Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Autumn Delights

Opening Remarks
Please look to the spoiler tag below for more information.

A harvest festival hadn’t been an intentional thing on his part, but with the last of the first sector having been completed. Well. It made for a great excuse. The security base was where most of the traffic stopped, as there wasn’t so much yet that the small starbase couldn’t handle. Most traffic was imports, but now that they had what the current population needed, that would be light as well.

Everything was grown in, nothing looked like it hadn’t been there for scant days. And as the lights flicked on among the trees, it would soon be time for his guests to arrive. Transportation from the starbase was a simple shuttle, private vessels were parked off world. Goods likewise. Simply because it helped keep smuggling from being a problem. He decided to start the practice now, rather than later. It upset people, but once he had an actual proper starbase, well, it would just be one less thing to have to get used to.

Archenwood city was decked out with cheerful lights, natural and living decorations and every vendor was selling all kinds of good things. His guests of course shopped for free. He had sent an invitation to the Solanacea along with Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura , the Obsidian Knights with Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner included and the host of Viceroyals. His sister Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn and his lover Annasari Annasari and had already paid the vendors before hand.

From food, to clothing and even everything in between. The only thing he requested, this was a masquerade. You had to dress up as something associated with the harvest or winter. His costume was exquisitely modeled after a snow owl, right down to his mask.

As for the city? Well. As he had chosen an array of plants, all native, many things were just coming into their own as fall started. Trees were changing colors, flowers were opening. He had chosen a temperate climate next to the ocean so that, while here it would not snow, it would get cold. And each season had its own respective active plants. In fact, this city used all of the flora that had been displaced while construction was going. Every rock, every bit of soil, every scattered leaf and mound of moss.

All given a new home and everything set painstakingly with care. There were negligible emissions, hardly any waste and even with the automation of many things, used hardly any energy. He was meeting the goals he had set, all because he started them day one. He had hired people who understood the works related to his ideals and once enough heads got together, it produced everything that lay before him.

Everything he was about to share with people who, he hoped, would appreciate the work. He knew at least Vytal and Gerwald would, along with those few others he personally invited because of his bond with them. For the Viceroyalty, he hoped to show them what their worlds could have, if only tey were willing to make the hard changes necessary.

His world was ground zero for a type of building model he hoped, little by little, would be a new standard. At least, it was a goal, he doubted seriously such a thing would happen. Using this new building type also served to show him new ways for more customisation and modification. He of course was standing in position for once his guests would land so he could say a few words before opening the event.

His speech of course would be recorded and set on a holo-display for any stragglers to see if they choose. Once he was ready he looked at the gathered faces and smiled warmly. “My colleagues and friends… Welcome to my grand city of trees, Archenwood City. This is ground zero for some of the most cutting edge organic technology in the galaxy and this… This is the unveiling of phase one of my plans. The whole city is open for you, everything you buy is free of charge, from food to everything else. Sample, explore and take with you these gifts. Everything within the city has all the amenities of your sprawling metropolis, except… It is designed with the planet and people in mind.

A display flickered on above him, showing the current span of development. “You will see as you walk, bridges and walkways that travel over channels protected by transpara-shielding. These walkways keep the city out of view, but allow for wildlife to migrate and live within. The edge of the city is likewise protected along with the railways. These barriers are also designed in such a way that creatures don't blunder into them, all manner of deterrents that would be fairly long to talk about, but you will have the specifics given soon. If wildlife does manage to slip through, the sector gets a warning, displays show up of what the creature looks like and all residents are asked to seek shelter before that sector is locked down. After that surveillance and security find it, then if it needs medical aid it is rehabilitated before release. If it cannot be, it lives out its days at the Menagerie which is open for your visit should you wish.

He had a prerecorded message for those that wished to go there upon their arrival. As he had talked, the display above him had shifted to showcase what he was talking about, including drills. In fact, every month a different drill event was planned, with residents getting warning along with a description of the event. “If you have trash, please locate one of our wonderful little creatures that will eagerly eat your waste. The Abetrei are social creatures who can and will eat anything they can fit in their mouths and or bite off. These creatures were created by Vanestris Labs and as they are highly intelligent, have been specifically trained to only eat what their handlers provide. Right now those handlers are droids, but my goal is to use people in place of droids where it can be transitioned.

