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Approved Species Avel Som

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  • Name: Avel Som
  • Designation: Sentient
  • Origins: Strand-Cast in an underground laboratory on Cantonica.
  • Average Lifespan: Unknown (10,000 Years+)
  • Estimated Population: Unique
  • Description: Looks like an extremely lean, middle-aged human male with dreadlocks and a goatee. Rarely seen without his leather cowl (or at least a bandana) and goggles. Keeps a trained ebon hawk named
    Darkwing as a pet.
  • Breathes: Type I, II, III, & IV (All/None)
  • Average Height of Adults: 1.88M
  • Average Length of Adults: N/A
  • Skin color: Light Tan
  • Hair color: Charcoal Grey
  • Distinctions: Avel Som looks entirely human, with the exception of much denser and more toned muscles, despite looking outwardly scrawny. He appears as though he is malnourished, even though he cannot starve.
  • Races: N/A
  • Force Sensitivity: All
  • Rapid Regeneration of any kind of wound and Long Lifespan.
  • Dense and Durable Flesh that can even resist Lightsabers to a degree.
  • Able to alter his nervous system to either not feel pain or boost speed and agility.
  • Reckless Behavior
  • Inexperienced Due to being "Born" as an Adult.
  • Asocial personality disorder that is made worse by the not-entirely-stable blend of DNA from five different people.
  • Can either boost nervous system for extra speed/agility or dull it to ignore pain, but not both at once.
  • Diet: Omnivore. Can eat practically any kind of food. However, he doesn't actually require much sustenance, and tends to prefer going without.
  • Communication: Human-style communication - Spoken and Body Language
  • Technology level: Standard. Intelligent enough to learn how to operate most tech, especially firearms.
  • Religion/Beliefs: No religion. Believes in being free. Has a fondness for animals and avian species in particular.
  • General behavior: Avel Som generally acts like a standard human, though he can be more aggressive and reckless at times, due to the influence of the Abyssin DNA. The conflicting natures inherent within the DNA of the six individuals used also exacerbates his asocial personality disorder and even causes the occasional extreme mood swing. This can sometimes cause people to believe he has a multiple personality disorder, but it is actually closer to a tripolar disorder. He tends to prefer the presence of animals (especially his ebon hawk friend Darkwing) over people. He values freedom over anything.
Created by Dr. Mercurio Einbrüch Dr. Mercurio Einbrüch , Avel Som is a strandcast of an Engineered Variance Clone of Jango Fett (NOT the original), a human Jedi named Kanan Jarrus, an Abyssin named Quarmall (a former Jedi Master who turned to the Dark side), a Swokes Swokes named Fabswa, Durge (a male Gen'Dai bounty hunter), and Selestrine (an Icarii Queen and sorceress with precognitive powers). It was an attempt to create the ultimate immortal bioengineered super soldier.
He was "born" as an adult and had education and training uploaded directly to his brain. His brain was mostly able to adapt to this well, due the influence of the Abyssin and Gen'Dai DNA.
The underground laboratory was located on the desert planet of Cantonica. Shortly after being "born," Avel Som got hold of a revolver and went on a rampage, destroying much of the lab and escaping. A few of the DNA samples were destroyed in the process.
The mad scientist Dr. Einbrüch was the only one who knew where he obtained the DNA samples used. He would eventually take the remaining samples and attempt to create more stable strand-casts, which would result in the creation of Django Parata. This means, in a way, that Avel Som is Django Parata's older brother.
Last edited:
Srina Talon Srina Talon Fixed
Fixed broken image for both Credit and Permission.
Added one more character to the strand-cast mix (for extra flavor)
Expanded description to include extra character. Added a weakness to further detail how the nervous system altering works and to more balance the rapid regen.
Expanded behavior a little, including adding link to his ebon hawk friend.
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