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Approved NPC Aurora Kryze

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  • Age: 27
  • Force Sensitivity: No
  • Species: Kiffar
  • Appearance: Aurora wears a set of dark blue and gray Mandalorian armor most of the time. Beneath her armor she has pale skin and auburn colored hair. She stands at 5'07 with a slim build.
  • Weapon of Choice: Double-Bladed Darksaber
  • Combat Function: Aurora was trained to be a warrior by her family and has become a feared combatant over the years. She can hold her own in a battle but can be overwhelmed by enemies who outnumber her. She is better off in small skirmishes in close range proximity.
  • Force Abilities: N/A
  1. Trained Killer: She has been trained with many weapons and various armaments, resulting in her becoming a very skilled bounty hunter.
  2. Gear Head: She is constantly tinkering with her armor and/or weapons. She specializes at Slicing Droids and Computers as well.
  1. Paranoid: She doesn't trust anyone, let alone Mandalorians who stray from the Ways of the Children of the Watch. She wanders around the galaxy, making sure not to turn any heads or get friendly with anyone.
  2. Stubborn: She is never wrong, ever. Aurora does things her way and that'll never change, she doesn't care about the opinions of others and only focuses on whichever job she's working.

She wears a set of blue, gray and white Mandalorian armor fitted with vambraces and other gadgets. She only takes off her helmet when she's alone and practically lives in her armor.

Aurora was sold off by her parents when she was six years old. Her family needed the money and sold her so they could survive for another month. She was passed around a few pirate ships and worked to the bone for four years, thinking of her little sister Bambi to keep herself going. She worked hard and was abused by many groups of thugs before being purchased by a Mandalorian woman named Desdemona.
At the age of ten, Aurora had gotten her freedom and began training with Desdemona as a Foundling. Her mentor passed away when Aurora was twenty and she donned Desdemona's armor as a tribute to her savior.
She challenged a warrior who wielded a double-bladed Darksaber and bested the man in combat, killing him with vibro-knife to the throat. She claimed the weapon for herself and now searches the galaxy for her long lost sister.
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Ylla Caeli'runa

Bambietta Scifer Bambietta Scifer Hello! Hope you're doing well. Always love a good Mando sub and this is definitely one of them. A few things before I approve this one:

Notable Possessions | Currently, this field reads "Mandalorian power shield and..". It feels incomplete. Was there something else you wanted to add here?​
Historical Information | This field is missing at the bottom of the submission. Would you mind fleshing out the NPC's history? This could also possibly include how well she gets along with her sister.​
Please feel free to give me a tag if you've any questions/concerns or once edits are completed!
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