Delilah Keyes
How's Business?
Solomon's Pub
Del couldn't sat that she *liked* Dosuun. It was impressive, certainly. Clean lines, clean streets, beautiful architecture. Too clean. Too perfect. In Delilah's experience, anything that looked too perfect meant that it was hiding the rot farther beneath the surface. While she couldn't catch a single glimpse of it in the First Order Capital itself, it simply cemented for her that whatever it was, where ever it *did* exist.... it would be worse than the places that didn't try to hide it.
She was sitting in the back booth at Solomon's Pub, a mid tier restaurant popular with tourists and locals alike. She was dressed conservatively, aiming to blend in with the populace. The last thing she needed right now was unwanted attention. No makeup, her dark hair pulled back into a high pony tail and tied with a scarlet ribbon- her contacts indicator of just who, exactly, he'd be meeting.
Things had started to go wrong recently. Carefully laid plans unraveling, a certain rather powerful individual in the criminal underworld on her heels. While she wasn't going it as alone as usual, for this she'd refused [member="Walker Ducote"]'s help or company.
"Old business," she'd said. "Not going to drag you into it. But if it goes well, we'll have one more piece to fixing this mess we're both in."
The information on the data pad she held had been meant to be part of a pair. The war between the GA and FO had left openings for people like her. Opportunities to profit. She'd gotten wind of a particular operation, and tracked down someone who'd been there, personally. She'd paid well for the information on the black site in question, anticipating the other information she was looking for would increase this sets by an exponential factor.
Unfortunately, she hadn't counted on the strange encounter on Nubia... a close call that one. Ultimately, that strange man had been unwilling to part with the intel she needed to play both sides of this war for a hefty profit. So she had only part of what her initial plans had required, and a particular need to sell it, even without the other piece of the puzzle she'd hoped to have.
Even if all she managed was to recoup her initial lay out, she'd walk away from this meeting happy. Well, maybe not happy but satisfied certainly. If she could pull a profit from it? So much the better.
It had taken some strings pulled, favors called in and others now owed, to set up this meeting with an agent of the FOSB. Delilah had no idea just how much of the information on the data card they already had, but she was certain at least some of it was old news to them. So she hadn't offered specifics when she'd floated her offer. Just that she had information on an Alliance Black Site that had, at least once previously, held First Order personnel. She'd only given the name Del, not particularly useful if they went digging.
She had ordered a local beer, to justify her presence at the table. It wasn't particularly to her taste, but then, she didn't feel much like drinking anyway.
| [member="Jacques"] |