Republic Engineering
Artificial Intelligence

- Intent: To update and create the next generation of New Class Warships.
- Image Source: Ryan Fletcher, Consular Cruiser | Artstation.
- Canon Link: Not Applicable.
- Permissions: Subaccount.
- Primary Source: Repurposed Canon Articles, Advanced Pressor Beam Emitters, Artificial Intelligence, Avalon - Class Corvette.
- Manufacturer:
- Republic Engineering Corporation - Coruscanti Shipwright; Centax II Surface Facilities and Deep Space Installations.
- Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance - Galactic Alliance Defence Force, Closed-Market.
- Model: REC/NCMP-CC02 Avalon II - Class Corvette.
- Production: Mass Production.
- Material:
- Durasteel Hull and Armour Plating (Ablative) with Secondary Turadium Armour Plating.
- Neuranium (Anti-Scanning) Hull Liner.
- Carbon-Durasteel Skeletal Frame, with Ferrocarbon Reinforcements, and Laminanium Structural Plating.
- Heavily Reinforced Duraplast Hull Liner with Anti-Ionic Mesh (Faraday Cage.)
- Dallorian Alloy and Agrinium Panels (Where Appropriate.)
- Myoflex Heat Sinks.
- Polarized Transparent Duraplast Viewports.
- Reinforced Laser-Reflective Barbettes.
- Various Starship Components.
- Classification: Corvette (Anaxes War College Classification; Modified.)
- Role: Anti-Starfighter Corvette, Reconnaissance Vessel, Systems Patrol Vessel, Fleet Support, Aggressive Negotiations/Diplomatic Barge, Etc.
- Length: 200 Metres.
- Width: 85 Metres.
- Height: 45 Metres.
- Armament: Average Rating.
- [4] Dual Barbette Turbolaser Cannon Turrets [Stutterfire Capable.]
- [2] Dual Barbette Ion Cannon Turrets.
- [8] Automated Barbette Quad Laser Cannon Turrets.
- [2] Flexible Warhead Launch Tubes [Prow-mounted, and Fixed Forward.]
- 60 Variable Warhead Capacity [Capital-Grade.]
- [10] Automated Barbette Rotary Point Defense Cannons.
- [10] Automated Barbette Quad Point Defense Warhead Launchers
- Outfitted with Brilliant Concussion Missiles [Starfighter-Grade.]
- [10] Automated Barbette Antimissile Octets.
- Defences: Average Rating.
- Standard Reinforced, and Ablative Armour and Hull Plating.
- Honeycombed Skeletal Structure, with Internalized Anticoncussion Field Generators.
- Standard Deflector Shielding (Ray, Particle and Concussion Barriers; Overlaid.)
- Redundant Deflector Shield Emitters and Generators.
- Reinforced Ionic Shielding.
- Standard Emergency Thrusters (Chemical Propellent and Lateral Thrusters.)
- Advanced Reactionary Pressor Beam Emitters - Maximum Coverage Layout.
- Advanced EWAR, Electronic Countermeasures, Chaff, Flare Launchers, Etc.
- Standard Internal Defenses.
- (Notable Items: Turadium Blast Doors, Laser Gates, Force Field Generators, Klaxon Warning Lights and Projectors, Hyperwave Warning System, Selective Blaster Neutralizer, Rotary Autoblasters [Internally Retractable,] Etc.)
- Standard Reinforced, and Ablative Armour and Hull Plating.
- Hangar Space: Low Rating - External Docking Rings, Umbilical Connection Tubes, Etc.
- Hangar Allocations:
- Starfighters: None.
- Support Craft: None.
- Maneuverability Rating: 55 DPF - Average Rating - Integrated Lateral Thrusters.
- Speed Rating: High Rating.
- MGLT: 100 MGLT.
- Maximum Atmospheric Speed: 1,275 Km/H.
- Engine Unit(s): Ion Engines - Nine Drive Units.
- Three Primary, with Six Secondary.
- Secondary Propulsion Method: Integrated Repulsorlift Engines, with Turbofans.
- Primary Power Plant: Hypermatter Reactor.
- Secondary Power Plant(s):
- Localized Compact Fusion Reactors.
- Solar Ionization Conversion Module(s) with Retractable Agrinium Collection Arrays.
- Hyperdrive: Equipped.
- Hyperdrive Class:
- Primary: Class 1.
- Secondary: Class 8.
- Passengers:
- Thirty Soldiers - Shipboard Security Complement.
- Fourty Soldiers - Planetary Assault Platoon, Approximately.
