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Au'Rus Rhaeyns - The Open Hand of Light

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member=""][member="Au'Rus Rhaeyns"]

The Jedi Temple's hospital, a place of depression, pain and slow healing, meant little to Boolon on an emotional level. He did his work here, as a Jedi healer and a long-lapsed medical student, and he had saved lives here, but ultimately it boiled down to work, and all the myriad emotions involved. The mild-mannered healer mopped the floor in the psych ward as a Dark Side-tainted Padawan howled inside a nearby room.

There was, at this particular point, not a great deal to be done.
Among the Jedi that lingered in the hospital, one stood out. Her clothes different from most of the Jedi, dark and brooding in appearance. Au'Rus stood at the entrance of the Jedi Hosptial clothed in her long black tunic that held purple highlights in various belts that strung across her chest and neck. Then a black cloak, that held no sleeves but long slits for her to extend her hands through. The purple haird Miraluka drifted into the hopsital.

Her eyes could see the horrors of the place. Tainted flames of the force and dimming lights of those close to perishing. It was Au'Rus' talent, or perhaps curse. She could not see people for their appearances but she could she their force images, bright or dark flames that molded into their outward appearances but also revealed their conenctions to the force. Such an overload of information can hurt the seer sometimes more so the person shown.

Turning her head she saw the force image of the Ithorian Master she had come to see. Approaching closer she passed by a Padawan in profound turmoil. The taint of Bogan was consuming his flame. Au'Rus stopped and approached the boy. It was a feeling all to familiar to her. She too was slowly being devoured by the darkness, a sith poison ran through her veins. The Padawan stopped in his struggling for a moment and froze. Au'Rus with a gentile hand rested her palm on the boy's forehead.

"Light of Ashla, protect this child." she whispered, speaking an ancient Miralukian prayer to the light-side, "Make my light his." Au'Rus' voice was gentile and motherly but held a confidence and passion to it. She could feel the Ithorian's presence and she turned to meet him. "Such a painful place, but one that holds hope in the shadows." Au'Rus bowed politely, dropping her upper body well below the Master's torso to show supreme respect, "Padawan Au'Rus Rhaeyns, humbley requests your knowledge to mend what is broken, whether in flesh or in the force."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
A long-fingered hand wrapped gently around her shoulder and raised her from her bowing posture. "Friend, I respect your respect, but I don't want anyone to bow to me. Please call me Boolon rather than Master. I won't be offended, of course; I just prefer my name. And I'm profoundly uncomfortable with authority."

The Ithorian nodded to himself. "The healer's path, after all, often requires such humility. It is so easy to get caught up in godhood when one can reshape the very fabric of another's being -- when one can save people from death. If one acquires hubris, or even a sense of entitlement or exceptionalism, mistakes can result. And they can be devastating, friend Au'Rus. Therefore I am wary of pride, or anything that might lead to it. I will teach you all I know, but as an equal."
"I understand your cautions Knight Murr." Au'Rus looked at her hands. "I have come to my state through such pride. It has lead to my body being slowly devoured by the Sith. But my connection to Ashla is far stronger than its poisons. As one who suffers from poison,I wish to save others from it." She looked towards the boy she had just prayed for.

With a sad and gentle voice she asked her mentor, "Is there nothing we can do for the boy? What dark-side abomination has illed him so?"

[ooc: sorry Im late, got busy with another character]

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
OOC/ Dude, I'm Ashin. All is well, Hiss Hiss.

IC/ "The young man was bit by a hssiss, known colloquially as a Dark Side dragon. His prognosis is good, his vitals are stable, and -- most important when dealing with such things, which walk the line between physical and spiritual affliction -- his spirit is strong. Though he sleeps in fever dream, you and I may be able to work together on his case. I hope that by comparing your poisons, I may be able to learn what I must in order to help him. May I take a sample of your blood? There are several known variants of Sith Poison -- for example, the normal weaponized version with which Jedi such as yourself are often infected, and a naturally or alchemically occurring variant which is manifest in hssiss."

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