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Approved Starship AUT/STR-01 "Egil" Droid Starfighter

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  • Intent: I don't know.
  • Image Source: Here.
  • Canon Link: Not Applicable.
  • Permissions: Not Applicable.
  • Primary Source: Not Applicable.
  • Manufacturer: Automatron.
  • Affiliation: The Lords of the Sith.
  • Market Status: Closed-Market.
  • Model: STR-01 "Egil" Droid Starfighter
  • Production: Minor.
  • Material:
    • Internal Farium Skeletal Frame
    • Ablative Laminarium Hull and Armour Plating
    • Various Starfighter and Droid Components
  • Watchful Protectors - The ‘Egir’ as it came to be known, is a weapon designed for maximum control over the vessel at all times, should they be given the opportunity. Extremely maneuverable, faster than most starfighters of its size, and all the dangers that come with it, this droid ship is not like the usual one's found in the galaxy, its brain, and neural processor are meant to give it a boost of all its actions and act accordingly. The ship uses this exceptional agility as both its defensive and its weapon, lacking in both areas respectively, as it relies only on its raw offensive power to strike down its foes.
  • A Legion - Noted of being stronger when encountered on higher numbers, the Egir despite being a worthy adversary for smaller vessels, has also the potential of being an actual threat for capital grade ships if not properly dealt with. Due to its heavy armament and highly aggressive ways, the only thoughts on this droid's mind involve destruction and death.
  • That's a bummer. - They’re entirely carrier dependent. Seeing Egil Fighters away from their owners is an uncommon sight and removes a sense of independent operations from the grand scheme of things.
  • That is very aggressive. - An continuous error kept appearing inside each unit's brain, as they slowly became infected with what could be called 'violence disease'. Where the units after much use started to take a liking on inflicting violence and causing damage, be it on others and even on their own as they can recklessly sacrifice their own brethren if that means inflicting damage.
  • Soft-Spot - Discovered quite some time after not only its production but also its distribution throughout the galaxy. The red-eye centering this unit's cockpit was discovered of being quite the fragile vulnerability for external damage, that when pierced or broke, would render this unit almost completely blind.

The last grand design created by Doctor
Jean Cariveau before his disappearance. Its creation revolved on the fact that the company's owner became highly attached to a splinter sect of the Sith Empire called Lords of the Sith, which took her on deciding to embellish her coffers with substantials amounts of money. This vessel, as informed by Lunafreya, was meant to become a symbol of ludicrous actions on those of keen eyes regarding their affairs and growing expansion in the blackness of space, while keeping enough power for keeping their enemies in check far away from their borders.

The truth behind her actions was much worse than what she would be willing to tell her peers, as the female would sell these units for any ordinary, simple-minded warlords that she could find in the galaxy. Not only in her attempt of becoming one of the richest beings alive but also for flooding the market with demand and both offer, confusing all of them as to where the source of this unit was actually from.
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