Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: Calls himself Auspex, real name unknown.

FACTION: Overmind of Project: Overmind

SPECIES: Unknown.

AGE: Unknown. Has spoken several times about events a few dozen years ago as if he had actually experienced them, so could be anywhere from 50-120 years of age.

SEX: Refers to himself as He. True gender a mystery.

HEIGHT: 1.9 Meters

WEIGHT: 120.2 Kilograms

EYES: Unknown.

HAIR: Unknown.

SKIN: Pale almost sickly white

FORCE SENSITIVE: Yes, extremely.


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :

From Understanding Comes Knowledge: Auspex is a voracious reader and learner, and seems completely capable of remembering something he only read once. Whether this is thanks to eidetic memory or some piece of technology in his armor is unknown.

From Knowledge Comes Power: Auspex is able to identify a foe's fighting style and quickly adapt to mimic or counteract this style.

From Power Comes Security: Auspex also has an intricate knowledge of the force from presumably years of training which he uses frequently in combat, yet he also uses it for random mundane things such as bringing a drink to him from across the room when he's reading, or to have a book hover and follow him around so he can read while he walks.

From Security Comes Complacency: Auspex is a traditionalist, sticking to the ways of things he has been trained in and rarely seeing a need for change, especially in the ruthless efficient bureaucracy of Project: Overmind. This also means he is quite comfortable with his current skills and is relatively inflexible when it comes to his weapon of choice, making him practically useless with a blaster.

From Complacency Comes Ignorance: His sheltered existence within Project: Overmind has caused him to not actually be all that experienced in the ways of the galaxy, thus he tends not to meddle with foreign affairs. Tending to just study them from a dispassionate and unattached point of view. This leads to a variety of difficulties such as not knowing much about a famous individual and if put into a combat situation against say.. a mandalorian, he may know nothing about how mandalorians fight and is often caught off guard while he learns this new fighting style by.. experiencing it.

From Ignorance Comes Weakness: His bookish nature and reliance on the force as a tool and a weapon has made him a rather weak although flexible individual. Although he can jog for several hours, or swim quite well, lifting heavy objects or much that requires upper body strength is quite difficult for him to accomplish.

APPEARANCE: Auspex is humanoid in stature, and carries himself as many of the humans and near-humans do. He is always clothed in a steel mask, long flowing nearly priestly robes decorated here and there with various designs, and armor underneath those robes. His hands are usually folded in his sleeves in front of him similar to a monk with his chin raised slightly. Whether this is a natural pose for him or something to portray confidence and dignity is uncertain, yet it is one of his many mysterious quirks. His hands leave his sleeves often, as he prefers hand or just generally vague gestures over speaking, yet when he does speak it is often fluent, well mannered, and elegant speech as if he is some kind of nobleman.





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