- Crew Complement (Optimal): Sixty Officers and Enlisted Personnel, with A.I. Administration.
- Crew Complement (Skeletal): Twelve Officers and Enlisted Personnel, with A.I. Administration.
- Escape Craft: Ten Escape Pods and Four Ejectable Lifeboats.
- Cargo Capacity: 375 Metric Tonnes.
- Including Vehicles, Misc Cargo, Munitions, Fuel, Etc.
- Consumables: Six Galactic Standard Months.
- Standard Sensor Systems and Targeting Systems.
- Standard Avionics Package.
- Standard Navigation System.
- Dedicated Precision MicroJump Computer.
- Standard Life Support System.
- (Automated Barrack Deck(s,) Integrated Training Centres, Mess Halls, Recreational Facilities, Etc.)
- Trans-binary Deflector [Anti-Cosmic Radiation] and Rad-Dampening Energy Shields.
- Standard Damage and Hazard Control Systems.
- Standard Tractor and Pressor Beam Emitters.
- Standard Anti-Ion Emission Tracker (Anti-Hyperspace Tracking.)
- Standard Communication Systems, with Encrypted Military Keys.
- Standard Shift and Relativistic Shielding.
- Standard Magnetogravitic Shielding (Internal [Cargo Bays] and External [Concussion Shield Reinforcement: Particulate Debris.])
- Standard Thermal and Atmospheric-Friction Shielding.
- Standard Force Cylinder Transit Conduits.
- Standard Animated Metal Sealant, with Automated Repair Drones.
- State of the Art Internal Systems:
- Prototyper, with Innumerable Duplicators, and Synthicators.
- Molecular Furnace- Small-scale.
- Integrated Droid Brains, with Decentralized Artificial Intelligence Administration Systems (Advanced Automaton and Slaved Systems, Etc.)
- Holographic Terminal Interface(s.)
- Honeycombed Skeletal Plating, with Anticoncussion Field Generators.
- State of the Art External Systems:
- AR-08 Damage Reduction Armour Component.
- Laminanium Structural Plating, External Regenerative Properties.
- Fast-track Weapon Mountings, with Fire-linked Capabilities.
- State of the Art Countermeasures:
- Advanced Counter-Slicing Protocols and Equipment, with Quadruple Bio-hexacrypted Systems.
- Advanced Biometric Equipment, Terminal Access and Military Encryption Protocols.
- Internalized Shield Generators, and Emitters; Overlapping.
- Internalized Reactor Bulb(s.)
- Internalized Primary Command Deck.
- Selective Blaster Neutralizer - Deployment of Dampener or Anti-laser Aerosol to Select Portion(s) or throughout the Entirety of the Ship.
- Advanced and Reactionary Pressor Beam Emitters.
- Integrated Neuranium (Anti-Scanning) Hull Liner.
- Anti-Tractor Beam Shroud.
- ABC Scrambler Probes.
- Anti-Ordnance EM Probe(s.)
- Missile Deactivators.
- Animated Metal Sealant, with Automated Repair Drones.
- Highly Automated, with Animated Metal Sealant, Automated Repair Drones, and Minor Regenerative Properties.
- Reinforced Defensive Capabilities on External Emplacements, and within the Skeletal Structure.
- Advanced Countermeasure Suite; Internal and External Systems.
- Pack Hunter - Versatile Armament and Additional Corvette's can pose a Credible Threat to Larger Prey.
- Specialist of All Trades - Capable of Engaging Starfighters and Capital Ships to Various Degrees of Success.
- Heavy Automation and Networked Systems - Significantly Reduced Combat Efficacy if Disabled.
- Limited EMP and Ion Resistance; Proximity and Device Potency Dependent.
- Limited Firing Arc's - Aft Section; Engine Block (Minimal Capital-Grade Weapons.)
- Fixed Warhead Launchers - Direct Connection to Internalized Payload; Chain Detonation Possible.
- Exposed Engine Modules (Aft-Section) with Armoured Housing(s) - Immobilization Possibility.
- Minor Regenerative Properties - Minor Hull Damage can be Repaired, with Heavy Damage being Sealed. But the Warship requires Sufficient Drydock Time should the Damage be Greater.
- Lateral Thrusters - Reaction and Deployment Time Requirements; Pre-Engagement Deployment Recommendations.
- AI Rampancy Danger - Five Years without a Construct Refresh can result in Cascading Errors in Ship Administration.
