Aven Blanc
I'm not Jon Snow... I know stuff.

NAME: Aven Blanc
RANK: Iceman
SPECIES: Arkanian/Hapan
AGE: 23
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5'6"
WEIGHT: 60kg
EYES: Ice-Blue
HAIR: White
SKIN: Pale
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
(+) I will cut you, motherkarker - Aven's been training with that sword of his since he was little. Something about being part of a survivalist cult that lives on a frozen planet made him do it.
(+) Staying Frosty - This little man loves the cold and ice so much he learned to control it, to a point. His favorite construct is a dragon made of ice.
(-) Do I have a temperature? - He hates the heat. It makes him nauseous and dizzy unless he constantly re-freezes himself. That's a lot of work.
(-) Sugar addiction - He'd never had much in the way of sugary foods before, and his one taste on Naboo has sent him into a bit of a craze. At least it's just sugar, I guess.
(-) Who needs 'em? - The Hailstorm was a brotherhood. Basically, Aven's had very little contact with girls or women his age. He's pretty distrustful of them, as a whole.
Aven normally wears black, a throwback to his days in the absolute freezing weather of Hoth. He's pretty short compared to other people, and he knows it. On the other hand, though, he's pretty handsome when he dresses up.
BIOGRAPHY: (Red = Unknown to Aven, Green = Known only to him, This Color = Known Publicly)
Aven Blanc was not born on Hoth. He was born to an Arkanian princess and her Hapan courtier. It's unknown why the ship that carried the three-year-old princeling crashed into Hoth, but what is known is that there was a bounty for his return for several years. It was eventually abandoned because nobody ever actually found the little guy.
Unknown to the galaxy, a high-ranking member of the survivalist cult called the Hailstorm Brotherhood found the little boy and his guards near-dead in what was left of their ship. Killing the guards, the man took the boy and fled. One day, on their way back to the main camp, little Aven crawled away from his rescuer, Tek, and burrowed into a snow drift. By the time Tek found him, the boy was covered in a sheet of ice and giggling happily to himself.
Five years after that incident, Aven came running to Tek with a ball of snow that had formed a perfect sphere. When he was asked, he said that the ball had just popped out of the snow as soon as he thought about it. That was strange. What was even stranger was that, when they opened the snowball, it had a perfect sphere of ice inside it. When Aven touched the ice, his whole body covered itself in a sheet of blue ice, harder than the stone that their home was made out of.
Stolen Protectorate Fighter (TBD)