Gabriel Pryce
Out of Time

NAME: Avalin
FACTION: Undetermined
RANK: Knight
SPECIES: Near-Human
AGE: This helps as a quick gauge for other writers to guess how old your character would look.
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'11"
WEIGHT: This will help writers know the size of your character.
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Dark Brown
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Athletic with good stamina
+Skilled Starfighter/Freighter pilot
-Extremely bad at Cold environments
-Can't navigate to saver her life
Relatively tall for a female near-human, Avalin is an athlete through and through. Her most defining features are the blue markings on her yes and the tattoo of the Republic's symbol on her left shoulder.
Raised within the Jedi order of the Republic for most of her life she grew up a die hard Republic citizen and loyal Jedi. After the Republic fell she joined up with several Resistance Cells. Unfortunately several Jedi schisms and a lack of credits left the young Jedi Knight homeless and fearful of what the future of the Jedi would look like. Even after the Galactic Empire defeated the One Sith the future of the Jedi was still in shambles with sects all over the Galaxy claiming to be the Jedi Order. With no structure and no further guidance she fell in with bad crowds and has lost her way.
Does your character have a personal ship? If so, describe it in moderate detail (what does it look like, what can it do, what types of weapons and engines does it have, etc.).
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
Post the links and the titles to all of your characters Role-Plays. To make things easier, post the link and name here as soon as you enter the Role-Play thread.