the tribe took them from their homes into the deepest and darkest parts of the unforgiving wilderness with a map that led back to the village, a pack with enough supplies for the journey back, and a short prerecorded message on a small holo device.

“Only one may return.”

Children that may have once been the closest of friend instantly became the most hated of enemies as the realization of what they must do dawned on them. All six of the red skinned children glanced at one another, their predatory eyes moving from the map to a rival before returning back to their only salvation. The strongest instantly darted for the pack, hoping to rip apart whoever dared challenged them and intimidate the others into hopelessly slinking away. The weaker one waited for the strongest to bleed out and die from their grievous wounds to make their move for life. However, only one slipped from the eyes of his rivals as they competed and foolishly tore one another to shreds. Audroti waited at the mouth of a large cave, his yellow eyes fixated on the icicles that adorned the maw of the stone outcropping, they would be the key to his survival.

The young man climbed along the side of the cave to reach his weaponry, the vital instrument to his strategy for survival. After what seemed like hours he reached his goal, he stared down at the thinnest of the icicles, he would need to break it away from its holdings to utilize it and with a deep breath he leapt out towards what would become the reason he continued to breathe while it only spelt doom to his rivals. Days later only a single form would appear on the horizon of the village, an exhausted and bloodied young man, the newest defender of the tribe, and a future warrior of darkness…Audroti.

“…They are tempered through the pursuit of their passions…”

Upon returning Audroti was immediately branded on his left shoulder with the brand of his Caste by the Tribes leader, the insignia that millennia ago caused the very galaxy to tremble, the symbol of the Massassi. Searing pain brought forth the sturdiest of warriors, the most pitiless and cruel of weapons, with a hiss of flame broiling skin and stench of burning flesh Audroti was ushered into manhood within the Tribe. He had overcome his five rivals, crushing them beneath his heel and through that he had obtained victory and a new plateau of power, it was a valuable lesson to the young man one he would remember for the rest of his days.

But Audroti’s ambitions did not end with this barbaric act of murder and branding, his mind had focused in on a singular goal, an ambition Sadow once held as well, the destruction of the Light. To accomplish this goal he found himself traveling to the Sith Temple on Ziost, it was a journey that would take him several weeks to accomplish. On this journey Audroti conquered many dangers in various forms that ranged from predatory beasts, the elements around him, and at times the very ground he walked on. But none of these sway the young man from his goal, he relied fully on the Dark Side to guide him in the direction of the most potent well of its merciless energy and he soon found himself staring at Ziost’s heart of darkness in the horizon, the Sith Temple.

While entry into the Sith Academy wasn’t an easy feat, the few members of his Tribe that found themselves at Ziost’s Temple were usually ushered in without question. This was in part due to the harsh and unforgiving elimination process the Tribe practiced with their children from birth, so it was assumed any that bore the Tribe’s mark were strong enough to endure Korriban’s own destructive process. It took less than an hour for Audroti to be registered into the Academy on Korriban, he would soon become a simple prospect amongst a sea of the unworthy.

Audroti toiled for years on Korriban in attempt to impress a True Sith and fall under his or her tutelage, he dove into the ancient tombs of fallen Sith Lords, crushed rivals under his heel, completed Trial after Trial, and voraciously devoured whatever scraps of power he could obtain. However his efforts seemed to go unnoticed for the most part, to his bewilderment the True Sith seemed to choose Acolytes who were far less skilled then he was or the weak whom he had conquered in battle several times before. The young Massassi couldn’t wrap his mind around the prospect of a Sith choosing a lesser weapon, did they fear betrayal from their apprentice? Or did they seek an easily manipulated fool to become their weapon? The thought of becoming inferior to step into a new plateau of life sickened Audroti, he refused to neglect the Ancient Code in hopes of becoming the apprentice to a cowardly or obviously inferior Master.

