Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Aurora 'Rory' Tuhley

  • Species: Half Sephi - Half Mandalorian
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: 19
  • Height: 5'4"
  • Eye Color: Hazel
  • Hair Color: Redhead
  • Skin Tone: Pale
  • Face Claim: Kasumi (Dead or Alive series)
  • Name: Aurora Tuhley
  • Nickname: Rory
  • Homeworld: Thustra
  • Force Sensitivity: Yes
  • Force Rank: Padawan
  • Force Alignment: Light


  • Caution: Believing that most people have a hidden agenda, Rory refuses to trust people to easily. A trait Rory feels has kept her safe all this time.
  • Peaceful: Somewhat of a space hippy, Rory strives for Galactic peace. However she is fully aware there must sometimes be "aggressive negotiations" to help achieve this.
  • Cultural Butterfly: The races of the galaxy fascinate Rory. Learning about races and their language, culture and ever day way of life has become a hobby of hers. This passion has gifted her with friends all over the galaxy.
  • Passive: Rory can be slow to help others. This stems from her wanting to mind her own business but she could certainly be more helpful.
  • Background Voice: Rory is generally quite a quiet girl. This is a setback because she has face problems before due to not voicing her opinion.
  • Curiosity: Rory's need to learn of other races and cultures can be very dangerous. She often views them as "friendly" before knowing anything about them which can get ugly.


Rory, for the most part, is peaceful and gentle. People who have met her have noted that although she is initially very quiet, she soon blossoms into a cheerful and friendly person when her comfort levels have risen. Rory is the type of girl who will try to talk a situation down before resorting to violence, she believes if any lives are lost then it is instantly a defeat. Although her passiveness might make her seem selfish or fearful in the eyes of some, people close to her know that is not the case, Rory would happily risk her life for those close to her.


(Majorly WIP)

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Firstly sorry for the late reply. Wanted to make sure my character sheet was finished first :)

[member="Gren Reaper"]

Thank you! i am really looking forward to developing her :)

[member="Galven Solomon"]

That's good to hear! The Chiss are an awesome race.

She looks interesting. Funny thing is if Amber and Gray ever meet he will be about a foot taller than her with muscles behind the height. Dwarf the poor girl but likely to get his usual opening lines about a pretty girl
[member="Gray Watcher"] [member="Jack Raxis"] @GH-94 "Hades"

Thanks for the comments! Looking to develop this character so i am happy to rp.
Hit me up with a pm if anyone wants to and we can work something out!

[member="Viktor Alexander"]
Haha i get what you mean!



Nice Chracter! If you ever want to RP, bounty/bounty hunter and smuggler just ask

Sure i am up for some rp. hit me up with a pm if you want!

[member="Lord Mythos"]

Thank you! :) just read your character, he is amazing!


I can't say it would go well with my character. but i am still open to rp!

As a smuggler, Amber really wouldn't be a typical thug or mercenary.

Generally, for a small cut in her profits, the Black Suns would give her access to their resources, permission to operate in their territory, and other such things.

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