Little Darling

Name: Auralee May
Faction: None
Rank: Sith Acolyte
Age: 8
Species: Human
Gender: Female
Hair: Dirty Blonde
Eyes: Robin's Egg Blue
Height: 4'3"
Weight: 83 Lbs
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Status: Single (PEDO!)
Force Sensitive: Yes
Strengths & Weaknesses:
Ancient Mind- Auralee was possessed at the age of two by one of her long-dead family members. They corrupted and obtained full control over her body, making her abnormally wise and mature for her age.
Youthful Appearance- Auralee's innocent and lovely looks serve her well on many occasions.
Persuasive- Auralee's looks, as well as her sweet little voice and expert acting skills make pretty much anyone putty in her hands.
Child's Body- Though her young body has more energy than most adults, Auralee does also get tired easier. She is also considerably more fragile.
Migraines- Auralee succumbs to horrible migraines if she hasn't had a good rest in a long time. This is most likely due to the fact that her mind is too old for her body.
Physical Strength- Auralee can't take very many hits. She also can't deal very many at close range. Her specialty is using the Force to pummel enemies from a distance.

Auralee May has a face that captivates everyone that looks at her. It is a mixture of both innocence and beauty, with smooth lightly tanned skin and softened features. Her eyes are large and vibrant, holding your gaze to the point in which it is difficult to look away. Her hair falls to the small of her back, perfectly framing her face.
When first meeting Auralee, she seems to be a cute, happy child who loves candy and soft things. But if you look past the facade, you are assaulted by her true self. She might seem innocent and carefree but behind that sweeter-than-honey smile is a vile and twisted little creature. Her idea of fun is forcing candy down your throat and watching you choke while severing all the limbs off of stuffed animals and making their owners scream in horror, laughing the whole time. Yep. This little girl is a straight-up MASOCHIST.
Auralee was never a normal little girl. From a very young age, this was quite apparent. Her parents thought it was merely a phase; something she'd grow out of. And grow out of it she would: She'd move on to something even worse.
She would steal things from the neighbor kids and ruin them beyond repair before returning them. She was delighted by the squeals of the kittens she tortured. When she killed them, she liked to slip them into shoeboxes and put them on the doorsteps of the children that lived near her. It got to the point where all of the other children grew terribly afraid of Auralee. When they saw her walking down the street, they would quickly cross to the other side or turn around and take another route. This didn't bother her in the slightest. Their fear meant that she was in control.
Finally, her parents decided that it would be best if they moved. They took Auralee to Dantooine, hoping the peacefulness of the planet would have an effect on her behavior. It didn't. If anything, it enhanced it. She started broadening her horizons, capturing all manor of tiny creatures and mutilating them mercilessly for days on end.
Auralee had succeeded in scaring her parents out of their minds by then. They realized that there was nothing they could do to stop her. And oh so right they were.