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Aurren Ulgo

Aurren Ulgo


NAME: Aurren Ulgo



SPECIES: Human/Sephi Hybrid

AGE: 44

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6'2"

WEIGHT: 185lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Brown

SKIN: Caucasian/Tanned

FORCE SENSITIVE: Dead to the Force


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Being dead to the Force and disconnected from it, Aurren cannot be felt or detected through it.

+Having been trained and experienced conflict as a military officer, Aurren is skilled in conventional combat and tactics.
+Thanks to his time in noble courts, his extensive forced training and time as an unwilling assassin, Aurren is extremely dangerous in terms of subterfuge, stealth and manipulation.
+As a single combatant, Aurren is incredibly skilled and dangerous, having been called on to eliminate all manner of dangerous and exotic targets throughout his life, whether in close quarters or from afar.
-Having been cut off from the Force, Aurren's senses, both physical and emotional have been dulled, lowering his quality of life and ability to form relationships.
-Desperate to make up for the wrongs he's done and what he's committed, Aurren is almost foolhardy in his willingness to put himself on the line for others.
-His reputation, at the very least on Alderaan, leaves those predisposed to hostility or at least outward dislike towards him.

Aurren displays what coud be called a typical Nobleman's appearance. He is tall and handsome, with chiselled features while still maintaining an aura of ruggedness and experience. Despite his apparent age, he still looks closer to his mid 20s than his 40s, at least for a normal human, harkening to his alien ancestry.


Born to the noble House Ulgo on Alderaan, Aurren should have had what was considered by many to be an easy start in life. However, born to his noble mother and as it would later turn out, an alien, common father, he was considered a stranger within the home that held his own brothers and parents. With the exception of his youngest brother and mother, he was raised begrudgingly and often kept in seperate rooms or even buildings from the rest of his immediate relatives, to avoid embarrassment in front of them.

One of the few that did care for Aurren was his sister's brother, his uncle. With his name all but forgotten now, Aurren only remembers the nickname that he was given thanks to the heirloom he was later left; The Sapphire Knight. With gleaming blue armour reportedly smelted from rare Aurodium fashioned in the style of Alderaan's ancient knights and a master fighter and leader, he was considered one of House Ulgo's finest examples.

Aurren learned to behave himself, unlike his brothers. As bastard children and scandals grew to be more and more common, his parents considered whether legitimizing him would be a good option. This was even more apparent after a disastrous speeder acccident killed their youngest and oldest of their three sons, leaving only one left along with Aurren. Their last son, the worst of the lot and known to be backstabbing and incompetent, was not fit for their lands.

Planning to disinherit him, the Ulgos would never get to give the order. Walking in one day from sword practice, he found both his mother and adoptive father laying dead in their room, killed with the sword of the Sapphire Knight. His brother had both accused and arrested; The Sapphire Knight was executed, and Aurren was exiled. Exile however, was not as kind as he had hoped. After the trial, his brother simply sold him in secret to slavers, making sure he'd stay far in the Outer Rim, and more importantly, out of his way.

Being sold from master to master, he was eventually sold to some sort of alchemist; Aurren believed he was a Sith, though the old sorcerer seemed to find the idea funny. He later discovered he was bought for a specific reason; he had a connection to the force, one that the alchemist found ripe for experimentation. Aurren was subjected to years of rituals and torture. His connection to the force had been severed very early; some were to exert control over Aurren's mind, enhance him physically through dark side sorcery or simply for the old sorcerer's sadism.

After everything was complete, Aurren lived almost as thrall and a tool under the Sorcerer's command. He was used to bring in credits for assassination or simply kill those that the Sorcerer didn't like. Despite that he was aware and conscious, his mind was not his own. He learned every skill, but he did not make the choice to learn or use them. He could only retain control for seconds at a time, and only dared when out of the Sorcerer's sight. He continued to focus on these brief moments of reprieve, beginning to slowly stretch them out longer and longer.

Finally, the day came. While the Sorcerer rambled on, Aurren took control. His body was definitely his as he stabbed the old Sorcerer, again and again as he let out years of pent up rage and loss of control. When it was finally over, he was free. The Sorcerer held no control over him, or anyone. His mind however, was permanently damaged. He could barely recall who he was. Who anyone was. Names were gone, other than his own. The only thing he truly remembered was the justice he had yet to grant.

Without any hesitation, he flew to Alderaan. Much older, he found his brother, sitting in power as his bastard sons squabbled over who would inherit his lands. Rather than make a spectacle, Aurren waited until he was alone and stabbed him in the back. He didn't want anyone to see him, it had only been for him. He took his uncle's old armour, laying in the Ulgo Lord's trophy room, and left Alderaan once again. He sought redemption, away from the Jedi and the Sith. For a belief that he could fight for. Something to live for.





Crystal Calamity: Iron Empire Incursion
Operation Annihilate Blue: Dominion of Roxuli

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