Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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  • Full name: Unknown
  • Preferred Name: Aurora
  • Alias: Guardian
  • Titles: None
  • Species: Unknown
  • Race: Unknown
  • Homeworld: Unknown
  • Faction(s): Independent
  • Rank(s): Independent Warrior
  • Class: Guardian, Paladin, Warrior
  • Master(s): N/A
  • Padawan(s): N/A
  • Force Sensitive: Not specified
  • Alignment: True Neutral
  • Gender: Female
  • Age: Not specified, Said to be old.
  • Height: Nine foot eight inches
  • Weight: Suspected to be around 270 pounds without the armor
  • Complexion: ​Said to be any of the near human colors
  • Eye Color: Not specified. Suspected Blue
  • Hair Color: Not specified
  • Distinguishing Marks:
  • Voice Sample: N/A
  • Appearance description: Standing well over the average height for most of the near-humans in the galaxy, Aurora is quite lean for her size. No real information about hair, eyes, or even skin tone. However, she has answered a question from Jorin about her skin tone. "Do you have a skin tone like other humans?" She responded with a nod. So it's suspected she may be of some skin type much like humans, but color, thickness, or even smoothness are unknown. She won't take her armor off, and can't really answer why.
|| Orientations ||
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexual Conduct: Asexual
  • Languages: Understands Galactic Basic, and many other languages.
  • Occupation: No form of occupation.
  • Residence: Lives in a refurbished AT-360.
|| Strengths ||
  • Frame: The large, powerful body structure of Aurora is great in stature, and very powerful. Projected to be 8-10 times stronger than the average human. It's not sure if this is from the armor, or from her natural strength.
  • Speed: Being able to move at incredible speeds, She can reach up to speeds of 70 miles per hour. Once again, not sure if aided from the suit, or is the natural skill. However, running at these speeds are difficult. Trying to stop suddenly can be dangerous, and makes it difficult to turn.
  • Unknown capabilities: It is unknown if Aurora has any form of force potential, or any other abilities due to her origins.
|| Attributes ||
  • Force Dead: One thing is clear. Aurora breaths, and sleeps. She is a living sentient being of some kind. As like the Yuuzhan Vong from their galaxy, She is force dead. Force abilities acting directly against her are reduced in damage or effectiveness. She can still take damage, but is not immune to the force. This makes it difficult to contact and talk to her as well.
  • Mute: Aurora does not talk. She clearly understands many languages that the galaxy has to offer, but cannot speak. Nods, shakes, and a very rough form of signing is all she can do for speaking to others. This makes it even more difficult with her being force dead, people can't talk to her through telepathy. She can make humming sounds, purrs, even clicks or growl sounds. But no words can form.
  • ​Armor: Aurora is always seen in her armor. It's not sure if she can even remove the armor that she wears. However, this helps, and hinders her. With her very tall frame, it's difficult to get into a home with smaller doorways, get into vehicles, and even use smaller items such as cups or utensils due to her size. However, the armor is very effective in protecting her from a wide range of weaponry. And yes, Lightsabers can cut through her armor.
|| Weaknesses ||
  • Alone: Supposedly being the only person of her kind, she is utterly alone. She doesn't have anyone to talk to, and has many difficulties getting her ideas across to others. This causes her to stay by herself and to stay away from others.
  • Teddy bear: She looks very powerful, and deadly, but she doesn't act as such. She actually hums or you could say Purrs when affection is shown towards her or others. She likes to interact with animals and children all the time. Very gentle, or at least as much as she can be, Aurora is quite the gentle giant.
  • Misunderstood: Unable to make her voice heard, or even make people understand what she may think, many people can think she is angry, or upset, when she is not.
  • Confused: She is in a galaxy she has never be a part of. She sees something that could mean no harm, but feels like it could be a threat. There have been multiple times where she has acted out of fear, and scared people, they thinking she was attacking them. She is still very much learning about this galaxy, and is cautious of everything.


A being from the same galaxy as the Yuuzhan Vong, Aurora is an unknown in every sense of the word. She had been found by a group of pirates infiltrating a Vong Ship that had been floating in dead space. They had found a distress beacon, only to see her tied up in one of the many cells. However, she was the only one of her kind. Many creatures there were of the galaxy, besides her. Clearly in pain, the electronic whines, and growls that came from here were loud enough to echo in the room, and around half of the ship. When the pirates arrives, she began to stare at them. Not making a sound.

Releasing her, she went on a rampage. Slaughtering many of the pirates before one of them, a young man by the name of Jorin, raised his hands, and sat down his weapon in front of her. Still cautious of the man, She moved fast. Grabbing the weapon from the floor, and aiming it at him. He was scared. Clearly. Some reason, she snapped the weapon over her knee, and then knelt down to the young man's level to let her blue eyes look into his. The Echani stretched out his hand. He was clearly shaking. She accepted his hand. Using her own four digit hand to shake his.

