Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Artistic Rendition

Bounty Commision

Commisioner: Dr. Mercurio Einbrüch Dr. Mercurio Einbrüch
Target: Avel Som Avel Som

I, Dr. Mercurio Einbrüch, am requesting for any able and willing bounty hunter or mercenary to hunt down the rogue mutant who goes by the name of Avel Som. He is to be considered extremely dangerous. I want him dead. Bring me his head, and I will reward you with one million Credits. Yes, that's 1,000,000 Credits. The one who manages to bring him in dead gets the reward, no questions asked (as long as you also don't ask questions).

I eagerly await a response.​
The mad scientist looked over the bounty contract. He nodded his head, satisfied enough to submit the request.

It had been thirteen years since his creation has destroyed his lab on Cantonica and escaped. He had put out a bounty for the strandcast then, but it had been terminated upon his arrest at the hands of Rimward Rangers for illegally operating a cloning lab and being in possession of stolen DNA samples. He cursed Avel Som for causing him to have to relocate his lab to his ship in the first place. Of course, it was his own fault he had wandered into the Rimward Trade league territory, but he never would have thought he'd be arrested in the Oter Rim of all places. He would still be in prison if it had not been for the Sith Order destroying the prison in Yumfla, allowing him to escape. And he no longer had to worry about them coming after him. He owed the Sith a big thank you for that.

But it would certainly be difficult to get his operations back up and running. He had lost everything. Everything except his creations that were still out there in the Galaxy. And his prize, his most ambitious creation had been Avel Som. He didn't actually want the creature dead. No, he wanted to test it, like any good creator would. If the experiment had been successful, then there was no possible way for anyone to successfully claim the bounty. If it failed and Avel Som was killed, at least he'd be able to get the DNA samples back from the body. Of course, he didn't actually have the one million promised, but he would worry about that if it came to it. He was confident it wouldn't.

This bounty is an IC reason to have people come after Avel Som Avel Som and have him basically start hating the Galaxy at large, pushing him to the Dark Side (I eventually want him to join the Sith Order with a skewed view that they're actually the good guys).

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