Months after this decision was made, while on a simple seek and destroy mission with another pair of other Acolytes attempting to gain recognition from their superiors Audroti was noticed. A Sith Master by the name of Drenn Kerstasus, had requested for Audroti to appear before him to analyze the Acolyte’s skill and demeanor to determine if he was a worthy weapon. Upon his return to Korriban Audroti answered the Sith who would become his Master’s call, he faced the Master’s trials and tests, accomplishing them all without hesitation or failure, through the Acolyte’s displays of power he earned his place by Drenn’s side.

“…They are shaped by obtaining unparalleled might…”

For years Audroti trained underneath Sith Master Kerstasus, the Twi’lek Master taught the young Sith Acolyte many things about the Dark Side. He instilled a sense of pride into Audroti, he taught him what it truly meant to not only be a warrior of the Dark Side but a Sith as well. Beneath him Audroti learned to judge those who opposed the Empire, he executed those that betrayed the sovereignty of their Empress, and he destroyed those that sought to undermine the Sith Order. But more importantly Audroti learned the taste of victory in combat from his first assignment by the Sith Master, upon the mountainous ridges of Caluula.

It was there Audroti faced down his first Jedi, a young Tiss’shar Padawan by the name of Kor-Sha-Di. The young Sith had been sent to recover a cache of Imperial Weaponry and Armor that had been stolen by a misguided traitor and punish the man for selling his dignity to the Galactic Alliance and the hated Jedi filth. As it turned out the Jedi Order had expected at the very least an Imperial response and had assigned the Padawan to intercept the turncoat Imperial as he reached the border of Sith Space and ensure the man made it into Alliance territory unscathed.

Audroti and Kor-Sha-Di collided at a cavern mouth the turncoat had placed a decoy tracking beacon in, and immediately they engaged in combat. Audroti having grasped the most basic concepts of Form VII: Juyo was able to overwhelm the Padawan’s basic knowledge of Form IV: Ataru. But the young Sith did more than simple physically overwhelming the Padawan, he planted the seeds of doubt and corruption in the young Jedi and got him to embrace his more sinister nature before causing the Jedi to retreat. Although the Jedi escaped with the turncoat, Audroti was able to recover the stolen assets and return to his Master with at least a partial victory.

Shortly after the duel on Caluula Audroti was sent out yet again by his Master, this time in the company of a Corporal Sair Besand of the Imperial Stormtrooper Corps, this was a punishment for his failure to complete all the objectives on Caluula alone. The pair were sent out to eliminate a Hutt who had broken off from the rest of the Cartel and had begun to target Imperial trade vessels in his raids and sold the goods he recovered to the Galactic Alliance to fatten his already bloated bank account. It was here Audroti awed the Corporal, through his raw power and command over the Dark Side, despite his harsh indifference towards whether the man lived or died. The two were able to accomplish their allotted task and eliminate not only the Hutt but the corrupted Dark Jedi guardians he had hired as his personal guard.

Upon Audroti’s return to Korriban Kerstasus had a reward for the young Acolyte, a journal he obtained from Lady Andastre’s time as an Acolyte. Inside the journal, scrawled on the pages Audroti found a wealth of knowledge, he spent hours devouring the morsels of power the book contained and by the time he had finished studying what the journal contained he found that he was hungry for more. To satisfy this new hunger Audroti stole a small catalog from his Master which detailed the names of the Acolytes he had given the other Journals of the Dark Lady to. Audroti immediately sought out these targets, beginning with the Sithspawn known simply as 16.

The young Acolyte journeyed deep into the unforgiving wastes of Korriban, where rumors stated a tall faceless creature that matched 16’s description dwelt. Audroti entered the cave of the beast and began to vandalize his dwellings to draw out the creature, a plan which soon brought the fury of the Sithspawn down on Audroti. The many tentacled beast attempted to sway Audroti to leave both him and his home in peace, but Audroti would have nothing of it stating the first line of the ancient Sith Code as a response “Peace is a Lie” before entering combat.