The lessons of the past often influence and shape the future. Such words were the guiding star to the architects and technicians employed by Republic Engineering, as they often took the scavenged warships and hulks that populated the stars - only to reforge them anew. They believed that in taking apart the vessels of the past, that they could unlock the mysteries of their ancestors and utilize them in their warships of the modern era. There was much that they uncovered throughout the many years of their corporate and technological ascendancy, with much more that was likely on the way. The first of these advancements was pushed into service as the Third Imperial Civil War reached its zenith, and took the form of yet another New Class Modernization Program.
As the uncertainty of the future loomed on the horizon, there was a sense of proverbial excitement that permeated the Corporation. While they publicly condoned the perpetual conflict that gripped the Galaxy, they prided themselves - in secret - to contributing to the general advancement of technologies across the cosmos. For it was in a period of strife that many technological advancements were made, when periods of peace sponsor only the stagnant ideologies that inevitably lead towards the regression of civilization. Thus, as the Third Imperial Civil War would reach its inevitable zenith, Republic Engineering believed that the period after the cessation of hostilities would spell untold devastation for an unprepared Galaxy.
The Victor would undoubtedly seek to continue their conquest amongst the stars, bringing more and more systems beneath the thumb of their iteration of Imperialism.
That was an eventuality that the Corporation would not allow to happen again. When the One Sith reigned supreme, they nationalized Republic Engineering’s Core-bound assets - leaving the Company with little more than a legacy to reclaim, and a handful of credits to their name. It wouldn’t do for the past to repeat itself, especially after they had come so far in such a short period of time. Thus, as a secondary and unspoken agenda amongst the Board of Directors, Republic Engineering’s self-funded, and third-iteration of the New Class Program would seek to equip their select clientele with advanced weapons, armour, and warships. Essentially creating a bulwark against the future, and the myriad threats that loomed just beyond the star-bound horizon.
Originally designed as a refit package for their line of Corvettes, the Avalon II was pushed into service as a second generation warship - outfitted with countless advancements seen across many of their newer vessels. In some regard, the Refit Package helped shape the origins of the newest Modernization Program. Opening a door that many within the Corporation believed to be forever closed as their general focus started to shift elsewhere. With this upgraded design, the Avalon II would prove itself to be more than worthy of the legacy that its predecessor already established. A rare trait amongst warships, as more often than not, their successive generations merely added minor details in some marketing scheme to force their customers to purchase the latest design.
The first of these upgrades came in the form of a new type of skeletal structure that was forged from new materials and further enhanced by new technologies. Unlike many Spaceframe’s that populated the Galaxy, the Avalon II featured a honeycombed structure - that would allow it’s hull and armour plating to withstand more punishment inflicted upon the Craft during its operation. These capabilities were further enhanced by the integration of countless anti-concussion field generators that were woven into the skeletal structure. This recently recovered innovation would strengthen the Warship’s exterior hull through technological arcane processes - which would significantly enhance it’s durability against enemy ramships, and the countless iterations of kinetic weaponry seen across the stars.
From there, the larger and upgraded spaceframe would be outfitted with more weaponry than its previous iteration. A factor, which in turn, expanded the Corvette’s mission profile to a greater margin - granting the various Shipmasters and their Superiors a greater form of tactical flexibility on the spatial battlefield. While the original Avalon was essentially an oversized systems patrol craft with a decent selection of weapons - the second generation was a fully-fledged warship. When utilized in pack formations, the Avalon II posed a significant threat to larger vessels, and proverbial swarms of starfighters. With their mixture of anti-capital and anti-starfighter weapons, this newest generation of Republic Engineering Corvettes would become an invaluable addition to the Corporation’s clients.
After the upgraded armour and weapons, the Avalon II featured many of the internal advancements that were pioneered by the Corporation. The Warship would be integrated with a decentralized Artificial Intelligence. A digital construct that would utilize it’s vast repository of knowledge, and informative modules, to assist the Warship’s organic crew in whatever manner they deemed fit. Mostly, that option would result in streamlining the administration and operation of their Warship. Regardless of the Captain’s decision, the advancements didn’t stop there. The Avalon II was also outfitted with a selection of advanced pressor beams that would add in a wholly new defensive countermeasure - seen only on a select few warships outside of Thyrsian space.
With countless details that went unmentioned, the Avalon II would prove to be a worthy successor to the line of Corvettes produced by Republic Engineering. Perhaps, the Avalon II might not only match it’s predecessor, in every conceivable scenario, but exceed the expectations undoubtedly placed upon it by the Corporation’s clientele.
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