Brands appeared above his head, along with pictures of artists, singers, musicians and all sorts of artists and vendors. “A lot of what is available had to be imported because certain kinds of manufacturing and processing is not in any way, as it is now, good for the environment. Arbra has always been a place that has had its landmarks and scenery as what attracts visitors. If I allowed those kinds of pollutants, we would lose that. The brands shown above are those that managed to adhere to the strict guidelines and rules that I have imposed to be able to be made locally. However I also encourage local products made. It keeps down on air traffic, as you saw upon your arrival into our space the shuttle system we have in place.” He then shifted and the display disappeared. “Now. Enough of that, there is far more details you’ll have on the holo-pad you can pick up at that wonderful guide standing next to the box. I would rather just skip to the fun of answering your questions before I join this party.

He then sat down in a chair that was near him so he could sit comfortably as he answered whatever someone might ask. He wouldn’t be spending hours or so, but he expected many, most of which would be on the holo-pad.

Caedyn Arenais - Open to anyone with a connection to Vanir personally, along with guests brought from the various CIS individuals or those named, I may have forgotten some people... If you would like to have a separate location title at the top of your post they are as follows: Opening Remarks, City Exploring, Shopping, Tour and Menagerie.

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Location: Just now exiting the private shuttle with several groups of people

Wearing: This

Objective: Take part in this glorious celebration and not only partake of gifts, but present several of his own

Draconis would have his hands grip the sides of his suit coat as he stepped out of the more lavish transport. It was a far sight from the more utilitarian and much less luxurious transports of the Surric System and Military. Which on the one hand he thought was a slight waste, but on the other did appreciate the decorum and comfort being placed at a premium on this vessel. And as he stepped outside and breathed in the fresh, nay, pristine air of their surroundings his laugh would bellow to all around him, particularly the more diminutive frame of Dr. Alphonse.

"Ho ho ho ho! Good Dr. would you look about us and view this majesty!? This absolutely wondrous, nay, awe inspiring city of such beauty and splendor! Look about as those trees and other such pleasant flora to gaze thine eyes upon! What a beautiful wonderland of showcasing the absolute majesty of how a city can be when nature, technology and people combine into one absolutely grandiose display of balance and naturalism! The engineers, architects and scientists who created such a beautiful land must be exceptionally proud of such an achievement. My good man, it is good we brought our own gifts, as to leave without offering something even close to gift of being able to see these sights, as well as partake of its smells, and fruits of its labors, I say dash the thought. To do so would be a massive disservice, a colossal blunder, and insult to those who worked so hard!"

As Draconis kept droning on about how glorious everything was, Dr. Alphonse would just nod, smile and bring along a small wagon filled with various items the two had decided to bring. He'd been trying to work a way to reach the people that had been working on such a project, as their goals, Freebirds Industries and the greater Surric System were much aligned. This was to showcase the latest and greatest in nature friendly architecture, design, and technology and Dr. Alphonse felt the work they had done on Surric to be at least worthy of the attention of such an endeavor. As they had to clean up, restore, and do much conservation work to not only preserve, but restore much of the lost wildlife and wilderness that had been destroyed in the war. As such they only brought those technologies along, with a few sample materials for the scientists and techs for this great project to test alongside their own to allow for feedback and minds to discuss and share ideas. Such was how progress was made and even though Freebirds Industries was a leader in materials creation and manufacture, they were always open to new ideas. As such they'd brought along a smaller Micro Isotope-5A Reactor, some of their artificial Phrik, processors, plans of their Isotope-5A reactor system, and their latest creation of Enhanced Duraplast. These materials and technologies were but a sample to get the attention of the no doubt busy and dutiful researchers, technicians, and engineers of this world. This however would come later, as they were following their guide throughout their tour of the city.

