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Au'Rus Rhaeyns

Au’Rus Rhaeyns

NAME: Au’Rus Rhaeyns
FACTION: Galactic Republic (Jedi Order)
RANK: Padawan
SPECIES: Miraluka
AGE: 22
GENDER: Female
HEIGHT: 5’ 11”
WEIGHT: 140lbs

EYES: None (No Eyes)
HAIR: Purple
SKIN: Caucasian (with strange tattoo on her forehead)


“Eyes” of Ashla:
Born a Miraluka, Au’Rus holds a powerful and innate ability to see the force. Also she can see the type of force used, as per her religious beliefs as a Miraluka she can see the force of Ashla (light) and Bogan (dark). By seeing both she can judge the force aura of a person.

Healer’s Gaze:
From birth Miraluka was taught by the Luka Sene to heal the rifts that appear in the force. Au’Rus has a special talent for mending what is “broken”. It is a skill she is most proud of.


Sacred Oath:
Due to mysterious and tragic events of her past, Au’Rus has sworn to never kill another person as long as she lives.

Poison of Bogan:
Au’Rus suffers from the afflictions of a Sith Poison she has been battling for some time. The poison from time to time will grab hold of her powers and eat away at her strength/connection to the light-side.



Not much is known of Au’Rus Rhaeyns. But what is known is that she was found in the poverty stricken levels deep beneath the upper levels of Curoscant, half dying and cold. It was quickly discovered the girl possessed a powerful connection to the force. Later upon regaining her strength she revealed that she was a Luka Sene trained force user you had left her Luka Sene Enclave home after it was destroyed by the Sith. She had come to the Jedi to “redeem herself and her actions”, but what these tragic actions were she did not reveal.

She was enrolled into the Jedi Order and has shown talent for “seeing” into the force. Furthermore, she as a raw talent for studying actions yet to happen and the strange imaginations of the future as they are guided by the force.





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