"I am Jorin. What's your name?"

She didn't respond. However, she did look around and saw the other pirates holding their weapons at her. She backed up and began to move into a rather feral feline stance. Almost as though she were ready to pounce Jorin looked around and asked them to lower the weapons. They did slowly, and as her attention came back to the young man, He offered his hand again. Moving forward, she accepted it.

Two months later, After discovering this being couldn't talk, the crew tried to come up with a name for this being. Naming off Ordo, Jax, Darren. Many names flew by when Jorin then smiled and asked her a question.

"You're a girl aren't you?"

The being nodded her head rapidly and moved towards him. kneeling down once more, taking his hand in hers, and placed it against the smooth dome of her helm. He smiled, and gave her the name Aurora.

Another month later, She joined the pirates and their troop of gathering damaged vessels, using tools to aid them. She was able to stay out and walk in space for many hours at a time. Counting well into the 6 hour mark, she would return. She was very strong, and worked hard to earn her keep among them. While most were really salvagers, they did a little piracy here and there when needed, or just for fun.

She never used blaster rifles when they were fighting though. She clearly knew how to use them. Held them right, fired them. But seemed to only use her fists, and the abilities she had at her disposal. Mostly her skill in fighting with hand to hand combat, and a projected energy and particle shield that came from her gauntlets.

As an official interpreter, Jorin was allowed to bunk with her, and over the four months of their time with them, grew rather close. However, Jorin had an accident. While salvaging, he had cut a wing from a ship, and lost control of where he was moving it. He had accidentally killed a man, and lost his job. He was thrown into space with only one hour worth of oxygen.

He hated it, and didn't want to do it, but he killed someone. As he was being thrown out, Aurora joined him in the airlock. He was taken back. Not expecting it. The both of them were sent out, and after finding an abandoned AT-360. Well, kind of. The bodies floating in space said otherwise.

Fixing it up from various other ships around them, they then made their way back into the galaxy, looking to find new work.


OOC: I know the character has a lot of unknowns, but instead of just subbing a species outright and straight away, I think it would be fun, and more enjoyable if I did an "Unknown" and "only one of it's kind" and slowly build up who the character and species is. Yes, at some point I will do a sub for her species as she and her kind are "original" I just think it would be fun, and interesting to do it this way first to get "Development" and work my way towards making the species here.

Hand to hand Combat - Proficient - Aurora is exceptional at hand to hand combat. Very nimble, fast, and strong are the deadly three. She has shown time and time again to use these skills with great prowess when fighting against the pirates that found her, and against those who fought her allies. It's clear she has some kind of formal training, of what origin it is? it is unknown.
Weaponry Skills - Adept - It is very clear she has seen technology like blasters, and lightsabers before. She understands how they work, and function, and can use them. However, she doesn't carry any with her. Its not sure if she feels that the weaponry here is beneath her, or if she just doesn't choose to use them. If need be though, its clear she can use blasters. Lightsabers? Not so much.
Swordsmanship - Adept - Using vibroswords like knives, Aurora is rather adept when using bladed weaponry. While she for the known information about her, has not used a lightsaber, her weapon skills are on part with many militaries around the galaxy. She was able to stand toe to toe with multiple of the pirates in the crew she once worked with at once with vibroswords.
Piloting - Novice - Its clear she knows how to fly ships. She can easily repair them while working with the pirates, and seemed to even know a little more than they did when she first joined. Flying one is a little difficult with the smaller cock pits, and so she lets others do the flying for her.

She currently carries no weapons

Armored Body - The armored shell that covers almost the entirety of Aurora's body is very useful to her. Other than protecting her with the plated armor, and the mesh armor that is much like the higher military grade armorweave, the plates are suspected to be Duraplast or an equivalent. It is unsure if the armor is just armor, or some kind of Exosuit meant to increase the wearer's abilities. However, it is clear that Aurora has HUD features ranging from Infrared, ultraviolet, low light, night vision, and the like. It also has a rather large energy shield that can be deployed by either arm, with a blaster weapon that can be fired as well.

Currently she has none at her disposal.

AT-360 - A ship that has been fixed up after being "abandoned by its previous owners, Jorin and Aurora have teamed up to fix it so they can return to the galaxy in search of more work. No other weapons attachments or gear has been added. Most of it was just holes that needed to be patched, and internal components that needed to be repaired.

  • Jorin - Adopted brother
  • No other family
Trivia/Misc Info
  • Aurora was named OOC wise after the Northern lights due to her blue lights on the armor.
  • Her face claim is the unknown alien from the Short ENVOY.
  • She has no voice to speak of (punny right?)
  • She is the only known member of her species.
  • She came from the same galaxy as the Yuuzhan Vong.

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