Draconis was always stopping at stalls trying different foods and local delicacies and proclaiming with joy at the absolute master craftsmanship of the chefs and premium quality of ingredients. He so loved actually doing things like this, travelling to foreign worlds, meeting all new people and spreading love, joy and laughter, rather than the either quite dull or infuriating duties of being a Viceroy-elect. Like sitting in meetings, listening to people debate, argue, debate, argue and debate some more, just for neither side to gain anything nor any change happen. Or be randomly summoned at the last minute while he was busy actually accomplishing something quite a bit more important, and instead just was now forced to attend some rather menial meetings that were called over the most trivial of matters. But no, here he was being a joyous gentle giant, partaking of foods, unfortunately not finding any clothes that fit him, but mingling with the locals and spreading happiness, laughter and joy. He even got more than a few hearty laughs when he tried to feed one of the birds, and accidentally got his finger nipped a little with being slightly less than careful enough while feeding the creature. But this world, this beauty, it was something to behold. Draconis would feel as though a great weight had been lifted from his shoulders, the beauty and purity of this world having lifted his spirits quite a bit since his landing, and taking his stress and melting it away. To put it shortly.

Draconis was enjoying everything that was offered.

He would even awkwardly dance a little as he felt the soothing music, doing his best as to not flex too hard and shred his nice suit as he simply listened to the music and let it carry his spirits onward and ever upward. And when finally things started to settle down, and Viceroy Vanir Eris Vanir Eris seemed he was in an approachable manner, Draconis would quite boldly step forward with Dr. Alphonse, standing at full height and his booming voice carrying his words so that all could hear.

"Viceroy Eris and gathered friends, I must proclaim that this is a truly beautiful and glorious place for our fine Confederacy. And my good sir, if you'll be so kind to accept, I wish to present my own gifts for this wondrous planet to be made even more so magnificent if such a thing is even possible," Dr. Alphonse would begin laying out the items for inspection, starting with the Isotope-5A micro-reactor.

"My good sir, first and foremost, we wish to offer you the two latest creations of the Surric System and Freebirds Industries in power generation capabilities that have neither emissions, nor any type of carbon or other polluting imprint. I give you the Isotope-5A reactor system and micro-reactor. The good doctor tells me these can be custom built to supply any kind of power needs for years, allowing for your brilliant and exceptional technicians and scientists to worry less so about powering such a magnificent city, and focus of whatever other needs this glorious settlement might require. And best of all, these reactors are made to be hardy and durable, making them require no special maintenance while outperforming even the latest in standard power generation technologies. And next we have two materials for you to review my good friend," He would now hold up the Duraplast-E and Phrik-A samples.

"Two of the latest and greatest creations from our materials department, this is artificial Phrik and Enhanced Duraplast. This Phrik, while not quite as strong as the real thing, is much cheaper to produce and create, and is one of the lightest and physically strongest materials ever devised from our great confederacy. Having an absolutely absurd sheer and tensile strength, you'll be hard pressed to find a metal more sturdy, light, and durable than this. And being molecularly stable as the good doctor tells me, you won't have any issues with rust or other types of corrosion, making it a building material that will last. And next this Duraplast, made stronger, lighter, and easily moldable into whatever shape you wish for it to be, this material is extremely cheap to produce and ship to you, as if you wish I can demonstrate the weight of this standard bar," he spoke offering the material to Vanir "This will allow you to build ever higher, farther, and even be more creative with such buildings as we've made this material even compatible with three dimensional printing technology. These gifts we offer to you, oh great Viceroy of Arbra, alongside the newest innovation in processing technologies to better assist your various innovators in this glorious quest," Draconis would pause as he finished this thought and would finally finish out his speech.

"Alas though, I must say that even with these gifts that I bring, I still felt as though I have not given enough to ever repay you for an invitation to such a wondrous place. Good Viceroy, please, if you ever require anything of the Surric System, know that I shall do everything in my power to assist with such a need. There needs to be more places of such beauty, purity and natural wonder in the galaxy. I must congratulate you for completing such a magnificent city, and do wish to be allowed to return should another such occasion arise. Thank you Viceroy, you are a true friend and Confederate, and while your physical stature may be small, your intellectual might makes you truly a force for greatness in this glorious Confederacy, and none could ask for a better friend,"

He would then bow in respect to the Viceroy, before standing, and offering a hand in friendship while trying to keep small tears of joy falling down his face. He'd seen such hardship, such adversity across the years and this vacation was exactly something he'd needed for a long time. Even if it really wasn't one, and was just a visit for a day. All of the wondrous sights, smells, beautiful people, joyous music and glorious food had been a god send upon his very soul. This was such a beautiful world, and all Draconis could think that only someone with the purest of hearts and minds could create such majesty. It was artistic, it was beauty in its rawest form. And Draconis wanted to hug the Viceroy for giving him such a gift to experience, knowing he already would cherish this memory forever.

