General Information:
- Name: Austin Porter
- Aliases: Foreman Porter, Mr.Porter, Porter
- Affiliation: Confederacy of Independent Systems
- Occupation: Mining Foreman, Overseer
- Species: Human
- Age: 50
- Sex: Male
- Build: Stocky, tall, broad shoulders
- Height: 6"4
- Hair: Light Brown, strands of dull grey
- Skin: White, medium complexion
- Voice: Marshal Leigh Johnson - Red Dead Redemption
- Force Sensitive: No force sensitivity
- Alignment: Neutral Good
- Positive Personality Traits: brave, caring, astute, authoritative, driven, street-smart, selfless, questions authority, introspective
- Negative Personality Traits: rebellious, uncouth, short-fuse, authoritative, deep-seated sadness, no formal education (not book smart)
- Motivations/Goals:
- Long-Term: Protect the people he cares about, secure a future for himself and his friends, retire
- Short-Term: Secure better living and working conditions for his miners and their families, run his mines efficiently and safely
- Favorite Pass-times: Card games, going to the bar for a drink, talking with his friends, especially his best friend Micah
- Relationships:
- Best-friend, right hand man: Micah Duleogy
- Mother: Mena Porter (deceased)
- Father: Jackson Porter (deceased)
- Close friends: Nelson Felgorsworth, Jeffery Negoi
- His workers
- Brother: Dan Porter, distant relationship
- Person he trusts least: Francis Lessing
- Parental Relationship: he tries not to think about his parents too much, seeing as they're dead
- Pet Peeves: Bureaucrats, self righteous people, loud chewing, interrupting conversations, people who walk and talk slow, saying "no offense" after insulting someone
- Greatest Fear: That he and his workers will forever be stuck working the mines, barely scraping out a meager existence until their deaths, tired and without connection to each other and their families
- What Perfect Happiness Looks Like: A quiet retirement, after a long and fulfilling life lived with one's family and friends
- Mannerisms: squinting often, gritting his teeth, picking at his teeth, scratching his left ear
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- (+) Days Should Speak: Austin Porter has been alive for a long time, and has seen and learnt many things that could prove useful to any who are willing to listen.
- (+) Technically Minded: Austin is technically minded, and is experienced in the use and repair of gadgets and tools.
- (+) Born Leader: Austin comes from a long line of army generals, executives, and other great leaders. It seemed that even from a young age, Austin was born to lead others, like his father, Sergeant Jackson Porter.
- (+) Brave: Austin is a brave man, and is not afraid to confront his problems head on.
- (+) Thinking Before Acting is Wisdom... Austin is able to come up with a solution and plan out of any sticky situation he may find himself in.
- (+) Caring: Despite his rough exterior, Austin is deeply caring for the people he treasures most.
- …But Acting Before Thinking is Regret: (-) Austin is wracked with guilt due to his brash decision to abandon his parents to seek riches during the Tatooine Resource Rush, and never spending time with his parents after that.
- Not A Fighter: (-) While Austin has had his fair share of fighting during his life, he is still utterly outmatched when fighting someone trained or experienced in combat, or a force user. Austin, in combat is best served as a distraction while the more combative characters work their magic.
- Rude: (-) Austin is often curt and combative when it comes to conversation with people he does not know, often insulting those he disagrees with, which can land him in trouble.
- Disrespect for Authority: (-) Despite himself being an authority, Austin possesses a deep distrust of large governments and "bureaucrats," which goes against the individualistic outlook he has on life.
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