The two fought bitterly, each attempting to subdue the other as quickly as possible and prove that it was their thought process was the correct manner of living as Sith. However as both Acolytes slowly became fatigued the beast attempted to shatter the Pureblood’s mind through the use of Force Insanity, however this had an unintended effect on Audroti. The images that flooded Audroti’s mind didn’t cause fear to set in, it fueled an undying Rage that allowed Audroti to surpass what would normally be his physical limitations and subdue his foe. Once this had been done Audroti carved the Sith rune for Failure into the Sithspawns blank face with the edge of his Lightsaber, leaving a scar for all to see and lorded his victory over the creature demanding that the beast address him as Master from that day forth and bow in his presence, that Sithspawn served the Sith and never became them. After this Audroti shamed his fallen opponent more by ripping his lightsaber from his grasp and keeping it as a memento of his victory and took with him the creature’s Journal of Andastre.

Soon after this Audroti ambushed another Acolyte named Aislin Kith’drel, he viciously attacked the young woman in effort to rip from her the hidden knowledge she had been given, another Journal of the Dark Lady. The young Chiss woman stood no chance against Audroti who quickly overwhelmed her meek defenses and broke her spirit. After an agonizing torture he managed to force her into revealing the whereabouts of her Journal and left her to die in front of the Academy steps, leaving no trace of his involvements.

Shortly after this Audroti was challenged by his Master’s other Apprentice to determine who was the truest of Apprentices amongst them. The pair met far from the peering eyes of the Academy Instructors, deep in the Korriban wastes the two met for the first time but Audroti had heard of this Apprentice’s failures. The haughty failure gloated the fact he had been defeated against a Padawan, he boasted in his failures and attempted to belittle Audroti’s own, the Acolyte known as Zsan Larkwud would never leave Korriban.

The foolish boy darted forward in hopes to extinguish Audroti before learning anything about his opponent, a foolish maneuver. Audroti extended a single hand and loosed a telekinetic blast sending the boy flying backwards in the direction he came from. In the time it took his lightsaber to snap and hiss to life Audroti came alongside the worthless acolyte, the red beam burned through Zsan’s body, bisecting him at the waist. The boy thanked Audroti for teaching him how foolish he was before he died and for allowing him to see the might of a true Sith, in which Audroti mocked the boy before taking his lightsaber and leaving the worms to devour his corpse.

Months later Audroti was sent out with a Crusader named Necraf to recover an ancient Sith Artifact from the barren moon known as Hades. The Imperial allies known as the Lumengius had discovered the artifact deep within the caverns of the moon and had confirmed it to be a medallion from a nearly extinct rival tribe. This object was said to instill untold fury into whoever touched it, almost as if they had become possessed by a malevolent spirit or entity. The Sith ventured into the cavern only to sense the presence of their Order’s hated enemy, the Jedi.

The pair of Sith engaged the two Jedi Knights without hesitation and at first seemed to be overwhelming the pair of them. However, Audroti’s stamina soon began to give out as he fought the first worthy opponent of his life. The young female shoved the young acolyte into the podium which stored the artifact and despite her cries to stop he grasped the medallion, instantly a long dormant bloodline awoke within him, a new voice echoed throughout his skull, the True Abomination was given life. With this new strength Audroti was able to overwhelm his opponents, forcing them to retreat leaving their lightsabers behind, which Audroti took as trophies to add to his ever growing collection. Upon returning Necraf filed an outstanding report for Audroti and gave him the credentials required to become recognized as a True Sith, a Crusader. Audroti quickly adapted to his new role with increased Power, more responsibility, but he was unprepared for a future that would forever change him.