And the night was still far from over.

Word Count: 1616
TWC: 6174
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Tag: Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf
Word Count: 843

What did it mean to be free?

It was a question that had been asked by scholars of all backgrounds, affiliations, and political ideologies. It had been a question asked on countless worlds, at the crucial points in moments across history. From the days of the Old Republic to the new Confederacy of Independent Systems, and before and after, that question would still trouble beings, leaders, and the galaxy as a whole.

As of the late, it had been the subject of contentious debate across the Confederacy as well. Viceroys had begun to peel off to different political parties; the Sovereigntists, the Separatists, the Unionists, and the Aristocratics. The Aristocratics believed that freedom -- if they believed in freedom at all -- came from the wealth, benevolence, and wisdom of those who in their eyes were destined to rule. The Unionists believed that freedom and prosperity belonged solely in the power of people, away from corporate interests or unelected leaders. The Separatists believed that freedom could be found in a strong federal government.

And the Sovereigntists simply believed that freedom was found in the freedom of planets to do as they pleased.

As of late, this common belief championed by Sovereingtists -- that their Confederacy was one of Independent Systems, a statement that could be found first and foremost in the name of the Confederacy itself -- was becoming not-so-common. More and more Viceroys, inept in their judgment, were falling to the wayside and becoming mere lackeys of the Vicelord and his cronies. The most recent votes with the HERO act had cemented this belief.

The Viceroyalty were slowly becoming puppets that would allow the autocratic, inept and ultimately destructive tendencies of the Presidium. The majority of wars fought not on Confederacy soil, in conflicts that had nothing to do with the Confederacy; the handling and implementation of the CIS First mandates, a breach of power and economic stability; the weakness displayed in the terrorist incursions, outcomes that should have been impossible given the amount of credits at the armed force's disposal; and now, the brazen and rash implementation of a national currency. The Viceroyalty had been silent, or in other words compliant, to all of these matters. Only a few had chosen to raise a voice in challenge. Even fewer dared to outright defy the corruption that sat in the core of the Confederacy.

Arbra by all means was a planet that was, in galactic terms, irrelevant; it had a small population, little industry, and no significant political advantage. For those reasons, it had largely been ignored by the Confederacy. But it was a beacon of something. . . different. Ra'Katha had little wildlife, and most of it's 'natural' scenery consisted of desert and sand, inhospitable. There were little environmental concerns when it came to harvesting the rich resources of the planet of the Golden Sun, primarily because there was little environment to protect. Besides, Ra'Katha was gaining access to some of the most cutting-edge technology that the galaxy had to offer.

But Arbra had decided to move on a near-complete biosymobiotic path. The level of integration nearly reminded Bastille of the stories of the Yuuzhan Vong, the extragalactic beings who shunned technology and instead used biomechanical creations. Arbra was an experiment, that was to be sure, and its capital of Archenwood City was the largest testament to that. Not only was it designed to almost seamlessly merge with the nature around it, but for the day, everything in the city was free-of-charge. Whether this was a coy move, or simply a massive economical blunder, Bastille could not tell.

But he wasn't here to serve as economic advisor. He was here to observe, and if possible, have a conversation with Viceroy Eris, and be able to cement a beachhead on which he could establish independent thought and minds turned towards true freedom.

He was not the only one in the Viceroyal Suite that Eris had provided -- the most notable of the honored guests at the moment was Viceroy Draconis Wolf. Bastille did not have a great liking for the man, be it his apparent ineptitude in all forms of governmental administration, the way he latched onto the Vicelord and the Seperatists like a suckling Eopie while at the same time blaming the Viceroyalty for a lack of response to civil war in the Surric system, a matter and further misstep that was fully on the hands of the Presidium. It was putting it lightly that the Viceroy of Teyr was a man unfit for the job of a politician, with all the subtely and nuance of a Bvuot.

He watched in silence as the man made proclamations of greatness, both of Arbra and the Confederacy as a whole, as if he were in a state of religious fervor. Bastille was able to contain his derision, but only just. For the moment, he remained silent, content to watch the Viceroy of Teyr blunder about.

