Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Aurine Werr

Aurine Werr

Species Sephi Subspecies
Height1.727m (5'8")
Weight60.78kg (148lbs)
Force SensitiveUnknowingly
Home WorldFlax


Aurine is fairly tall with pale skin adorned with a fair amount of her subspecies cultural tattoos, blue eyes, and black hair. She has an okay amount of muscles when showing off arms or legs. Most people will see her wearing proper cloths befitting a CEO. Her families colors are black, blue, and gray so the uniform she wears has those, and people never see her without something family branded.


Business clothes
Blue and Black cloak
Dueling Vibroblade
Blaster Pistol (Will make a post later)
Black boots


Aurine is a curious and driven sephi, she wants to learn new things and be good at her job. She has a carefree attitude when it comes to the future, things will just be okay. She is loyal to her friends and by proxy the owners of the other two big companies from Flax. Depending on the situation Aurine will be outgoing, also depends of situation and whether or not the guards will allow interactions. She believes deeply in the family motto "From thought to reality, only action gets results."


+Good Upbringing: Raised in a wealthy family Aurine was schooled well & taught skills to run the family business.
+Quick: Faster than she should be reaction time wise vs how many years of practice she possesses.
+Intellgent: Smarter than average
+Sight: Possessing her subspecies better sight in low light.


-Young: With so few years under her belt she does not know everything by a long shot.
-Sight: More sensitive to bright lights vs regular organics.


Hailing from the world of Flax Aurine Werr has had a varied place to grow up. From its large varied volcanic mountain ranges that spring up from the ocean for the super continent, to the vast desert in their rain shadow. The Cities are on the slopes of the verdant mountain ranges above the verdant ocean. With this backdrop and the Werr Drive Yards, Tel'alith Labs & Du'Thra Engineering's combined Orbital ring low on the horizon as she grew up. Often playing in the woods with the heirs to Du'thra & Tel'alith's companies. Jumping from waterfalls into deep lakes and playing in the mountain snow are fond memories. During this time Aurine was put into the defense classes with the other kids to learn shooting, vibroblades, and some hand to hand combat as everyone did. Learning everything that was thrown at her and interacting with the Flaxax insect natives was the extent of foreign influence until she was closer to her teens.

Close to her teens her father the CEO started to take her up to the orbital shipyards and to the company headquarters on Taris. Going to Taris is what vastly broadened her horizons & experiences. The amount of alien races everywhere was amazing along with the sheer development of the planet vs the more wild Flax. Aurine was coached to not mention their home world to keep its position safe. Her teens into twenties were spent schooling, learning the family businesses, especially the shipping & security subsidiary. Aurine found the families upgraded ships & droids originally CIS blueprinted hundreds of years ago interesting. Learning the general uses of their services and their private network The Veil. From her teen into her twenties she grew comfortable upon her fathers modified recusant ship as he did business.

Three years ago everything changed, her father Thalanil Werr left on a trip and disappeared. A search was mounted and data from their private network was analyzed, but alas the ship had vanished without a trace. Aurine finished her studies while mostly running the family companies, and upon her twenty ninth birthday she graduated and was voted in as CEO. The time for building the company and finding out what happened to her father had come. It was time to move the family chess pieces on the galactic board.


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