“…They are honed through their limitless victories…”

As Audroti’s power and dominion over the Dark Side grew as did the whispers of the True Abomination, the beast slowly became more difficult to control, it’s untamed cruelty and blind aggression began to effect his own personality. Despite Audroti’s knowledge of the Sith Code, his prowess with a Lightsaber, and his understandings of the Dark Side, he found himself completely at the mercy of something far greater than he could have ever imagined. His tribe had legends of this creature that lurked under his skin, a beast forged by the Darkest of Sith Alchemy, a being that expressed the truest form of Darkness, and those that it forced itself upon for a short time became champions of the Dark Side before losing themselves to its destructive whims. This was a fate that Audroti would not tolerate, he had earned his place among the Sith with his own hands, bore the burden of a Master to obtain the Power he needed to rise to this rank, and destroyed his foes without the aid of another. Audroti set his mind to finding a weakness in the beast, finding a way to expunge this unwanted taint from his body, but in the short term he just tried to suppress its darkest desires, to end all life regardless of sex, race, or religion and to consume them.

For years the Sith Crusader researched his affliction, reading every scrap of what he once believed to be mythos but now was proven to be factual. Through his endless research he found only one host that seemed to overcome the beast this champion had managed to expunge him through what appeared to be an ancient set of armor. Audroti followed a set of clues that led him to the planet of Iktoch, with him he brought an Acolyte and former Apprentice of the (at that time) Dark Lord, Noster Eden. It was on Iktoch that Audroti hoped to find the first piece of armor to begin the ritual of expelling this beast.

To begin their quest the pair of Sith met with an ancient Iktochi Mystic who was rumored to be able to foretell the future of an individual, a Master of his race’s innate Precognition abilities. It was there that Audroti learned of the resting place of an ancient Sith Lord who had led the battle against the Republic during the Clone Wars. From what the Iktochi Mystic told of the spirit of the fallen Lord never truly left his final resting place, his hold on the Dark Side forced him to relish the glory of his final moments for all eternity, a fate befitting a Dark Side Master. Although the Mystic forced an unexpected condition on Audroti for reading the Pureblood’s fate, he had to take an outcast, a young Iktochi with him. It was a term of their transaction that Audroti begrudgingly agreed to despite believing the boy would be nothing more than dead weight.

For a the next few hours the trio travelled in silence, only stopping once to allow the Acolyte and the Prospective Acolyte to unleash their spite for one another in combat. It was there that Audroti chastised Noster for his constant seeking for a “fair fight” against a worthy adversary and his hesitation to take advantage of an obvious edge against his opponent, for that Audroti stripped Noster of his name and refused to recognize him as neither an individual or a Sith until he proved himself worthy. After the spar finished Audroti forced Noster to walk behind the Iktochi and himself as he discussed the boy’s fate on Korriban with him, that was until they arrived at the place where the Sith Lord had fallen.

Upon stepping on the ancient sands the Sith Lord’s ghost rose with a vengeance against those who dared trespass on his resting grounds. The three watched in awe as the spirit forced what remained of his skeleton to rise from the ground and retake flesh to strike down and consume the spirits of these interlopers. The trio worked together as a group to bring the fallen Lord to his knees and give him a final resting place in the Void. However, much to Audroti’s dismay he felt nothing but a sneer from the destructive Abomination within him as he touched the first piece of the armor set that he hoped would expunge the beast, it was as if the Abomination was simply mocking his efforts to rid himself of it.

Audroti returned to the village with a vengeance for the Mystic’s deceit, he unleashed his rage and fury upon the Iktochi villagers butchering them before turning his attention to the Mystic. The old man never flinched as Audroti entered his hut, he told the Pureblood that he had foreseen this moment decades ago and he was prepared to embrace his fate but he left the Pureblood with a single fortune, Audroti was looking in all the wrong places to obtain his freedom. After the Iktochi spoke those words to Audroti the young Crusader cut the elderly Mystic down, relishing in his demise as his headless corpse fell to the ground. With his thirst for vengeance quenched he returned to his ship where the two Acolytes awaited him, although Audroti didn’t have his answers he didn’t leave empty handed, he had found at least one dead end.

