As Dorsk attempted to attack the man he did not block, but instead rather rolled backwards, away from the Khommite. A nice move, rather good display of athleticism and acrobatics, as had the man demonstrated this entire match, which, as far as Dorsk 256 was concerned, was perfectly fine. Though Dorsk was not an expert on the seven forms, he did know the overlying themes and such of each. The blonde man was an obvious practitioner of Ataru, a form that emphasized speed and maneuverability. It had it's obvious advantages, but a disadvantage of the frilly flips and pretty movements was that it was very taxing, physically in it's maneuvering, and in the Force if one used it to constantly enhance oneself. He couldn't fight like this forever, but Dorsk's preferred form of Shii-Cho however, took relatively little energy, and could sustain itself for far longer. As long as this was a battle of endurance, Dorsk knew he'd likely come out on top.
And his opponent was beginning to figure that out as well it seemed, as he charged at Dorsk before jumping forward, towards and presumably over Dorsk 256. He said presumably, because Dorsk didn't waste time to watch the man as he jumped, instead ducking so as the avoid the reach of a possible strike from above, and pivoted around to his behind, where the man was going to land. He did so, on his feet no less, an impressive feat for the boy, and lead another attack, aimed at where his head used to be before he ducked. This attack however, was not another saber strike but a high-velocity kick, with a strong bit of momentum. To counter Dorsk focused himself in the Force to enhance his speed, and pounced out of his crouch to dart forward, under the highly aimed kick, and then sliced his lightsaber forward to cut at the man's leg, his only source of balance at the moment. With his momentum currently spinning around himself it would be very difficult, if not altogether impossible to dodge his strike, though there might have been some way out of it Dorsk didn't account for. In any case, this man would learn the foolishness of a spin-kick in a lightsaber duel.