Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Cartao, Spaarti Creations Headquarters
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
Aurora Industries, a company Patricia was not at all familiar with had answered Spaarti's ad about support for their new clone army project. As of right now they were still in the growing phase, they had collected all the genetic material they needed and were starting to grow the first batch of clones. In exactly one year they would leave their cylinders as children around nine or ten years old, having basic memories of how to speak act and operate flash loaded into them. From there they would begin their training under their instructors and start the process of becoming warriors for the galaxy to beat back the Yuuzhan Vong and droid armies of many infamous groups.
So with that in mind it was best to start getting their gear ready whether it was armor and weapons to ships and other general equipment for the clones to train with. Aurora industries seemed like a pretty good company for what she was reading over and they set up a meeting on the jungle planet.
All the woman needed to do was show up and they could begin signing contracts and going over products that Spaarti had to offer as well for her corporation to use along with the obvious credits they would be throwing their way for the support the company was to offer. But to make this work money had to be coming in and flowing both ways to make sure they weren't bankrupt at the end of the day.
[member="Taeli Raaf"]
Aurora Industries, a company Patricia was not at all familiar with had answered Spaarti's ad about support for their new clone army project. As of right now they were still in the growing phase, they had collected all the genetic material they needed and were starting to grow the first batch of clones. In exactly one year they would leave their cylinders as children around nine or ten years old, having basic memories of how to speak act and operate flash loaded into them. From there they would begin their training under their instructors and start the process of becoming warriors for the galaxy to beat back the Yuuzhan Vong and droid armies of many infamous groups.
So with that in mind it was best to start getting their gear ready whether it was armor and weapons to ships and other general equipment for the clones to train with. Aurora industries seemed like a pretty good company for what she was reading over and they set up a meeting on the jungle planet.
All the woman needed to do was show up and they could begin signing contracts and going over products that Spaarti had to offer as well for her corporation to use along with the obvious credits they would be throwing their way for the support the company was to offer. But to make this work money had to be coming in and flowing both ways to make sure they weren't bankrupt at the end of the day.