Months after the events of Iktoch Audroti was summoned by Sith Master Mira Albion to accompany her in a recovery mission. Audroti despised the woman; through her cruelty he had learned the basest form of Juyo as an Acolyte and how to channel his emotions to overwhelm an enemy’s defenses. While he was grateful for the knowledge she imparted to him, she had grossly underestimated the Pureblood and belittled his lineage which was an unforgivable transgression. Despite his deep seeded hatred for the woman, Audroti suppressed his murderous rage towards her for the sanctity of their mission, they were to recover and aid a long lost Barabel Sith Lord and former Warmaster known as Darth Vereor.

The pair landed on the Epsilon Eridani refueling station, where a distress beacon had been activated by a pair of Imperial spies who had claimed to have spotted a Barabel matching both Vereor’s description and Force potency. The Sith followed the scent of fear to a small cantina where a frightened chef guided them to the table the Sith Lord sat and devoured his meal. Audroti acted as a guard to Mira and Vereor as they began to discuss various pieces of information, information that was none of his concern nor did it interest the warrior in the slightest.

Audroti’s mind began to return to what the Mystic on Iktoch had told him, he had missed something in his examining of the ancient mythos. The answer seemed to both call to him as if he knew what it was and evade him at the time. Soon his mind was ripped from the thoughts and the re-reviewing of countless legends and myths by several hostile presences. Audroti reached out through the Dark Side, feeling the rage, the hatred, the murderous intent echoing through its infinite vastness. The Pureblood turned to warn his compatriots despite knowledge that they had probably felt the same sensation before he did, but this was his duty to act as a shield for his superiors.

Seconds later blaster fire ripped through the cantina, the lethal beams of energy ripped apart bystanders and left the aroma of burnt flesh and death inside the Cantina. However the Sith had remained untouched by the deadly hail of energy that had blindly ripped into the restaurant. The presence Audroti had felt made itself known in the form of a Dark Jedi Master, he called out to the Sith inside the Cantina, demanding they come out and pay for the atrocities their kind committed with their lives. The three Sith replied with swift and decisive vengeance, they butchered not only the Dark Jedi but his War droids and band of hired mercenaries as well. After the brief skirmish the trio came to a single consensus, they had overstayed their welcome on the refueling station and made their leave back into Sith territory.

A few weeks after the successful recovery of Darth Vereor, Audroti requested his presence in at a tournament he had arranged in the Lord’s honor. However, Audroti had a secret agenda behind this tournament, Audroti sought to begin courting the Dark Lord for an apprenticeship and a chance to step into a new realm of power. This chance was ruined however as the True Abomination managed to grasp hold over Audroti’s mind in excitement as the Acolyte Noster Eden almost ended the tournament between his peers prematurely. His chances were dashed as the Abomination felt Vereor interfere with the killing blows Noster sought to land on his adversaries, something that Audroti would have seen as a small oversight offended the infinite hunger of the Abomination. The beast questioned Vereor’s heritage as a Sith in hopes he could provoke the Barabel into drawing his weapon and enter martial combat, the creatures hunger blinded the rest of his senses.

Instead of entering combat the Barabel Sith Lord revealed his potency in the Force tossing both Audroti and the beast back and causing the Abomination such dread he retreated into the depths of Audroti’s mind. The Crusader came back to with a furious Sith Lord standing before him, Audroti’s own pride refused to allow anyone to know of his ailment instead Audroti suffered a public disgrace to uphold his personal dignity. The Sith Lord demanded the offense be repaid by a pound of flesh, a punishment Audroti accepted offering his first weapon, the weapon believed to carry his soul in it as the weapon to take his sword arm. Vereor accepted the Lightsaber but took his arm with a flick of his bladed tail, before beating Audroti across the face with the severed arm; his own bracer ripped right facial tendrils from his face. The sheer agony caused Audroti to lose his grip on consciousness as he faded into the depths of darkness, he felt the Abomination mocking him and gloating over ruining his chance at grasping a new form of power.

