Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Avatar Border

I've got these two borders here that i would like to put onto my characters avatar but for some reason i can't seem to do it right. I've been tinkering with it for a minute now and keep breaking crap and having to start over so for now i'm calling it quits. Figured i'd work at it later when i am not frustrated. Basically i am trying to get a border for this image of Cinder, basically in the same crop its in now just with a border. Anyone think they can help me out? I've already got two options for borders i am rather fond of.


Thank you in advance for anyone who can help with this. Everytime it try to crop Cinders image it ruins the quality and it just looks awful...hopefully someone else can do better cause i'm not good at this kind of thing x_x.
[member="Scheherazade Roshanara"]

It's probably the fastest/simplest thing for me, and I don't know photoshop. Download Gimp and install. Open the picture you want (File > Open), then click File > Open as Layers. Choose the border you want. It should appear over your image.

Click the move tool (hover over the items on the left sidebar for names)
(side note; click Window, way to the right of File and click single window mode for ease)

Click on the edge of the border and move it around where you want it.

Then click Image (same top bar as File) and click Autocrop or Crop to Layer (forget the name)

It should crop to the border. Then you File > Export as, and there you go!

Don't worry about messing up! Scribble on it if you want! Gimp has a perfect undo option to go right back to where you were before last edit

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