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Personal Armor for Ghorua the Shark, to assist in any situation he finds himself in.
Development Threads:
Phrik- Yoho! And a Bottle of Free Stuff! (note: This is using the last of the Phrik obtained in this thread)
-Will do more if necessary
Ghorua the Shark, Various Hired Technicians and Mechanics
Modified Ceta-Class Armor
Ghorua the Shark
Yes- Wrist Weaponry is interchangeable
Duraplast, Cushioned Body Glove, Elements of Phrik
65 kg
Special Features:
High-Tech Sensory Equipment in Helmet
Concealed Saber-Dart Shooters
Built-in Flame Projector
Phrik-Reinforced Shockboxing Gauntlets and Wrist Weaponry
Highly resistant to Slugthrowers and Blasters
Mildly-Resistant to Lightsabers
Life Support (30 Minutes)
Electronically-Assisted Weight-Bearing Joints
Comfy as Kark
-Sized for Greatness- This armor will fit Ghorua the Shark, and only Ghorua the Shark
-I Sense a Disturbance- The Helmet is truly high-tech, with targeting systems, sensors, and much more
-Sneaky Gadgets- This suit has a plethora of concealed weapons and dirty tricks, to allow Ghorua the upper hand.
-Comfortable- The cushy interior allows for long periods of use, although sleeping in it is not recommended.
-Sized for Awkwardness- This armor adds onto the already massive figure of Ghorua. It's tough to get through almost any doorway, thick jungles, and through tight spaces; this is a massive downside in some hunts.
-Thick-Boned- This suit is heavy. Real heavy. This means jetpacks are out of the question, and grappling hooks are a joke. Also, if traversing thin surfaces, like ice or shale, chances are it'll break.
-Have Joints, Will Travel- If the weight-bearing joints are disabled, this suit becomes difficult to wear.
-Achilles Wiring- Despite Ghorua's best efforts, the armor is extremely weak to EMP's. A simple EMP grenade will short-circuit the entire suit's functions for a short time.
In his current good fortune, Ghorua found himself with an influx of credits, and little to spend them on. In the wake of learning about [member="Lady Kay"]'s disappearance, and his suspicions that a Sith Lord was responsible, the already physically-imposing Shark knew he needed to up his game. He hired the best technicians, mechanics, and armorsmiths money could buy, and set them to work on an armor set. The project took nearly three months to complete, even with all the help.
Helmet- The most difficult part to wire up was the Helm, as Ghorua knew he needed extensive observational and combat equipment, which included:
-Infrared Scanning and Polarizing Lenses
-Voice-Activated Weapon Suite
-Voice-Activated Holonet Search
Body- The plates themselves are mostly duraplast. Due to the natural qualities of the metal, and the sheer amount used in the armor, shooting at the protected plates allows the wearer to shrug off most laser-fire and slug rounds. Like most armors, the joints and a small section of the belly are unprotected, covered only by lightly padded armor and a cushioned body glove.
All of the joints are electronically assisted, to help bear the heavy armor. If disabled, this makes the armor encumbering, but not impossible to wear, especially for a beast such as the Shark.
The suit has 30 minutes of air, and is sealed, so Ghorua could theoretically survive the vacuum of space for that amount of time, given the suit isn't breached.
Gauntlets and Boots- This is what Ghorua would call the "Bread and Butter" of the armor. The gauntlets up to the forearms are completely encased in Phrik, offering major protection against blaster fire and lightsabers. Added to this, these phrik gauntlets are Shockboxing gloves as well, and upon contact, can deliver anything between a slight tingle to a lethal shock. The gauntlets have small compartments, where various wrist-weapons can be protected by phrik, and extend out when the command is given. Under his right wrist, a small nozzle pokes out, whereupon a cord connects under his armor to his belt. This is a semi-concealed CZ wrist-mounted flame projector. With a good hit to the side of his body, the cord can be severed.
Ghorua realized that not all situations would be on the battlefield, and planned accordingly for if a negotiation went sour. Two holes dot the toes of one of his boots, and on command, these holes can prep and shoot a pair of Poison Darts. These can only fire once, however, and come as no surprise if Ghorua isn't wearing his helmet to conceal the command word.
The suit isn't without it's weaknesses.
-The added weight, although not hampering the wearer due to the weight-assisting joints, makes them much heavier. This can be used as an advantage, especially if the joints are destroyed somehow.
-The suit is extremely weak to EMP's, mostly due to the excess equipment, leaving no room for hardened circuitry. A glaring Achilles heel.
-The suit has some phrik elements, but it isn't made of phrik; therefore, strong blaster fire and a direct hit from a lightsaber will still breach most areas of the armor.
-The armor is also almost impossible to transport, and requires a dedicated area in a ship for all the parts. Being extremely large, this also means anyone being pursued can escape through tight spaces.
-Due to all the extra equipment, the air supply of the Ceta-Class armor it is based off of was cut down to a significantly smaller amount.
Primary Source: Ceta-Class Heavy Armor