Audroti later woke in the Academy on Korriban’s infirmary; his arm severed arm had been replaced by a chrome arm that lacked synth-flesh. On his bedside sat a single Holo-recording giving him orders to report to the war front in the Galactic Alliance territory, he had been selected for an important mission. Upon arriving at the command ship Audroti was instructed that he was to lead a portion of the Sith Forces in the assault on Kaleth, which was located on the Planet of Tython and was the birthplace of both the Jedi Order and the Sith Order. Upon hearing these orders Audroti’s eyes shone with vengeance and pride, had Darth Vereor presented him with an opportunity to redeem himself?

When the Sith forces arrived on Tython’s surface they found the Jedi had set up a strong defensive position, both at the Temple, the River that fed the planet fresh water, and the Garden of Kaleth, Audroti grinned at the anticipation of settling the oldest score of all, the attempted Genocide of his people. Audroti and a thousand Sith Crusaders stood at the cliff-facing that overlooked Kaleth’s Garden less than an hour later, the forces of darkness glared down at Kaleth, he bolstered their moral further through the announcement that today they would obtain vengeance for the millennia of Jedi hunting them down and attempting to destroy their Order. After a short speech Audroti roared a battle cry and started the charge into Kaleth with the near limitless forces of Darkness following in close pursuit, only a single purpose in all of their minds, to smother out the last beacons of hope and light in the galaxy.

When the forces collided, Audroti and his entourage of elite warriors decimated Jedi ranks; he immersed himself in the relish of death and destruction causing both the Abomination and the Warrior to merge in unison for a short period of indomitable strength. As the battle raged on Audroti’s actions caught the eye of the Jedi leader, a Cathar Knight bearing pure white armor and adorned in white robes, in Audroti’s mind the Cathar signified the pillar of Light, the final stand of the Jedi, the Dark warrior was determined to crush this opponent under his heel.

The pair met in the field of battle both seeking to destroy one another and break the moral of the opposing line. Audroti’s strength and immersion in battle allowed him to slowly overwhelm his opponent and as they slowly closed into lightsaber combat from a test of Force potency Audroti unleashed the truest expression of the Dark Side, a Force Scream. The dark energy collided with the Jedi at point blank range, rupturing his ear drums and causing him to falter with a strike to Audroti’s head with his metallic claw. Instead of crushing Audroti’s skull, the claw dug deeply into Audroti’s face ripping the facial tendrils from the left side of his face and causing his own strike to jerk off course. Instead of impaling the Jedi as he intended, Audroti’s lightsaber ran through the Jedi’s flank searing his flesh and forcing the Jedi to call for a retreat, something Audroti’s agony forced him to ignore. However, even as the Jedi and the few that managed to escape the battle disappeared from sight, Audroti vowed vengeance, he would butcher that Cathar one day and rip from him all he loved or die in the process of doing so.

After the battle Audroti ordered the execution of all Jedi who refused to take up arms against their brothers through impalement on massive wooden spikes. Dozens of Jedi were slaughtered and their bodies were used to desecrate the Garden of Kaleth, ruining the Garden as a place of peace and changing the atmosphere into a place of pure agony, death, and hatred. For the first time in Audroti’s life he felt a sense of accomplishment, he had avenged his ancestors and ensured the Sith would dominate the galaxy for decades to come, victory was his as was freedom.

"...They are perfected through obtaining absolute freedom..."

The white laced winds of Ziost swirled about the outline of a darkly clad warrior, decades ago Audroti had left his home world as a boy to embark on an ancestral journey to obtain true power and to honor his tribe, and he had failed them. While Audroti had gained the power to crush his foes without hesitation or remorse, he hadn’t done it alone. The whispering voice in the back of his mind had lent him unparalleled strength but at a price that had become too much to bear, the Warrior could feel his mind slipping from him. It was this whispering voice that led Audroti to his home, to the same frozen planes that his tribe had dwelt on, this whispering voice had decided it was time to be free and it intended to press the final button. Despite his cold exterior, this creature that dwelled within him knew his inner most secrets, it knew the things that Audroti loved the most, the memories he cherished, and they all linked back to this cold desolate world. This vile creature’s final stand against its slipping jailor was simple to strip him of everything he loved, to plunge him into utter chaos and insanity, through doing so it hoped to merge their spirits and finally be free.