But, he suspected that sooner or later Viceroy Eris would take notice of him, and Bastille would be ready to speak when that moment came.


A small black mark began to stretch forth on the ground. As it grew longer it began to widen and soon the darkness roiled. Within seconds it transitioned to a boiling fog and then funneled upward into a column. A pale figure strode out of the darkness, which collapsed in her wake.​
There was a ship of witches that would like to see this living planet for themselves following the marked path. The Nightmother, however, had taken liberty to insert herself into the gathering with greater haste. Previously she'd been against such use of magic, but after the events involving The Eye the Nightmother felt that the spirits might need a stronger reminder why they had entered into pacts with the Witches. Too many had been complacent and content to bide their time to see how the rift played out -- which side was for their betterment. Not a terribly wise move in Vytal's opinion, and she intended to help them remember that for the future.​
After the announcement, the overly manly and yet emotional Draconic Wolf made his -- and his good Doctor's -- presence known whilst Eris had intended to answer questions about what the people saw before them. Well, Vytal didn't much mind. A city needed power and from what she'd heard of this reactor it was suitable to Eris' purposes. Then again, there were other options. Perhaps not as powerful, but then there were always tradeoffs depending on what the man aimed to accomplish with his city.​
"Impressive work, Viceroy," the Nightmother announced having closed the distance after the two announcements. "Though I wonder how you intend to reshape the entire galaxy." A small smile touched the corners of Vytal's lips. Despite his abilities, Vanir was still one man. One man in a galaxy beyond reluctant to change. Over ten thousand years and planets only grew colder, filled with metal and stone, with all the same problems to show for it. The galaxy would do better with more life in it, but how did you convince people to replace everything they'd ever known?​
Education was a start. A little demonstration such as this was a beginning. Vytal could appreciate an effort to educate the masses as it was one of the things the witches sought to do of the spiritual realm. Appeared Eris had decided to expand his efforts on the physical. She thought not less of him for it. It was important work. Balance in all things whether physical or spiritual, Life or Death in nature.​
Her eyes slid aside to regarding the broad frame of Surric. "The help of inventors such as yourself should go far in the shaping, however. Your work has made tremendous strides in reducing the footprint of technology in the world. Perhaps it can be turned toward improving conditions on less fortunate worlds as well." It was one thing to power a city such as Archenwood, and another to elevate a place such as Tatooine. And there were many worlds between those two extremes.​

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)

Opening Remarks

It would not be polite at all for the Lopara to put his face into his palm and groan, but the desire to do so was strong. The arrival of Lord Wolf was not a welcome one given how his dramatic flair usually ended up as a precursor to the removal of half his clothing. Vanir wouldn’t have minded too much, were he to find the muscle bound fanatic attractive, however that was certainly not the case. As he talked about the gifts and hoped they would be friends, the Lopara smirked. “Lord Wolf… I appreciate what you have brought, but I cannot say for sure you will decide we are friends once we cross fangs in the assembly ring. And I also decided I may need to develop a textile that even you cannot destroy so others need not be taken by surprise with your enthusiasm.

When Lord Rommer came into his line of sight he smiled broadly and stood up. “I was wondering if you’d show… What do you think of my little insignificant planet?

His words were simply a repeat of the things he knew were whispered behind his back, but no trace of bitterness could be had. In fact, he laughed at it. And then he stepped down to greet Vytal whom he gave a much warmer smile. “One step at a time teacher mine, the first was developing the organism that grew the buildings and most of the structures. Now I simply have to sell it! Which I will be setting the stage for in the coming year. Lord Wolf, the only part of your gift I will have to use elsewhere is that Duraplast. Unfortunately it is a synthetic that in large quantities will poison the land. However, my goal is an expanded starbase and space is more amenable to using synthetic materials.

One might wonder just what Vytal would be teaching the shapeshifting Viceroyal. He didn’t let on to the fact he was a force user, but he wouldn’t deny it if asked. He wasn’t sure how many within the Viceroyalty were like himself in that regard nor was he sure how the other peerage would take to it. “Lord Rommer, I took the liberty of sending one of my scientists to your planet for a survey. Your sand… Is more valuable than you realize, at least to me.

