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Character Augustus Von Strauss

Augustus Von Strauss

SpeciesHalf-Pantoran, Human Father and Pantoran Mother
Height1.8 meters (6 ft.)
Weight89 kilograms (196 lbs)
Force SensitiveNo


Augustus Von Strauss, at first glance, is usually mistaken for Chiss, until people notice the yellow markings around his eyes and cheeks signifying his Pantoran heritage. His hair is black with the beginnings of a grey ombre, despite only being 30 (he gets it from his father). He has a lean build, but underneath his uniform is toned and quite athletic. Speaking of his uniform, it is a beautiful mesh of Imperial and Pantoran military design. The uniform color is deep purple, nearly black, but in the sunlight, it shows its 'purpleness.' Keeping with the tunic design of the Imperials, the collar is a little higher like Pantoran uniforms. Its pleated back design gives more maneuverability to the shoulders and the belt is imperial in design, but the silver buckle is traded in for more of a copper-gold color. The uniform trades the puffed-out pants of the Imperial uniform for the form-fitting Pantoran design. The tall knee-high boots are Imperial but are slightly higher in the front to give the knee more protection when kneeling. Like his father, he has a forearm-mounted datapad, but differs in holster choice for his blaster; going with a drop-leg design. (Link for Art used)



Augustus is a serious person when he is in "work" or "battle" mode, yet he is able to switch from those easily into a much more relaxed state of being. When in his "battle" mode he is able to manage stress very well, think tactically about situations and maneuvers, and can usually think on his feet, although there have been times where that wasn't enough. In his non-work modes he is an enjoyable person to be around, and all-around nice guy, except he can get a bit political when drinking. Unlike his father, he cannot hold his liquor. However, like his father, Karl, he places a huge amount of value on his crew before himself. If his ship was going down, he would make sure that every possible crew member he could save was saved before himself. If he values a friendship, he will let you call him Auggie. He truly believes in the message that the Empire of the Lost is trying to spread, "To restore order, law, and prosperity to their region of the galaxy." He idolized his father and would follow him into the fringes of known space.


Tactical Military Discipline
- Augustus grew up in a Star Destroyer and had many great teachers, including his father, who taught him how to properly use techniques to dominate his enemies, but also not to rush on the battlefield. Recently he has been flying his flag upon the Duchess attacking pirate and Alliance convoys.

Strong Sense of Duty - If you put Augustus up to a task he will do everything in his power to achieve the desired outcome.

Dashing Pilot and Officer
- Augustus is formidable behind the stick of most small craft and in the bridge of capital ships.


What are you, a Stormtrooper?
- Augustus is horrible with small arms after ten meters. He couldn't hit the broadside of a barn from the inside.

The Crew Comes First - Augustus would rather be the last and only person on a ship when it goes down. His crew comes before himself, and he would not have it any other way. This has caused a close call before, and probably many more to come.

Idolization - His Father is an idol of his, he would take a blaster bolt to the chest for him.


Augustus Von Strauss was born in 870 ABY to Karl Von Strauss and Vasmin Rhelo-Von Strauss, although his mother would not survive long after the birth. For the majority of his life he has lived on the Duchess, his father's creation and flagship. He was allowed to live as a child until he was fourteen, the same age that his father was taken to military academy, and began lessons from various officers on the Duchess and his aunt's ship Der Flugel. That being said, most of his studies were on history and all things military, though there were a few crew members that had different and fun skills that weren't needed, but were a good distraction for young Augustus. Eventually, he wanted to begin collecting experience rather than reading from second-hand accounts, which his father allowed, by allowing him to become an ensign. Naturally, he had a fast track, but he was always in a position for a minimum of two years. After he had made rank, he began studying directly under his father and aunt as their XO's.

There was a pivotal moment in his training, while on his aunt's ship Der Flugel, with his father's ships close behind, they wandered into the gaze of a large, well-organized pirate fleet. As soon as they were in firing range turbolasers began raining down on the ship. alarms began to go off left and right, the ship was taking too much damage. Even with how tough the older Imperial classes were, they weren't impervious, both he and his aunt knew that. She ordered him to start evacuation procedures and to make sure the crew got out safe and sound, which he did without question. Once all non-required crews were off-ship and heading for his father's ship, Augustus returned to the bridge right as his aunt was asking for all control to be transferred to her command chair. He knew what she was going to due, she was going to sacrifice herself for the crews of the Duchess and Anastasia. He stood beside her command chair willing to go down with her. She ordered him to go to the escape pods, and order he refused, then everything went black. His aunt stunned him and dragged him to the escape pod herself. The last thing he saw as he woke up was Der Flugel beginning to turn into a pseudo-marg sabl maneuver, before cracking into two pieces under the weight of fire from pirates. He landed on his father's ship and immediately felt the rush of hyperspace as they escaped from a battle that would have irreparably damaged the remaining ships. This is what taught him and instilled in his mind that the crew go first.

Recently, he has taken command of the Duchess, has had several successful battles, and has convinced his father to join the Empire of the Lost.

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