The tribesmen weren’t expecting what happened when they saw the form of one of their own shambling towards their home. They couldn’t have seen the slaughter of their children as they rushed out to greet a hero the tribe had told stories of. They hadn’t prepared for their own demise at the hands of one of their own, but it happened. As the children reached their hero, parents turned their heads with small approving grins plastered to their faces. That was until shrill shrieks filled the air accompanied by the sound plasma parting innocent flesh, only then did they comprehend what was going to occur. What few aged warriors the tribe could muster rushed out to meet their destroyer, but they couldn’t stand before the might of the Dark Side. Between Audroti’s deep understand of its corruptive influences and the power given to him by the beast within him all the warriors fell underneath his saber. As if he was a simple puppet on a Marionette, Audroti’s body glided forward unrelenting in its task at his hand, one by one, cut every living being within the village without mercy.

"...Only the Dark Side shall set them free."

As the darkness pulled from Audroti’s eyes he smelled the aroma of slaughter, the sounds of horrified screams of the damned still echoed on the icy winds. Alone he stood amongst the stillness of the dead, the whispers of “the Beast” that had once haunted him had all but faded from his mind as the realization that he stood alone set in upon him. It was in that moment that the Dark Juggernaut understood what he was incapable of comprehending beforehand, the Beast had never been a spirit that he relied upon, it was the Dark Side.

With this newfound revelation Audroti didn’t mourn the fate that had befallen his tribe, instead he relished in it. They had bred him for war, trained him from his youth to rely on his instincts, they had given him the tools for the destruction and he had given them the destiny that they craved. The Pureblood drew on the fading suffering that imprinted the butchering field he had created as he gave himself over fully to the Dark Side.

That day, Audroti arrived on Ziost a mere Sith Crusader, a simple Pureblood with little understanding of the Dark Side but he left the planet in tune with the Darkness. The last glimpses of Light faded from Audroti’s soul as corruption took him over and he returned to the Sith Imperium to claim his right as a Sith Master, a Lord of the Dark Side.

Audroti served his Imperium over the course of the next decade, leaving a swathe of blood and death in his wake as he devastated all who dared challenge the Imperium’s might. The Pureblood earned his place in the annals of Imperial history by leaving a scar of darkness upon the galaxy. However, as quickly as the Sith Master earned his right of ascension, he vanished from the face of the galaxy. Rumors that a tomb was constructed under the ruins of his tribe’s village and Audroti lay in stasis awaiting a true challenge to arise for him to vanquish but these rumors were never investigated. Perhaps that is where he rests, deep under the ice of Ziost awaiting a moment to return to the galaxy and destroy all who oppose our ancestors.

*Click profile Image to see Battlefront/Wartime armor variant.

Role Plays

Personal Trainings

Apprentice/Pupil Trainings
Meeting a Master [Apprentice/Pupil Training Underway]

Determination, Way of the Sarlacc: Shii-Cho [Class Underway]
Ferocity, Way of the Vornskr: Juyo [Class Underway]

Broken Disciples: Twilight Falls [Mission Underway]


Duel on Antar 4 [Duel Completed - Audroti defeated Jedi Padawan Mizchono Endo and captured him.]