Something he was sure would confuse the man. After all, he thought there was no value in his so called barren world, but then, Vanir knew otherwise. What he lacked in flora, he did not lack in fauna, even micro-fauna. As for the sand? It was the exact composition his new organism could use and he wanted to set of exclusive rights to it so that Rommer’s land wasn’t raped and so that his little planet would rake in more income. “I haven’t forgotten about you Lord Wolf… I will be contacting you about trade if this new energy provider does what you say it does.

Sadly he did not see any of the other Viceroyalty like the elusive Daegon Corvinus Daegon Corvinus , nor his other teacher Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner , and his Jedi friend Caedyn Arenais but he was especially disappointed his sister Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn and lover Annasari Annasari had not arrived. The latter two he was especially worried over, he hadn’t seen either of them in quite a while.

Location: Opening Remarks
Tags: Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | Bastille Rommer Bastille Rommer | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura

As the vessel landed, Annasari's hands subconsciously fiddled with her dress. She was slightly nervous about the whole ordeal, given she was in CIS territory. Vanir had helped her secure passage that went unnoticed, and she gladly took the offer. The stress of the battles raging upon the Scintilla were taking their tolls on her, and she needed a moment to breathe. Anna had reasoned this would be perfect; she would get to spend much needed quality time with her lover, visit the wonderful planet he loved so dearly, and though she knew her association with the Agents made this a dangerous scenario, she hoped the mask she donned would conceal her identity from any she had met on Olanet.

As Anna made her way off the shuttle, she was greeted by a recording of Vanir, looking regal as ever. As he spoke of the work he had done on the planet, she smiled. His passion for it was obvious, and a bit infectious. When the vendors and art flashed on screen, she let out a sound of delight for some of the pieces shown. Though she had never been able to collect, craftsmanship was something she did appreciate, and something that was lacking in the unknown region.

When his speech came to a close and the small screen she watched on went black, her eyes found the stage, where Van was speaking to a few people she didn't recognize. Anna floated closer, still staying towards the back, waiting for formalities to be finished. She pointed a sheepish smile towards him as she approached, wanting to greet him without making a scene of it.
Location: Opening Remarks

When Ripley had heard of the celebration, it didn't take long for excitement to grip her. She had even bought in to the masquerade part of things, dressed to the nines in an arctic fox costume. As she exited the shuttle, she noticed the huddle of people crowding her brother. Behind the small crowd were a few holopads queued to play a video. She sauntered over and pressed the play button, where she was greeted by Van's speech. Most of the work she was familiar with, but it still managed to bring a grin to her lips. His accomplishments and the care he took for the environment of Abra was no small feat, and Ripley was truly proud of her big brothers commitment.

When the recording ended, the young padawan floated over to where the others stood, taking note of each of them. She needed to start making connections in this neck of the galaxy if she was to stick around more. Her eyes scanned each figure, before finally a lull in the conversation gave her an opportunity to greet her sibling.

"Vanir." She said with a flash of a grin. "If you wanted to see me you could have just said so, no need to tempt me with the promise of a party."
Location: With the group conversing with Vanir

Wearing: This

Objective: Take part in this glorious celebration and not only partake of gifts, but present several of his own

Draconis would smile and chuckle at Vanir's initial remarks about both them not being friends, and needing to develop clothes for his spontaneous bouts of enthusiasm.

"Why my good sir, any friend of the Confederacy is a friend of mine! You represent your people with grace and honesty being forthright, and as such I must consider you my friend even should we come to disagreements. This is because variety is such a wonderful spice of life my friend! And this world is a testament to your leadership and vision. Truly I couldn't ask for a better friend. And as for clothing I would love try on something you and your wonderful people have created,"

As Draconis looked about the various people here, he noticed a few of them in several costumes representing things. Actually, it was quite more than a few of them. Draconis had a puzzled look on his face as he was putting two and two together when it finally donned on him.

He didn't have a costume!

"OH GOOD HEAVENS! Lord Vanir I must beg humbly for your forgiveness. I don't know how I must have forgotten but I must have forgotten to get a costume! I shall look to rectify this problem at once!"

Draconis then immediately started thinking on how to rectify this issue. He'd need something and fast, something that would be amenable to such a party. Something that would fit someone of such a large stature, with such a built frame. And something that he could get done quickly. Draconis started looking about as he started looking at things, analyzing other costumes and trying to get ideas. This was a costume party and he was without proper attire, which for the Viceroy-elect was unacceptable! He continued to search and try to plan to come up with something.