[st]Assault on Clan Fett [Battle Underway][/st]

The Hound and The Serpent [Thread Complete - Audroti handed over a datapad detailing plans to Royston Spektor to present to the Dark Council. A new alliance was forged between them.]
One Monster To Another [Social Thread Underway]
Lunch Break Meetings [Social Thread Underway]
The Unexpected Invitation [Social Thread Underway]

Crusader Role Plays
Personal Trainings
Advancement of the Advanced [Personal Training Completed]

Apprentice/Pupil Trainings
The Arrival of the Force Vampire [Training Inactive, Sero is no longer on the site.]
Covering The Basics [Training Underway]
Red Sand, Red Skin [Training Underway]


Answers on Iktoch [Mission Inactive, no longer relevant to Audroti's story.]
[st]Tracking a Predator[/st] [Mission Cancelled: Gavin's Disappearance]
Stare into the Abyss [Mission Inactive, awaiting BN's post.]
[st]Nightsister Uprising[/st] [Mission Cancelled: Charli's Ban]

Blood on the Sand [Hosting Tournament: Tournament Completed. Caden Hec and Noster Eden emerged victorious.]


Legacy of Tython: Battle in the Ruins of Kaleth [Battle Completed: Audroti led the Sith Forces and conquered Kaleth, defiling it in the process.]
Acolyte Role Plays
The Korriban Cave (Completed) [Mission Results: Defeated the Sithspawn known as 16, taking both his Lightsaber and his copy of an Andastre's Journal. Then he declared himself the Master of the Sithspawn binding 16's fate to his own.]
From Mountain Tops (Completed) [Mission Results: Audroti defeated the young Jedi Initiate, claimed the ore shipment for the Empire, however the Smuggler and the Jedi escaped with the Smugglers Ship.]
Friendly Competition (Completed) [Mission Results: Audroti sliced Zsan in half, killing him and securing his rightful place as Drenn's primary Apprentice. He also took Zsan's lightsaber as his own.]
Libera me from Korriban (Inactive)

In Transit (Completed) [Training Results: Audroti learned the basics of what it means to be Sith, Learned the Power Sith Lightning, Discovered Drenn's Dream Cave.]
Foundations (In Progress)
The Price of Progress (In Progress)
Pathway to Power: Aislin's Agony (Completed) [Mission Results: Audroti broke fellow Acolyte Aislin and forcibly made her reveal the location of her Copy of Andastre's Journal which he took for himself.]
Following in Her Footsteps: Studying Andastre's Journal (Complete) [Mission Results: Audroti gained Basic Knowledge of both Force Scream and Force Barrier.]
Dueling with the Dark Lord I (In Progress)


No Crime Left Unpunished (In Progress)
Murder on Urce (Inactive due to Tommy leaving the Site)
Quarrel on Hades (Mission Completed) [Mission Results: Audroti and Necraf defeated the Jedi Knights Orphen and Rathru and obtained the Sith Medallion, which upon Audroti touching it activated his dormant bloodline and brought the "True Abomination" to life.]

Tournament Matches
I was having trouble with that @mention function, never seen a board use it before XD

[member="Coryth Elaris"]

There are more threads then the ones listed here, I can find the rest of them, it just might take some time...

We don't review or accept character apps. They're deemed automatically accepted unless Staff sees something wonky. In this forum you will see the Rank Title request thread - thats where you mention me for approval for that tag you see under people's avatars. I'm guessing you want Sith Master.

However, if you have any items that possess... extra attributes, you'll need to submit those to the Factory. If you did roleplays for those items on your other community, you may use them as transfer development threads.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"] might be able to get you acquainted with how the Factory works if you're interested in doing stuff there, or you can ask for another member to help you out.
Alrightie! I will get with him on that because his cybernetic arm had some traits to it that might need to be toned down a bit, depending upon your tech rules. His cybernetic eye was fairly standard but I had some ideas for upgrades for it that I can run by him and I can rework his armor to fit your standards as well.
Also, I don't mind that you pasted your template for your bio, but for any future characters make sure you give our template a look! We don't do stats here, just strengths and weaknesses.

Let me know if you have any questions. I understand we have quite a bit of information such as rules and lore to look over.
[member="Tefka"] Ah, alright! I apologize for that, I was so focused on making some small edits that I forgot to use your template! I will be sure to utilize it on future characters.
I might have his Cybernetic Arm and Eye not working in his first thread and I will remake them here, make him vulnerable in his first thread.

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