Tag: Vanir Eris Vanir Eris | Draconis Sederius Wolf Draconis Sederius Wolf | Vytal Noctura Vytal Noctura | Annasari Annasari | Ripley Kühn Ripley Kühn

As the two Viceroys of Arbra and Ra'Katha came to face each other, Eris spoke up, asking what Bastille thought of his 'insignificant' planet. He could not discern if Eris asked it as a jest or in a not-so-subtle dig at his assumption of Bastille's feelings toward Arbra. And Bastille would not deign to give him a satisfactory response to either of those two motivations. Instead, he gave a light chuckle and a tip of his wine glass towards Eris as he made his way through the rest of the guests.

After a brief conversation, though, Viceroy Eris turned back. And this time what he had to say was a more of surprise; that the Viceroy had sent a survey team to Ra'Katha to conduct research of his planet's sand. Apparently, according to Eris, Ra'Katha's dunes were more valuable than Bastille realized. Ra'Katha was home to vast reserves of treasures, both physical and not, although it was funny that Eris thought he knew Bastille's own planet better than himself. He was amused by the comment, but more amused by the fact that Eris assumed his scientists could waltz onto Ra'Katha unabated. "Ah, Viceroy," Bastille said with a slightly-mocking air of regret, "You should've commed me beforehand. I'm afraid that your team likely has been. . . kept waiting as they were processed through customs. It is something that could've been easily avoided, but hopefully, they will make it through all right."

He took a sip of his liquor cooly as he eyed the Viceroy. He was not the most gracious of a host, but unlike him, Bastille did not let his dissatisfaction creep to the surface. He would wait out this party best as he could before returning to his homeworld, where there was work actually to be done. And maybe he'd make sure that Vanir Eris's survey team would be kept waiting a little longer.


"Be certain of the character of those you sell it to," Vytal warned with a small smile on her dark lips. That he sought to 'sell' it did not offend her. He was not the only magick user to use their skill in the natural world to reasonably sustain themselves. Just because they were Witches did not mean they had to sacrifice everything so others could live in a facade of peace -- such that their technology could bring them. Nevertheless, their power could be abused. Many had sought arcane secrets for their own gain, and such would easily tip the scales toward destruction. Not of a city or a planet, but of all.​
It was good to see Vanir using the land. Especially that which others found little interest. There was much untapped potential in Creation. Even if every Witch in the galaxy came together they would fall short of exploring its depths. That did not mean it was invulnerable, however. Even a god could be felled. That it required great effort, which some might deem 'impossible,' did not diminish the nature of Creation. Change was eternal.​
The Pale Witch's eyes shifted slightly toward the Jedi that soon joined them. It would make sense Vanir would reach out to their kind. His inclinations were toward their philosophy, though Vytal did not fear him being consumed by their sentimental optimism. She enjoyed learning of their ways -- as she did any other -- and held communion with them when situations allowed. Nevertheless, the galaxy was a cruel place, and it seemed the Nightsister understood this most of all. Vytal would always be there to provide that counterbalance when Vanir required it.​
As for Wolf... Well it was difficult to overlook the strong man's boisterous presence. He had a certain zeal to him and strength of heart that was admirable. While Vytal doubted he ascribed to her ways, she knew the man understood the ways of the galaxy. A champion of justice, no doubt. It was a lofty goal. Worthy of striving for. Not her way, however, of endless distraction with limitless strife to pacify, but that was why there was such a diversity in life. No one creature had to do everything.​
Then there was another Viceroy, this one from a dusty realm not too dissimilar from Ryloth. Politics she did not favor, but it would be foolish to go unaware of those around you. Bastille Rommer of Ra'Katha. One of the more tolerable politicians, but his charms were not enough to blind Vytal to his ways. A cunning male. An ambitious male.​
"I see no reason they should not," the Witch remarked. "After all, the Viceroy's aims is only to bring riches to the many worlds of the Confederacy. Surely a goal that we all aim for from the humble Custom Clerk to the mightiest of Rulers." A smile surfaced over Vytal's black lips once more as she looked over at Bastille.​

Template By: Darth Metus (Guy)

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